
May 27, 2010

"Course en cours" giving 7500 High School Pupils a passion for Science and Technology

Record participation and a number of surprising innovations in an educational project supported by Dassault Systèmes, Renault and Renault F1 Team.

More than just an inter-school competition, “Course en cours” is a motivating and ambitious educational project held every year. Designed to get young people interested in science and technology, it contributes to the educational and social achievement of all participants, between the ages of 11 and 18.

Participation levels multiplied by 40 in four years

In 2010 “Course en Cours” brought together no fewer than 7,500 pupils from 350 high schools, supervised by 1,500 teachers and 600 students from engineering schools, universities and technical institutes. For the first time all the regional education authorities across France took part, from Lille to Nice, and from Crozon to Folschviller. The number of young participants has been multiplied by 40 in four years of existence.

Schools were required to use cutting-edge technologies to design and build a miniature racing car driven by compressed air. Twenty-three regional finals involving all participants were held in May. The winners were then invited to take part in the national final, with their tutors, teachers and friends, at the Renault Technocentre in Guyancourt.

Quality labels and convincing results

Already supported by Sporsora, Institut Mécénat et Solidarité and les Etoiles de la Créativité et de l’Innovation, “Course en cours” received official approval from France’s ministry of education at the end of 2009. This approval underlines the compliance with the objectives of the national education system.

The strong development of “Course en Cours” also shows that this sporting challenge has achieved its educational aims. As well as encouraging pupils to develop an interest in science, “Course en cours” helps teachers create a group dynamic and pass on their knowledge more effectively. To quote Agnès Volpi, teacher and coordinator for the Nancy Metz regional education authority: “Giving high school pupils a tool used by professionals is a great way to encourage an interest in science and technology. The racing cars developed are concrete proof of this. Participants are able to develop expertise in the use of CATIA, a powerful 3D design software used all over the world by tens of thousands of manufacturers, including Renault, Airbus, Nokia and many others. Dassault Systèmes makes CATIA available to the young participants – some of whom prove to be more talented than many an adult.”

Continuous innovation in education
“Course en cours” 2010 places the emphasis on social networks and eco-design

“Course en cours” is in itself a school of multi-disciplinary expertise and initiative, providing a link between high school, further education, and the business world. It is based on a rigorous method of educational engineering spanning the entire school year. To this end, significant efforts have been made in training. Dassault Systèmes has trained 350 teachers in advanced 3D modeling, while Renault engineers have made time to answer the questions raised by the pupils and their teachers on vehicle manufacturing as they arise.

Among this year’s innovations, the 2010 edition saw participants making reasoned use of social networks, generating new sources of motivation and creativity. Also, the systematic encouragement of eco-design led to some surprising ideas such as, for example, wheels made of corn starch. Last, the project was widely adopted by education action networks, which accounted for one-third of participants. This reflects the success of the project in raising the awareness of young people from the least privileged social and cultural environments on industrial technologies and scientific education.

Doloréan, a middle-school girl team, from Troyes (northeast of France) won this year’s final competition, which was held on May 26 at the Renault Technocentre (Guyancourt, France).

Aspen Technology to Present at Upcoming Cowen and UBS Investor Conferences

BURLINGTON, Mass — Aspen Technology, Inc today announced that President and Chief Executive Officer, Mark Fusco, and Chief Financial Officer, Mark Sullivan, will present at the following two investor conferences in June:

* The Cowen and Company 38th Annual Technology Media & Telecom Conference, being held at the Palace Hotel in New York City, at 10:15 am Eastern Time on Thursday, June 3, 2010.
* The UBS Global Technology and Services Conference, being held at the Crown Plaza Times Square in New York City, at 3:00 pm Eastern Time on Tuesday, June 8, 2010.

A live audio webcast of both presentations will be available for a limited time in the Investor Relations section of the company's website

DFMPro for Pro/ENGINEER demonstration at PTC World 2010

Scottsdale: Geometric, a leader in developing advanced manufacturing software, will demonstrate the latest version of DFMPro for Pro/ENGINEER, at Booth # 307 at the PTC User/World Event 2010, to be held at Rosen Shingle Creek Hotel, Orlando, FL, USA from 6 - 9 June, 2010.

“DFMPro is proving to be an effective tool in reducing ECOs / ECNs, thereby shortening the overall product realization cost. A number of large global companies are interested in the manufacturability analysis capability of DFMPro; and we are working closely with them to introduce the solution as part of their design process”, says Bhaskar Sinha, Senior Product Manager, DFMPro.

During the event, Geometric’s technical experts will demonstrate the new Design for Injection Molding module. This module is packaged with DFM rules derived from well-known, industry-accepted, best known practices. The new module enables users to validate the designs to check for uniform wall thickness, recommended rib parameters, appropriate draft angles on core and cavity surfaces, undercuts, thin steel conditions on mold, and many other common rules.

Autodesk Helps Micromidas Transform Organic Waste into Biodegradable Plastics

Clean Tech Firm Embraces Digital Prototyping with Autodesk Inventor and Autodesk Algor Simulation Software for Mobile Biorefinery Plant.

SAN RAFAEL, Calif - Micromidas, Inc., is using software from Autodesk, Inc to design processing plants that convert organic wastewater into biodegradable and recyclable bioplastics.

The Autodesk Clean Tech Partner Program — which provides software grants for emerging clean tech companies in North America and Europe — helped Micromidas accelerate design of its processing plants and equipment through Digital Prototyping technology, including Autodesk Inventor, Autodesk Algor Simulation, Autodesk Showcase and Autodesk Vault Professional software.

Micromidas processing plants enable municipalities to effectively and ecologically dispose of solid waste (or “sludge”) while producing environmentally friendly plastics. Micromidas has pioneered a complex bio-refinery process where microbes — natural microorganisms — consume the carbon in raw waste and convert it into a bacterial polymer that can be harvested and used as plastic. The processing plants require anywhere from 50 to 100 different machines and systems working in concert: everything from centrifuges and hydrocyclones to piping systems, reactors and extruders. Using Autodesk Inventor software, Micromidas can quickly design, visualize and simulate its biorefinery systems and processes. Autodesk Algor Simulation software helps the company to accurately measure fluid dynamics interactions within the simulated context of a wastewater treatment plant.

“Like most start-ups, we’re a relatively small company. We don’t have hundreds of employees at our disposal to help us develop a new technology,” said John Bissell, CEO of Micromidas. “Autodesk software helps level the playing field by ‘amplifying’ our manpower. With digital prototypes, we can rapidly explore designs and iterate much faster than we otherwise would.”

Autodesk Showcase software helps Micromidas create realistic 3D visualizations of its designs to share with investors and prospective customers, while Autodesk Vault Professional software can securely store and manage all engineering information, design data and documents in a central location.

Improved efficiency has enabled Micromidas to swiftly transform its technology from idea to finished product. The company’s first pilot plant, the Mobile Biorefinery, is currently under construction with plans to be operational within the next three months. The pilot plant is built on a flatbed truck capable of plugging into wastewater treatment plants across the United States.

“Rapid innovation is essential for clean tech companies,” said Robert “Buzz” Kross, senior vice president, Autodesk Manufacturing Industry Group. “By using Digital Prototyping to generate and explore ideas more quickly, Micromidas is maximizing its research and development resources.”

