
Aug 13, 2009

RAND Worldwide Releases the Advanced Data Migration Import Tool (ADMIT) Version 2.4

WALTHAM, Mass - RAND Worldwide announced today that its Professional Services division launched an enhanced version of the Advanced Data Migration Import Tool (ADMIT).

The import of large amounts of electronic data into a Product Lifecycle Management system is a challenging task. Accuracy must be measured in order to assure data integrity. A majority of the time spent performing the Data Migration is expended on trying to manually attain and measure the accuracy of the migrated data. Utilizing the expertise from our dedicated team of knowledgeable PLM specialists, coupled with our proficiency in hardware and networking, RAND Worldwide created the ADMIT utility to help alleviate the challenges and time spent tackling electronic data migration, ensuring accuracy and traceability.

Developed specifically for our clients utilizing Dassault Systemes’ ENOVIA SmarTeam software, the ADMIT utility enables users to address the complete scope of Data Migration. ADMIT functionally supports the development of a comprehensive Data Migration plan, including documentation, definition, testing, and measurement of the results. The out-of-the box advanced technology reduces migration time and effort, while improving accuracy through automating and recording the results/progress.

The key enhancements of the ADMIT utility include:

* The ability to update Primary Key attributes using virtual fields
* Saves screen visual settings (column widths, sort orders, etc.)
* Ability to update objects searching on non-Primary Key fields (e.g. update by Part Number)
* Ability to generate file names from both object attribute values and data input fields
* Enhanced error reporting
* Added ability to generate Mappings Report and Statistics Report to MS Excel, MS Word or Text files
* Improved handling of mapping the File Type field if several overlapping methods are used in an import job
* Added ability for future data import jobs operating on a TDM_ID value generated by an earlier import job

“You really need to have experienced the difficulties of using the traditional import tools to truly appreciate the value of RAND Worldwide’s ADMIT utility,” said Amy Mueller, MIS Engineer, Toyota Industrial Equipment Manufacturing. “It ensured our data migration was a fast, easy, accurate, and most importantly a traceable import of our flat file legacy data.”