
Aug 28, 2009

COADE Schedules CAESAR II Pipe Stress Analysis Statics Training for September 14-18 in Houston

HOUSTON - COADE announced that the next CAESAR II Statics pipe stress analysis training course will be on September 14-18, 2009, in Houston, Texas. Designed for managers, engineers and designers involved in piping design and stress analysis and held in COADE's state-of-the-art facilities, the course provides attendees with real world knowledge of static pipe stress analysis as well as how to use CAESAR II for cost effective piping design.

Course contents include piping code requirements for piping models, interpreting results for piping layout design, buried pipe and pipeline analysis, fatigue evaluation, wind and seismic loads, wave and current loads for offshore, and much more. As an added bonus, attendees will receive 3.5 Continuing Education Units upon completion of the course.

Course information and registration forms can be found at http://www.coade.com/caesariiCourses.aspx.