Delcam to promote adaptive blade repair at Turbo Expo

Delcam will demonstrate adaptive repair of turbine blades at Turbo Expo.

Delcam will demonstrate the use of its software for the adaptive repair of turbine blades at the ASME Turbo Expo to be held in Glasgow from 15th to 17th June. The technique is based on Delcam’s unique combination of expertise in software for both machining and inspection. This has been built up over many years of development of PowerMILL, the world’s leading CAM system for high-speed and five-axis machining, and PowerINSPECT, the world’s leading hardware-independent inspection software.

Adaptive machining allows successful production and repair of the most complex components by using in-process measurement to close the information gaps in the chain of operations.

The most common applications are those where the exact position of a heavy workpiece on the machine tool bed is unknown or when the precise shape of the starting material can vary, for example, when finish machining castings, forgings or large, flexible composite components.

The most challenging adaptive machining operations are those where the precise final shape of the component is unknown. This is needed when repairing turbine blades that have been distorted by the high temperatures in aircraft engines or other components that have been changed from their nominal CAD shape during service.

The initial stage of the process is to measure the blade with the Renishaw probe to determine the extent of its deviation from the nominal CAD data. Then, the morphing functionality in Delcam’s PowerSHAPE hybrid modeller can be used to bring the CAD model into line with the actual geometry. The probe is also used to determine the extent of the weld that needs to be machined away. With these measurements, toolpaths can be generated within PowerMILL that will remove the excess weld without violating the blade shape and without excessive air cutting. A final inspection can then be carried out using Delcam’s On-Machine Verification software to ensure that a smooth transition has been created between the original blade surface and the repaired area.

Dassault Systèmes DELMIA Robotics Drives Bilsing Automation Business

Pressroom and Bodyshop Simulation Attract Automotive Clients.

AUBURN HILLS, Mich – Dassault Systèmes has announced that Bilsing Automation GmbH (Attendorn, Germany), a global provider of flexible tooling and handling systems for press and body shop applications, has seen important competitive impact due to its deployment of DS DELMIA Robotic simulations.

“System simulation is a requirement in order to gain projects from many OEMs,” said Fabien Davaine, Bilsing project simulation engineer. “We have experience in different software, but DELMIA is really the best one–-the easiest, the fastest and the most effective. Without it, we would not have won some of the projects that we have.”

Bilsing’s success is built upon its ability to quickly develop a customized automation solution from the company’s vast catalog of standard components. Simulations help the company to deliver optimum product performance. By simulating robot motions in the virtual world, Bilsing Automation can verify that the robots will be able to achieve all the required motions and that there will be no interferences. This can eliminate re-tool time during the build phase, hugely affecting system launch time. Davaine cites an example where simulation indicated a collision with a die in a stamping press. If that had not been identified prior to production, hours would have been spent by the plant to mill the die down to size; instead the diemaker modified his die design prior to production.

Bilsing originally began applying the DELMIA IGRIP robotics solution with the stamping module add-on back in 2003 and is now migrating to the DELMIA Robotics software. This provides the added benefit of allowing the company to work in the native CATIA environment, which is the virtual design solution of choice of almost every automotive OEM. One common data model eliminates the potential of any data loss through translations, thus enhancing the quality of its projects and bolstering Bilsing’s ability to work with the automotive community.

Currently all of the Bilsing simulations are produced by the French subsidiary of Bilsing Automation in Valenciennes, but the simulations can be shared via virtual design reviews with anyone on the project no matter where they are located. Additionally, seeing a proposed automation system operating in the virtual world provides an added benefit of boosting customer confidence in the system’s ability to achieve all its specifications.

According to a CIMData study, smaller companies that invest in simulation can typically achieve a 5:1 annual return on investment.

IMMCO Joins Bentley’s Enterprise License Subscription Program

Provider of GIS, Software, Mapping, and Network Design Services to Broadband Industry Gets Unrestricted Access to Comprehensive Software Portfolio and Training for Single Annual Fee.

EXTON, Pa. – Bentley Systems, Incorporated today announced that IMMCO, Inc., the leading U.S. provider of GIS, software, mapping, and network design services to the broadband industry, has joined Bentley’s Enterprise License Subscription (ELS) program. Bentley’s innovative ELS provides competitive advantage while reducing annual software costs by granting infrastructure professionals unrestricted access to a comprehensive portfolio of architectural, engineering, construction (AEC), geospatial, and operations software for a single annual fee. Built on a common platform, the ELS portfolio includes more than 300 integrated and interoperable design, analysis, and collaboration software products that help increase the productivity of both local and widely distributed project teams.

“Bentley’s products are well accepted in the broadband industry and are frequently requested by our customers,” said Dr. Ramesh P. Iyer, president of IMMCO. “At the same time, we regularly recommend Bentley products to our customers as the best and most innovative approach to project challenges. Both scenarios require the flexibility to easily access Bentley products on demand. Our new Bentley ELS program affords us this flexibility, while also enabling us to quickly and cost-effectively tailor our software toolset to meet our changing project mix.”

IMMCO uses Bentley’s communications products, including Bentley Fiber, Bentley Coax, and Bentley Inside Plant, to execute a wide range of projects in support of the broadband industry. IMMCO’s projects include field engineering such as mapping, surveying and data capture, inside plant documentation, as-built verification, new network segment design, data conversion and integration, and GIS solutions. Among IMMCO’s customers are Time Warner Cable, Comcast, Charter Communications, Bright House Networks, Cablevision, Cox Communications, and Mediacom Communications Corp., among others.

The Bentley ELS gives IMMCO’s teams a quick, cost-effective way to provide technically creative alternatives and sustainable solutions for their projects. As a strategic benefit, the Bentley ELS helps organizations such as IMMCO become more agile. Project starts can happen faster, teams can reconfigure for new opportunities more quickly, and no-charge pilots allow new technology to be infused into projects more readily. In addition, ELS agreements can include partners, extending the agility and multiplying the benefits in global projects.

Bentley’s ELS also supports the use of software in multiple countries on a pooled license basis, which is crucial to a global firm like IMMCO. This enables distributed teams to balance software supply and demand across offices, saving money and maximizing worldwide license utilization.

Dr. Iyer added, “IMMCO’s involvement with Bentley goes beyond that of being a user. We are also proud to be a member of the Bentley Developer Network. This allows us to build on Bentley’s software advancements and introduce innovative solutions of our own into the marketplace, giving us an important additional competitive advantage.”

May 26, 2010

Martin Jones, Former Tata Technologies Engineering Chief Joins Altair ProductDesign to Lead Development of a New Electric Vehicle

Altair ProductDesign selected as development partner for a major automotive OEM’s new urban vehicle.

Leamington Spa, UK – Altair Engineering, Inc announced today that Martin Jones has joined its Altair ProductDesign (PD) consultancy division to lead the full development of an innovative new urban electric vehicle (EV).

Mr. Jones joins Altair from Tata Technologies where he was responsible for leading vehicle development programs. He has a broad range of experience in the automotive industry at a senior level having held positions at construction vehicle manufacturer, JCB, where he served as Operations Engineering Director responsible for all new product development activities; IBM UK where he was Director responsible for the development, global sales and application of Product Lifecycle Management; and Rover Group where he rose through the organization from an apprentice to Product Director.

