
Aug 18, 2009

Registration Now Open for CAD Midwest Technology Expo

Mid-West CAD Inc., an Autodesk Premier Solutions Provider serving the Midwest, today announced the 11th annual CAD Midwest Technology Expo, September 22nd at the Unity Village Conference Center near Kansas City.

Explore the latest design automation tools, trends, and challenges affecting the CAD industry today with over 30 sessions to advance your knowledge including: hands-on-labs, software demonstrations, user best practices and tips & tricks presented by Autodesk and Mid-West CAD technical staff including national speakers: Lucy Kuhns and Ken Stowe.

Call 816.525.5767 or 800.279.3221 and Register by 9/4/09 to be entered into the Early Bird drawing to win a $100 cash prize.

“’Results thru Productivity’ is our motto,” said Roger Roberts, President of Mid-West CAD. “We’re all making the most of what we have in today’s economy. Because Design and Engineering are labor intensive, the quality of your design environment and staff has never been more important. Increase company productivity: Invest in new technology and keep your software current; Ensure an efficient design environment and Train users to be more productive and proficient. Come out on Top now! Improve productivity — invest in your technology and staff today.”