
Sep 22, 2009

COADE Releases CADWorx Plant Design Suite 2010 with Support for AutoCAD 2010 Plus Other Enhancements

HOUSTON : COADE announced today the release of CADWorx Plant Design Suite 2010, with support for AutoCAD 2010 in both 32-bit and 64-bit versions plus new capabilities such as a new pipe support modeler for user-defined intelligent pipe supports, an ISOGEN Version 9.3 update, several new steel shapes, import and export capabilities for 32-bit CIS/2 format files, and a new feature that allows you to create a steel model from external live database information.

Other new features for enhancing plant design productivity and collaboration include an ANSI flange look-up table and insulation feature in COADE CADWorx Equipment and several new capabilities in CADWorx P&ID Professional for producing process and instrumentation diagrams, such as tools to selectively match values of database columns from components selected and tools to select database values inherited from the process line during component selection.