
Sep 23, 2009

MWH Soft Releases InfoWater MSX

Broomfield, Colorado: MWH Soft, a provider of environmental and water resources applications software, today announced the worldwide availability of InfoWater MSX, a state-of-the-art software for simulating and designing reaction systems at any level of complexity. The product is an extension for InfoWater, the standard in GIS-integrated water distribution modeling and management software.

While there are a number of commercial programs for modeling the hydraulic and water quality behavior of drinking water distribution systems, their water quality components are limited to a certain number of fixed kinetic models, and can only track the transport and fate of a single chemical species such as fluoride or free chlorine. InfoWater MSX equips utilities with unprecedented power to model multi-source, multi-quality systems and accurately assess the fate and transport of contaminant threats within them to best safeguard public health.

This breakthrough software enables engineers to accurately model very complex reaction schemes between multiple chemical and biological species in water distribution piping systems, both in the bulk flow and at the pipe wall. This structure gives users the flexibility to model a wide range of important chemical reactions including free chlorine loss, formation of disinfection byproducts, nitrification dynamics, disinfectant residuals, pathogen inactivation, chloramine decomposition, and adsorption on pipe walls.

The program allows users to input any mathematical models of physical, chemical, and biological reactions in the bulk water and on pipe surfaces. It also accepts any number of user-specified parameters and cross-dependent or independent formulas for process models. These capabilities give users unprecedented flexibility in accurately modeling individual or combined kinetics in drinking water distribution systems for improved water quality maintenance and management.

In addition, InfoWater MSX can be effectively used to track the movement, fate and buildup of particulate material in the distribution system. It considers both settling of particles under gravity and deposition of particles on the pipe walls due to particle/pipe surface attractive forces. This feature can greatly assist water utilities in improving distribution design to minimize dirty water, thus forging closer ties with their customers.

“InfoWater MSX is a revolutionary product that mainstreams a host of new, highly advanced and unique modeling capabilities for distribution systems water quality and sediment transport,” said Paul F. Boulos, Ph.D, Hon.D.WRE, President and COO of MWH Soft. “We’ve combined the best innovations by MWH Soft’s R&D with requests by our customers to create one of the most significant product releases in our history. By giving water utility engineers easy access to comprehensive, leading edge water quality modeling tools like this one, we can enhance their ability to consistently design and operate safe and reliable drinking water infrastructures and effectively protect public health.”

InfoWater MSX is available immediately by subscription worldwide. Prices start at $5,000. Existing InfoWater, InfoWater Suite, and InfoWater Executive Suite users can upgrade at a discounted price. Upgrade prices start at $1,000.