Mr. Jones’ new role as European Chief Engineer is the result of Altair PD being selected as a development partner for a new luxury electric urban vehicle for a leading automotive company. Altair PD is responsible for vehicle development from concept to production, and it will draw upon its global engineering expertise and use of its proven simulation-driven design process to deliver the program.

“I have held some challenging management positions and privileged senior engineering leadership roles throughout my career,” said Martin Jones, European Chief Engineer, Altair PD. “The difference at Altair PD to any of my previous roles is the immediate availability of highly skilled, innovative engineers that are equipped with ‘best in class’ leading edged simulation tools and techniques they need to do the job properly – a real luxury and the envy of a lot of vehicle chief engineers I know. However, this is not just a luxury, it is a necessity. To develop an EV in today’s competitive market you need to be fast with innovation, accurate with your analysis and precise with your design release. Altair has all of this.”

Altair PD was chosen as a development partner for the innovative new vehicle, thanks to its past experience in full vehicle development coupled with the company’s geographical spread and access to engineering experts from across the globe.

“I am delighted that Martin has joined our team to deliver this ambitious project,” said Dr Royston Jones, President of Altair PD. “Our simulation led design philosophy coupled with a unique culture of innovation for our clients makes Altair PD a valued partner for companies across industry. I am happy to welcome Martin into the team and look forward to seeing his wealth of engineering experience make an impact on this EV development program.”

Dassault Systèmes Announces New Release of Isight for Simulation Automation and Design Optimization from SIMULIA

VÉLIZY-VILLACOUBLAY, France — Dassault Systèmes today announced the release of Isight 4.5, the market-leading simulation process automation and design optimization solution from their SIMULIA brand, as well as the SIMULIA Execution Engine (formerly Fiper) 4.5 for executing Isight simulation process flows across computing resources.

Isight provides designers, engineers, and researchers with an open system for integrating design and simulation models, created with various CAD, CAE and other software applications, to automate the execution of hundreds or even thousands of simulations. It allows designers to save time and improve designs by optimizing against performance or cost variables through statistical methods such as Design of Experiments or Design for Six Sigma.

Several SIMULIA customers presented their successful use of Isight at the 2010 SIMULIA Customer Conference (SCC), including: Baker Hughes, General Dynamics–Electric Boat, Halliburton Landmark, INERGY Automotive Systems Research, Pan Asia Technical Automotive Center, and Rolls-Royce.

In their SCC presentation, engineers from Baker Hughes, a top-tier oilfield services company, shared their experience in using Isight with Abaqus to optimize downhole expandable tubulars. “Historically, at least two months of analysis had been required to ascertain an acceptable geometry,” stated Jeff Williams, project engineer, Baker Hughes Inc. “With Isight, the development period was reduced to two days.”

Isight 4.5 provides new scalable parallel algorithms for leveraging multicore computing resources, enhanced approximation and reliability methods to evaluate product performance across a range of real-world operating variables, improvements to multi-objective optimization, and data mining which provides deeper insight into performance attribute tradeoffs.

Users of SIMULIA’s Abaqus Unified FEA will benefit from a new licensing policy that dramatically reduces the cost for using SIMULIA’s Abaqus Unified FEA in automated design studies with Isight. Using the combination of these products allows customers to reduce their Abaqus token usage as much as 60%.

“The new features and enhancements in Isight 4.5 will enable our customers to explore design options that were previously impossible, due to time and cost constraints,” stated Steve Crowley, director of product management, SIMULIA, Dassault Systèmes. “By leveraging the new parallel algorithm and optimization features in Isight combined with the distributed computing capabilities of Simulation Execution Engine, our customers will be able to evaluate more design alternatives in less time, resulting in better products at a lower cost.”

BMW Group Selects SIMULIA Solutions for Passive Safety

VÉLIZY-VILLACOUBLAY, France — Dassault Systèmes has announced that, as an extension to the recent new five-year partnership with Dassault Systèmes, BMW Group has renewed their commitment to use Abaqus Unified FEA (finite element analysis) software for the engineering of passive safety in the automaker’s virtual design process.

Ongoing optimization of vehicle development processes at BMW for passive safety requires continuous advances in the ability to accurately predict real-world behavior. The renewed partnership with SIMULIA follows extensive evaluations carried out by BMW over several months, ranging from component-level to full-vehicle simulations and involving key applications in car body technology as well as occupant restraint systems. Their evaluation results showed that Abaqus FEA consistently delivered a higher level of predictiveness and repeatability against physical tests than other simulation software that they evaluated. This robustness and reliability is critical as BMW moves toward a more efficient and cost-effective virtual vehicle development process that depends less and less on physical prototyping and testing.

“This announcement represents an endorsement of our continuous investment in R&D and focus on providing the most reliably predictive finite element technology available today,” stated Ken Short, VP, Strategy and Marketing, SIMULIA, Dassault Systèmes. “The automotive industry is emerging from a challenging economic situation, and those companies with significant competitive advantages will be positioned well to come back faster and stronger than before. We believe that Abaqus Unified FEA can help our customers reduce time and cost in meeting increasingly rigorous standards for crashworthiness and occupant safety.”

BMW first began employing Abaqus as its exclusive tool for crash simulation in 2004, when vehicle development projects were largely supported by hardware testing and the focus of simulation was on global vehicle behavior. More recently, BMW has begun a strategic shift toward a more complete virtual development process. This strategy involves a greater reliance on the accuracy of highly detailed simulations including material rupture and failure of spot weld connections, but integrated within the scope of large, complex full-vehicle simulations. The strong correlation between physical test and simulation results obtained with Abaqus is enabling BMW to achieve its aggressive process improvement goals, resulting in substantial cost and time savings for each vehicle project, while meeting stringent safety requirements.

FEV, Inc. Announces Winners of 2010 FEV Powertrain Development Award

Auburn Hills, Mich. – Advanced powertrain and vehicle systems engineering company FEV, Inc. announced the recipients of the FEV Powertrain Development Award, presented to three collegiate teams that designed, developed and demonstrated exemplary powertrain solutions in the 2010 Formula SAE competition held May 12 – 15 at Michigan International Speedway near Brooklyn, MI.

The Award was presented on Saturday, May 15 during the awards ceremony that was held at the conclusion of the competition. The Powertrain Development Award considers critical powertrain relevant aspects, including performance, fuel economy, durability and cost in determining a winner. The award uses a quantitative scoring system that is intended to be a metric for the optimization process that the student teams go through as they develop their solutions, much like the work that a professional engineer might perform on a day-to-day basis in the industry.

The winning teams were:
1st place: University of Michigan (Ann Arbor, Michigan), (771.1points), $1,500 prize
2nd place: Oregon State University (Corvallis, Oregon), (738.1points), $750 prize
3rd place: University of Texas at Arlington (Arlington, Texas), (698.9points), $300 prize

“In our fourth year as an award sponsor, we continue to be impressed at the ingenuity of these students,” said Robert J. Last, vice president of operations and communications for FEV. “This program, and the preparation that goes into developing these vehicles, promotes the development of critical and practical knowledge that students will need to excel in their careers. We support the Formula SAE program because it fosters the creativity and innovation skills that they must ultimately bring to industry.

Student teams must adhere to the rules specified by the SAE, which can be found on its Web site, www.sae.org. In the process of developing engineering solutions that are represented in their vehicles, students will have also mastered critical elements of strategy planning, project management, contingency planning, and logistics management, according to Last.

