Advanced Acoustic Concepts Uses Serena Business Mashups to Speed Time to Market by 80 Percent and Run Compliance Reports with Just One Keystroke.
REDWOOD CITY - The business of submarine technology is constantly evolving and Advanced Acoustic Concepts (AAC) must stay steps ahead in its role as a lead contractor for the U.S. Navy Surface Ship Torpedo Defense program. With its workforce spread across the country, AAC needed to consolidate multiple departmental tools into a single application while improving collaboration and minimizing miscommunication.
Serena's Lean Business Process Management (BPM) solution allowed AAC to control the cost and efficiency of its software development resources and ease the burden of frequent ISO and CMMI recertification. Serena helps AAC better manage software development, hardware operations, contract management, program management and purchasing.
AAC has been able to:
* Bring new software applications to market 80 percent faster.
* Boost efficiency 50 percent through better collaboration from beginning to end.
* Set auto-alerts to notify the right people of calibration deadlines.
* Ensure compliance through automatic tracking of contracts and proposals.
* See what's really going on across the infrastructure, on the micro and macro levels.
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