“What SAE has built into the FSAE event is a microcosm of the complete engineering and business project cycle, including fundraising and defending the project in a detailed presentation that is, in essence, an engineering study specifying how the vehicle solution was developed, along with all the calculations that support the results. These are essential skills that engineering students need to demonstrate to be successful in the industry,” said Last.

The FEV Powertrain Development Award emphasizes the elements that are most important in the development of a powertrain and provides the engineering student and FSAE team with an “equation” that can be optimized, much like the decisions that today’s powertrain designers and developers must make as they prepare products for production. There are multiple solution paths that a team can employ to win. Full details of the weight factors and scoring system are on the SAE website: http://students.sae.org/competitions/formulaseries/fsae/corpsponsors/fev_rules.pdf.

The winning team, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, did particularly well in the cost and acceleration categories, and remained very competitive in the other categories which earned them the top spot. Only 30 points separated first and second place, and second and third place. The fourth place team, Graz University of Technology, finished only 5 points behind The University of Texas at Arlington, demonstrating the fierce competition that these teams face. Graz had finished in second place in last year’s competition.

Mastercam Transition: V9 to X5 - the latest offering from Mastercam University

Tolland, CT – Mastercam University is an affordable, online learning tool created by CNC Software, Inc., that gives you 24/7 access to Mastercam training materials. Designed by an experienced Mastercam trainer, it is intended to be used by both students and experienced professionals alike.

The latest offering is a brand new class called Mastercam Transition: V9 to X5. This is the perfect class to get up-to-speed if you are still programming with V9.

Mastercam University is online video training that lets you learn at your own pace, your own time, and from experienced Mastercam trainers. Use these new online classes to get up-to-speed quickly, keep your skills sharp, or even prepare for official Mastercam Certification. Mastercam University is open to anyone with internet access, and can be purchased through Authorized Mastercam Resellers.

In this application-based training, you learn Mastercam by designing and programming toolpaths on real industrial parts. Important concepts are covered that show you how to program more efficiently using best practices.

Classes currently offered are:

- Mill/Design and Toolpaths

- Advanced Mill/Design and Toolpaths

- Lathe/Design and Toolpaths

- Mastercam® for SolidWorks®

- Principals for Machining

- Instructor Certification

- Certification Course

- Maintenance Course (free to Maintenance customers)

- Mastercam Transition: V9 to X5 (free to customers that update from V9)

Delcam to host free workshops on latest developments in CAM

Delcam will host a series of free workshops on the latest developments in CAM technology at its Birmingham headquarters on Thursday 8th July. The day will feature four sessions on five-axis machining, feature-based programming, integrated CAM for SolidWorks and software for metrology. Each one-hour-long presentation will be repeated four times during the day, giving all delegates the opportunity to custom-make their itinerary to fit their preferred interests and timings.

The day will be focussed primarily on the many new contacts that Delcam expects to make during the MACH exhibition to be held at the NEC, Birmingham, from 7th to 11th June. However, it will be open to any company interested in increasing their productivity, improving their quality or shortening their lead times by upgrading to Delcam software.

"The 2008 MACH was the busiest UK exhibition that Delcam had attended for many years and we are expecting a similar level of interest at this year’s show,” explained Delcam’s Marketing Manager, Peter Dickin. "This means that, unfortunately, we probably won’t have the time to go into detailed demonstrations with the many visitors to our stand. By organising this CAM day shortly after the exhibition, we can give companies the opportunity to learn more about the benefits of our programs. They will also be able to visit Delcam’s headquarters and learn about the unparalleled support that we can give to our customers.”

The workshops for the day will be as follows:

CAM for five-axis machining

Five-axis machining offers many opportunities to increase productivity and improve quality. Suitable equipment is now more affordable than ever, while CAM systems have become more powerful and easier to use. This session will provide an introduction to the programming of five-axis machines with Delcam’s PowerMILL CAM system. It will include details on a new PowerMILL module for the programming of robots for machining.

Feature-based programming

Feature-based programming provides the fastest and easiest programming for production machining of prismatic designs. Delcam’s FeatureCAM was the first feature-based CAM system when it was launched in 1995. This presentation will show how its highly-automated, knowledge-based programming, with machining strategies, tooling, and feeds and speeds set by the software, makes the system ideal for those with little CAM experience or for occasional users.

Integrated CAM for SolidWorks

Delcam for SolidWorks is a new CAM system that is fully integrated into the SolidWorks environment so that the program looks and behaves like SolidWorks. The software offers full associativity so that any changes in the CAD model are reflected automatically in the toolpaths. This session will show how this integration makes access to Delcam’s powerful machining strategies easier than ever for SolidWorks users.

Software for metrology

This presentation will cover Delcam’s software for metrology, in particular the PowerINSPECT program, the world’s leading hardware-independent inspection system for comparison of parts, tooling and prototypes against CAD data on all types of inspection device. It will also show how machining and inspection can be integrated more closely, in developments like electronic fixturing and on-machine verification, to give more efficient manufacturing and higher-quality results.

Project Krypton Technology Preview Now Available on Autodesk Labs

Plug-in Works with Multiple CAD Applications to Provide Real-Time Feedback on Plastic Material Designs.

SAN RAFAEL, Calif - Autodesk announced that the Project Krypton Technology Preview, a plug-in that provides design engineers with advice during the early stages of designing plastic parts, is now available for download on Autodesk Labs as a free* technology preview.

The Project Krypton Technology Preview integrates seamlessly with Autodesk Inventor and Autodesk Inventor LT software and also works with SolidWorks software to support companies working in a multi-CAD environment.

In addition to under- or over-engineering plastic parts, poor design decisions often lead to costly redesign and retooling before manufacturers can achieve cost, quality, and manufacturability goals. The Project Krypton Technology Preview helps to reverse this trend by guiding design engineers to make better choices and evaluate alternatives when it matters the most, early in the design process.

Project Krypton Technology Preview provides designers with real-time feedback in three areas:

* Manufacturability — The Manufacturability Indicator assesses the part after each design modification and provides real-time feedback regarding potential manufacturing concerns.
* Cost efficiency — The Cost Efficiency Indicator assesses how changes to a design influence the overall injection mold, material choice and production costs.
* Environmental impact — The Plastic Material Impact Indicator helps product designers understand the environmental impact of their material choices by examining characteristics such as embodied carbon, embodied energy and recyclability.

This instantaneous feedback supports designers in making better decisions earlier in the design process — helping them design more cost-effective plastic parts that can be properly manufactured, and produced with less environmental impact.

Powered by Autodesk Moldflow injection molding simulation technology, Project Krypton Technology Preview provides instant and simple feedback via design indicators embedded directly within the CAD environment. Alerts and highlighting of design features help to pinpoint design problems and provide guidance on how to resolve those problems. As a result, designers don’t need extensive training or expertise to gain access to rich, detailed information that guides the manufacturing of plastic parts.

The Project Krypton Technology Preview will be available on Autodesk Labs until November 13, 2010. To download a copy, visit www.autodesk.com/labs-pktp.

Sensitivity Analysis and Adapted Optimization Strategies for CST MICROWAVE STUDIO Transient Solver

Computer Simulation Technology (CST) announces the implementation of an efficient sensitivity analysis for the transient solver of CST MICROWAVE STUDIO 2011. The sensitivities can be used in the transient as well as the frequency domain solver for yield analysis and fast optimization.

Design engineers choose the CST MICROWAVE STUDIO (CST MWS) transient solver for a large variety of microwave & RF applications because of its performance and accuracy. The latest addition to this solver will help them to speed up parameter studies and optimization of RF-components significantly.

One of the key advantages of the CST MWS transient solver is the efficient computation of broadband s-parameters and field results in one single simulation run. The newly implemented sensitivity analysis will be capable of evaluating the s-parameter dependencies on various model parameters on the basis of one simulation. This means that all further evaluations for different model parameter sets can be derived without restarting the full-wave simulation, thus offering users a considerable speed-up. Yield analysis for complex three dimensional models is becoming available at virtually no additional computational cost.

The benefit of the sensitivity analysis will be further increased by the implementation of special optimization techniques. Minimax and Trust Region mechanisms work on parameter models created by the sensitivity analysis to find optimal solutions for the given goals, without rerunning the simulation. The proposed optimum can be verified by a 3D simulation, thus reducing the number of costly full simulations drastically. These optimization strategies will also be available for the CST MWS frequency domain solver, for which sensitivity analysis was released in version 2010.

“Optimization, sensitivity and yield analysis are common tasks, which can be extremely time consuming when performed with a full 3D EM simulator,” commented Peter Thoma, Managing Director, R&D, CST. “We are very proud to present this exciting new technology for the most widely used solver of CST MWS, the transient solver, which will simplify the work of many design engineers.”

CST MICROWAVE STUDIO version 2011 is scheduled for release in January 2011.

CST Announces Significant New Functionality for CST MICROWAVE STUDIO Frequency Domain Solver in Version 2011

Computer Simulation Technology (CST) announces curved elements and domain decomposition will be available in the CST MICROWAVE STUDIO frequency domain solver in the next major release at MTT-S IMS 2010.

Engineers designing narrowband or high Q structures, working with the CST MICROWAVE STUDIO (CST MWS) frequency domain solver offers some natural advantages. Additionally, it is often used to crosscheck results with the transient solver for even greater confidence. The introduction of “True Geometry Adaptation” in CST MWS version 2009 represented a major milestone for the derivation of reliable and accurate results for RF FEM solvers.

With version 2011, the CST MWS frequency domain solver will feature curved elements of arbitrary order. In comparison to using simpler curvilinear elements (first order curved elements), which often suffer from the creation of inaccuracies in the mesh representation, the implementation of higher order curved elements means that the approximation of arbitrary surfaces is much smoother. As with all mesh adaptation schemes, simulations will only converge to the correct results, if mechanisms such as True Geometry Adaptation are used. These actually improve the representation of the input model continuously, rather than simply refining the first discretization of the

The arbitrary order curved elements will also be available for the CST MWS eigenmode solver and the fast resonant solver.

The CST MWS frequency domain solver’s simulation performance will be further improved by the introduction of domain decomposition. By breaking down the initial problem into several smaller parts that are distributed to a compute cluster, larger and more complex problems can be solved faster. This implemented method promises super-linear speed-ups, even for large numbers of participating nodes.

"Our frequency domain solver is increasingly gaining momentum in the market place," stated Martin Timm, Director of Marketing, CST. "With our latest developments, CST is laying claim to technological leadership throughout the microwave and RF simulation market, including FEM based."

CST MICROWAVE STUDIO version 2011 is scheduled for release in January 2011.

ODA and Caustic Graphics Partner to Integrate OpenRL with the Teigha Software Development Platform

Phoenix, AZ USA: The Open Design Alliance (ODA) and Caustic Graphics, Inc. — both promoting open standards and specifications for graphics solutions — announce a new collaborative development to incorporate Caustic’s OpenRL (Open Ray Tracing Library) SDK into the ODA Teigha™ software development platform.

The Teigha software development platform is used to create technical graphics applications, including Computer Aided Design (CAD). OpenRL is a standard specification defining a cross-platform API for writing ray tracing applications. Caustic’s OpenRL implementation will allow Teigha client applications to seamlessly utilize a wide variety of computational devices simultaneously. Supported devices include x86-based CPUs, OpenCL enabled GPUs, and custom ray tracing accelerator hardware. This combination enables ODA members to use ray tracing to deliver interactive and photo-realistic 3D graphics inside their applications. Moreover, this avoids the redundant and costly effort to develop and maintain custom interfaces for each piece of hardware.

Arnold van der Weide, President of the ODA, commented, “Integrating the Teigha development platform with Caustic’s OpenRL is a tremendous addition to our component offerings. The collaboration between the two organizations is proving successful and we will soon be able to offer a unique ray tracing solution for rendering to ODA members.”

Chip Stearns, Caustic Graphics CEO, added, “I am particularly pleased that the ODA chose OpenRL for their members, as this will prevent ‘vendor lock-in’ from proprietary closed standards that are often limited to a small subset of devices. We at Caustic look forward to seeing ODA member applications using OpenRL.”

Delcam announces 38 partners for MACH team

As befits its position as the UK’s largest developer of machining software, Delcam will be working with more manufacturing partners than any other CADCAM supplier at the MACH exhibition to be held at the NEC, Birmingham, from 7th to 11th June. The company will be promoting its CAM and inspection software in association with 38 partners, including many of the world’s leading providers of machine tools, cutting tools and inspection equipment.

"Our record number of partners is another great endorsement of our theme for MACH, where we are promoting Delcam as ‘the winning team’,” commented Delcam’s Marketing Manager, Peter Dickin. "Their support was an important part of making MACH 2008 our most successful exhibition for many years. With their help, we are confident that this year’s show will be equally successful.”

"Companies looking to invest in CAM software are often worried whether the toolpaths generated will work as well on the machine tool as they do on the computer,” added Mr. Dickin. "Thanks to our partners at MACH, we will be able to demonstrate the speed and quality that is possible with our software on a wide range of machines.”

Delcam has enjoyed a successful start to 2010, which is expected to receive a further boost at MACH. The company was confirmed by US analysts CIMdata to have completed a decade as the world’s leading CAM specialist and received its third Queen’s Award for Enterprise in the Innovation category for its range of dental CADCAM software.

"The current economic downturn has made it more important than ever for manufacturers to look into ways to increase their productivity, shorten lead times and improve their quality,” said Mr. Dickin. "More and more companies are realising that they can meet these objectives by upgrading their CAM software with a Delcam system.”

600 Group - 4310
Iscar Tools - 5171b
Agie Charmilles - 5331
Makino - 5228
AMRC - 4070
Matsuura - 5230
CG Tech - 5168
Mills - 5430
Citizen - 5450
Mikron - 5331
CMS Group - 5490
Miyano - 5450
DMG - 5410
Mori Seiki - 5310
Doosan - 5430
NCMT - 5228
Dormer - 5248
Nikken - 5278
Emmaco - 5250
Phase Vision - 5542
EuroPAC - 5558
Renishaw - 5439
Faro - 5610
Sandvik Coromant UK - 5087
Floyd Automatic Tooling - 5281
SGS Carbide Tool - 4118
Forton - Huron - 5290
Star - 5250
Haas Automation - 5210
Tornos - 5128
Hardinge - 5477
Whitehouse - OKK - 5197
Hexagon - 5540
XYZ Machine Tools - 5460, 5185
Hurco - 5458
Yamazaki Mazak - 5348
IndieCAM - 5399
YMT - 5280

Downloads of MEDUSA4 Personal up by 38% for free 2D/3D CAD on Linux® and Windows®

CAD Schroer’s MEDUSA4 Personal™ CAD package, now also for business use, is deployed in 152 countries. About a third of all users are on Linux.

Cambridge, UK : In Q1 of 2010, downloads of MEDUSA4 Personal (the free version of CAD Schroer’s professional 2D/3D drafting suite, used by companies worldwide) rose by 38% in comparison to the same period last year, the engineering solutions provider said today.

CAD Schroer attributes the growth partly to its commitment to regular software updates; partly to the popularity of Linux; and partly to the creativity of small businesses during tough economic times. Its eSERVICES portal allows registered companies to deploy MEDUSA4 Personal free of charge at the office, then convert commercially viable results from Euro 2.99.

The CAD alternative for Linux
“Especially Linux enthusiasts and start-up design businesses are keen to use MEDUSA4 Personal for hobby and commercial projects,” says Managing Director Michael Schroer. “A free powerful drafting product combined with a free operating system make any new project or business proposition much more viable. We’ve had great feedback from users worldwide.”

“The software and its modules meet all the needs for hobby and even small business design requirements,” said an e-mail from Russia, where 68% use Linux, compared with 33% globally. “A very good alternative to a***cad,” said a recent post by a Honduran member of the Warianoz Linux forum, who uses MEDUSA4 Personal to design model airplanes. Latin America has the biggest proportion of users on Linux. In Q1 of 2010, 100% of Honduran, 93% of Mexican and 88% of Argentinean downloads of the 2D/3D CAD software were for Linux.

Impressed with CAD Schroer’s support
CAD Schroer does not guarantee technical support on its free software, but its engineers do their best to answer user questions. “Thank you for your quick support,” said a recent e-mail from a German user, “MEDUSA4 Personal installed without a hitch. I have to say I am absolutely thrilled with this product.”

Top ten
The top ten MEDUSA4 Personal user countries and their approximate proportion of Linux users in Q1 2010 were: Germany (10%), Italy (65%), France (31%), Switzerland (13%), Austria (14%), USA (42%), Russia (68%), Spain (87%), Mexico (93%) and the Czech Republic (73%).

MEDUSA4 Personal Download on Linux or Windows

“We are thrilled about the continued growth of the MEDUSA4 Personal community,” says Michael Schroer. “Our dedication to ongoing product development and our expanding online service offering are a clear sign to users in 152 countries of our long-term commitment to them.”

Cimatron Announces Improved Results in Q1/10, as Compared to Q1/09

Reports operating and net profits on a non-GAAP basis in Q1/10, with $0.66 million positive cash flow from operations.

Givat Shmuel, Israel – Cimatron Limited, aprovider of integrated CAD/CAM solutions for the toolmaking and manufacturing industries, today announced financial results for the first quarter of 2010.

The following provides details on Cimatron’s GAAP and non-GAAP results for the first quarter of 2010:


Revenues for the first quarter of 2010 were $7.9 million, compared to $7.8 million recorded in the first quarter of 2009.
Gross Profit for the first quarter of 2010 was $6.7 million as compared to $6.3 million for the same period in 2009. Gross margin in the first quarter of 2010 was 84% of revenues, compared to a gross margin of 81% in the first quarter of 2009.
Operating loss in the first quarter of 2010 was $(103) thousand, compared to an operating loss of $(512) thousand in the first quarter of 2009.
Net loss for the first quarter of 2010 was $(100) thousand, or $(0.01) per diluted share, compared to a net loss of $(563) thousand, or $(0.06) per diluted share, recorded for the same quarter of 2009.

Revenues on a non-GAAP basis for the first quarter of 2010 were $7.9 million, compared to $7.8 million recorded for the first quarter of 2009.
Gross Profit on a non-GAAP basis for the first quarter of 2010 was $6.8 million as compared to $6.5 million for the same period in 2009. Gross margin in the first quarter of 2010 was 86% of revenues, compared to 83% in the first quarter of 2009.
Operating Profit on a non-GAAP basis in the first quarter of 2010 was $143 thousand, compared to an operating loss of $(265) thousand in the first quarter of 2009.
Net Profit on a non-GAAP basis for the first quarter of 2010 was $55 thousand, or $0.01 per diluted share, compared to net loss of $(407) thousand, or $(0.04) per diluted share recorded in the same quarter of 2009.

Commenting on the results, Danny Haran, President and Chief Executive Officer of Cimatron, said “The first quarter results are in line with our expectations. We see stability or a very mild recovery in most of our markets, with higher license revenues in Q1/10 compared to Q1/09, and healthy recurring maintenance revenues. We are pleased to show a non-GAAP operating and net profit, and significant improvement in our bottom line compared to the first quarter of 2009, mainly due to budget control measures that we took in early 2009. Of course, challenges and uncertainties remain in effect, especially in light of the current Euro-zone crisis. We will continue to exercise tight budget control, while investing in product development and marketing throughout the year”, concluded Mr. Haran.

Kreuz Robots Speed Up with Spatial's 3D Components

Tool Path Creation Time Reduced by 90%.

Broomfield, CO - Spatial Corp., a provider of 3D development components for design, manufacturing and engineering applications, today announces that Kreuz Co. Ltd., a manufacturing company specializing in deburring machines, has released Deburring CAM. The product incorporates Spatial’s 3D ACIS® Modeler, 3D InterOp, and HOOPS® 3D Application Framework components to significantly shorten the complex path creation time for their robots. Kreuz’s cutting edge deburring technology is utilized by companies such as Toyota Motor Corporation, Denso Corporation, and Honda Motor Co., Ltd. Kreuz, headquartered in Japan, selected Spatial’s 3D components because they enabled them to achieve significant competitive advantage with the release of Kreuz’s robot simulation software. With Deburring CAM users are able to decrease teaching time by up to 90%.

“One of our biggest goals with our specialized deburring machines was to decrease the teaching time to create tool paths for deburring and simulation. Because the quantity of teaching points is large, a lot of time had been required for teaching preparation and teaching itself. In 2006, we started to create new 3D OLP software with Spatial’s 3D components to reduce the teaching time,” commented Shuichi Nakata, Kreuz President. “Though we had very limited expertise in 3D software development, we could develop the very rich 3D software by taking advantage of Spatial’s 3D components as well as Spatial's dedicated support. We finished the development of 3D functionalities in only ten months.”

Established in 1989, Kreuz is the one of the few manufacturers that specializes in the deburring machine. Customers choose Kreuz for this sophisticated machine, which allows for different types of deburring depending on the product. Previously they had to prepare for the teaching point map in advance and create teaching points by using the real robot online. When they compare the teaching time of the die-cast part, manual online teaching required 30 hours to create 269 teaching points. The offline teaching using DeburringCAM with Spatial’s 3D development components required three hours to create the same teaching points.

“Machine manufacturers are looking for ways to expand their market, improve their revenues, margins, and gain a competitive advantage. 3D applications offer all of these benefits while providing their users ease-of-use and improved productivity. Spatial offers these manufacturers, such as Kreuz, a technology partner that is an expert in 3D application development,” stated Junichiro Kochi Spatial General Manager, Asia Region. “Though the recent economic conditions have been a challenge for machine manufacturers, their interest in our technology and development services to improve their competitiveness has increased.”

May 24, 2010

Dassault Systèmes Announces New Multiphysics Technology in Abaqus Release 6.10 from SIMULIA

Native Computational Fluid Dynamics Capability for Fluid-Structure Interaction, Plus More than 100 Customer-Driven Enhancements.

VÉLIZY-VILLACOUBLAY, France — Dassault Systèmes today announced the availability of Abaqus 6.10, the leading unified Finite Element Analysis (FEA) and multiphysics product suite for realistic simulation from SIMULIA.

In response to expanding industry demand for realistic simulation, the new release delivers on more than 100 customer-requested enhancements for modeling, performance, usability, visualization, multiphysics, and core mechanics. Designers, engineers, and researchers in all industries can now perform virtual tests that more accurately predict real-world behavior of materials and product designs, allowing them to improve product performance while reducing development time and cost.

Abaqus 6.10 introduces a new multiphysics capability for performing Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulation. This enables users to perform coupled physics simulations with Abaqus/Standard and Abaqus/Explicit, such as fluid-structure interaction between human tissue, a medical device, and fluid flow; thermal analysis of electronic systems undergoing convection cooling; or transient thermal analysis of engine exhaust systems.

“In order to simulate performance of engine components in a closer-to-reality environment, we are pleased that Abaqus 6.10 provides the Computational Fluid Dynamic capabilities for fluid-structure interaction which will enable us to perform accurate fluid and solid co-simulations,” said Dr. Fred Yang, technical leader of bearing analysis from Federal-Mogul Powertrain Sealing and Bearings Group USA. “The new solution certainly gives us significant enhancements to explore multiphysics interaction in our designs and optimize our products to reduce engine power loss and lower overall material costs.”

The release also reinforces SIMULIA’s commitment to providing an open multiphysics platform through improvements to its direct co-simulation coupling interface. This capability allows SIMULIA partners and customers to couple their applications directly with Abaqus for best-in-class multiphysics simulation.

With this release, SIMULIA also extends its leadership in the simulation software industry by delivering innovative technology for realistic fracture and failure analysis. Abaqus 6.10 features enhancements to its extended finite element method (XFEM) that improves the process for modeling fracture of composite materials. It also provides dramatic performance improvements for parallel processing of simulations that use XFEM, or the implicit dynamic procedure, allowing more simulations to be performed in less time.

“It is important to use the best technologies and methods available to assess the safety of nuclear power plant components," stated Dipl.-Ing. Axel Schulz, TÜV Nord. "The XFEM capabilities in Abaqus 6.10 will make it easier to perform virtual safety evaluations of nuclear power plant piping systems and pressure vessels. With this new release, realistic simulation of crack propagation based on both the cohesive segments method and linear elastic fracture mechanics is now feasible, while using the implicit dynamic procedure for improved stability.”

“Responding to our customers’ requests for new and improved capabilities is the key to our strategy of providing the most robust realistic simulation solutions possible while ensuring a high level of customer satisfaction,” stated Steve Crowley, director of product management, SIMULIA, Dassault Systèmes. “With Abaqus 6.10, we delivered more than one hundred customer requested enhancements including a unique solution to quickly generate mid-surfaces of thin parts in Abaqus/CAE. This release continues our commitment to enhancing our core mechanics and developing new and industry-leading multiphysics technology that helps our customers become more productive and efficient in evaluating and improving product performance.”

Abaqus 6.10 will be featured at the 2010 SIMULIA Customer Conference (SCC), May 24-27, in Providence, Rhode Island. Microsoft and CD-adapco are the premier sponsors of the SCC, which will host more than 400 attendees from world-leading manufacturing companies.

Preciosa is Autodesk Inventor of the Month for May

The “Masters of Crystal” Create Cut Crystal Chandeliers and Light Fixtures in Half the Time, with 70 Percent Fewer Errors Using Autodesk Software.

SAN RAFAEL, Calif - Autodesk, Inc named Preciosa, a producer of cut crystal chandeliers and lighting fixtures, as the Autodesk Inventor of the Month for May.

The Czech-based company uses Autodesk Inventor software, in conjunction with AutoCAD Mechanical and Autodesk Vault Professional software, to design, visualize and simulate its products in 3D and easily share digital prototypes with customers—helping them design their dazzling wares in half the time and with 70 percent fewer mistakes.

Preciosa creates custom fixtures for hotels, palaces, music halls and cathedrals in Europe, Asia, the Americas and the Middle East. Since these chandeliers can contain extremely intricate design elements—such as hundreds of triangular glass parts arranged in a spiral— using a 3D model to validate designs is critical to avoiding production mistakes.

To better accomplish this goal, Preciosa worked with Autodesk Authorized Reseller Dagis to deploy Autodesk Inventor software, which takes manufacturers beyond 3D to Digital Prototyping. Creating 3D models in Inventor enables Preciosa to create compelling imagery for customers to review and approve before the products are manufactured.

Digital Workflow Improves Design Processes

“We share the Inventor model with our customers, and they have the immediate opportunity to provide us with feedback,” said Almir Ibisevic, head of engineering at Preciosa. “With Inventor software, we are able to detect risks early while we are first processing concepts. This gives us time to point out potential risks to customers and work with them to eliminate the risks by coming up with effective solutions.”

AutoCAD Mechanical enables Preciosa to access 2D digital design and documentation tools as needed, while Vault Professional software provides a centralized location for managing both 2D and 3D engineering data.

Having this digital workflow in place has enabled Preciosa to significantly reduce adverse factors in the manufacturing process, which can be challenging to prevent without 3D models. Additionally, the company has reduced the number of physical prototypes needed before the completion of a design. Preciosa now finds complex chandeliers that once took a month to design can be completed in two weeks or less.

“Digital Prototyping is helping Preciosa accelerate its design process and win new business,” said Robert “Buzz” Kross, senior vice president, Manufacturing Industry Group at Autodesk. “Its successful application of Inventor is a model for effectively catering to a discerning customer base while saving time and money.”

About the Autodesk Inventor of the Month Program

Each month, Autodesk selects an Inventor of the Month from the users of Autodesk Inventor software. Winners are chosen for engineering excellence and groundbreaking innovation.

DS SolidWorks Helps Bring Lifesaving Artery Tool designed by Cardiovascular Systems Inc. to Reality

SolidWorks Design, Simulation, and Publishing Software Contribute to Halving of Design Cycle, 20 Percent Materials Saving, and Paperless Assembly.

CONCORD, Mass – Arthrosclerosis, or hardening of the arteries, is an extremely common and lethal disease. To treat it, more than a million angioplasties are performed in the United States every year. A new technology, designed by Cardiovascular Systems Inc. (CSI) using SolidWorks® software, is giving a growing number of patients a compelling alternative to high-pressure angioplasty.

Called orbital atherectomy, the new procedure uses disposable, diamond-coated, catheter- based artery probes of varying sizes to sand away plaque, which can be as hard as bone. Careful, high-speed sanding can open a smooth pipe for significantly improved blood flow, reducing the risk of rupturing blood vessels or breaking off stroke-inducing chunks of plaque. More than 99 percent of the particles are smaller than a red blood cell and are washed away with the patient’s blood flow.

“I’ve watched a pair of pallid feet turn healthy pink as the doctors use our Diamondback 360® PAD System to restore circulation,” said CSI Design Services Manager Christopher Narveson. “The procedure can help a homebound patient get up and walk the beach with his/her spouse overnight. It can eliminate the need for amputation, which has devastating lifestyle consequences. Helping people this way makes it a joy to go to work in the morning.”

SolidWorks software helped Cardiovascular Systems take a viable product design, consisting solely of 2D drawings, and bring it quickly to market, according to Narveson. Modeling the Diamondback 360 in SolidWorks automatically readied the design for manufacturing.

Use of 3DVIA Composer publishing software has saved the company time, money, and effort by automating assembly instructions and displaying them on clean-room computer screens. This has enabled the company to forego paper instructions that require constant re-cleaning.

3DVIA Composer also helps doctors, marketers, and partners see the Diamondback in action and appreciate its benefit by viewing animations from SolidWorks CAD models. CSI uses SolidWorks Simulation Premium software to optimize the performance of affordable, high-strength plastic components.

Switching to SolidWorks shortened the company’s design cycle from two years to nine months and helped CSI pare more than 20 percent of material costs from the product. SolidWorks has also enabled quick development of second and third generations of the Diamondback. These new devices require fewer people and less equipment to operate.

“We can’t imagine life without SolidWorks,” said Narveson. “It enables us to continuously improve the product, easily explain how it works, and thereby help more patients and our company as well. Without it, we’d be back in the stone age.”

The Diamondback 360 is FDA-approved for use in limb arteries and will begin clinical trials for coronary artery disease in 2010.

Cardiovascular Systems relies on authorized SolidWorks reseller Symmetry Solutions Inc. for ongoing software training, implementation, and support.

Bruker Introduces MS Workstation 7 Software for New Chemical Analysis Gas Chromatography Triple-Quadrupole Mass Spectrometers

SALT LAKE CITY - At the 58th ASMS Conference, Bruker Daltonics’ new Chemical Analysis business announced the release of MS Workstation 7, the next generation software package for the newly acquired 3x0 series GC triple-quadrupole (GC-QQQ) mass spectrometers. MS Workstation 7 features Scheduled Multiple-Reaction Monitoring (s-MRM), which facilitates method development, maintenance and data reduction tasks for challenging multi-component methods.

Multi-residue analyses are often challenging due to the low levels and diversity of targeted analytes in complex sample matrices. Regardless of the application area, laboratories are typically faced with the challenge of bolstering the number of compounds identified and measured over shorter and shorter analysis times.

Traditionally, triple-quadrupole mass spectrometers have been used for these targeted, multiplexed analyses due to the excellent selectivity, large dynamic range, high sensitivity and low limits of quantitation obtained with multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) in triple-quadrupole MS instruments. However, the number of compounds that can be effectively monitored per chromatographic run by a triple quadrupole MS can be limited by the cycle time of the instrument, the complexity of the sample matrix and the chromatographic peak widths of the analytes, particularly in fast GC separations.

To answer the challenge posed by complex, multi-residue analytical methods, Bruker has developed the s-MRM approach that is available now in MS Workstation 7. This advanced s-MRM capability decreases the number of concurrent MRM transitions, allowing MRMs to be monitored only around their expected retention times. MS Workstation 7 allows instrument cycle and dwell times to be optimized to deliver highest sensitivity on accurate and reproducible results. The s-MRM approach facilitates the monitoring of increased numbers of MRM transitions during an analysis, and can meet the rigors of current fast, multi-residue GC methods, while maintaining highest data quality.

Collin D’Silva, President of the newly-formed Bruker Chemical Analysis Division, stated: “Before our recent acquisition of the former Varian Inc. GC, GC-QQQ-MS and ICP-MS products, we made sure that they were high performance, high quality instruments that provide value in the marketplace. Bruker is committed to accelerating research and development, as well as applications development and validation, so that our chemical analysis products become even more valuable resources for our customers.”

MS Workstation 7 will be highlighted at Bruker's Users Meeting on Sunday, May 23rd, 2010 before the 58th ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry in Salt Lake City, Utah (USA).

Delcam to launch high-accuracy dental CADCAM in Rimini

Delcam will launch new versions of its DentCAD and DentMILL software for the design and manufacture of dental restorations at the Amici di Brugg exhibition to be held in Rimini, Italy, from 27th to 29th May. The company believes that these latest programs offer higher levels of consistency and accuracy than other dental CADCAM systems. As a result, they can minimise, or even eliminate, manual adjustment of the restoration as it is being fitted, and produce restorations that give improved comfort and that are more durable.

As well as improving accuracy, Delcam has increased the range of restorations that can be designed in DentCAD. The new version offers automated tools for the design of inlays and onlays, and for the creation of dental bars, customised abutments, collars and pressed crowns, in addition to the previous options for copings, crowns and bridge frameworks.

In the new release, extra analysis tools have been added to DentCAD to ensure that the designs can be manufactured efficiently and will perform satisfactorily. For example, undercut shading can be used to identify areas where five-axis machining might be needed so adding to manufacturing costs, while thickness shading will highlight any areas in the design that might be too thin to give a durable restoration or that might chip or crack during manufacture.

Improvements to DentMILL reflect the recent enhancements to Delcam’s PowerMILL engineering CAM system on which it is based. These include support for the latest hardware developments, such as 64-bit operation, multi-threading and background processing, that can significantly reduce calculation times.

A number of improvements have been made to give smoother toolpaths, in particular for five-axis machining. These new techniques not only give a more accurate surface finish on the restoration but also protect the cutters and the machine tool by minimising the stresses during machining. In addition, the range of five-axis machining options has been increased with the option to undertake constant-Z undercut machining.

Intergraph® 2010 to be Held Aug. 30-Sept. 2 in Las Vegas

HUNTSVILLE, Ala - Intergraph® 2010, the international conference for users of the industry’s leading engineering and geospatial software, will be held Aug. 30-Sept. 2 at the new, spectacular ARIA Resort at CityCenterTM in Las Vegas.

The conference will feature nearly 200 focused sessions led by industry authorities and customers from around the world who convene to share experiences and best practices while gaining practical skills through hands-on training. In addition, the conference agenda includes thought-provoking keynotes on industry and corporate trends as well as structured networking opportunities.

Intergraph 2010 will be held at the recently opened 61-story ARIA Resort at the 67-acre CityCenter, an extraordinary urban resort destination featuring premium dining, shopping, entertainment and recreation. Intergraph chose this location after a national search for a venue that met its conference specifications and the necessary level of quality and service its customers have come to expect.

Intergraph was forced to reschedule Intergraph 2010, originally scheduled for the June 14-17 at the Gaylord Opryland Resort in Nashville, Tennessee, due to unprecedented flooding.

“The swift rescheduling of Intergraph 2010 underscores Intergraph’s unwavering commitment to its customers globally and to delivering a conference of outstanding quality and value,” said Intergraph Chief Operating Officer Reid French. “Every effort is being made to ensure a seamless transition for our attendees whom we thank for their patience as we transition to Las Vegas from our original conference venue.”

Early conference registration savings are available through July 23 and room rates at ARIA are just $139 per room per night plus taxes. To register and for more information, please visit the Intergraph 2010 Web site.

Tech Soft 3D Reaches Agreement with Adobe to Develop Adobe 3D SDK Technology

Berkeley, CA – 3D component provider Tech Soft 3D today announced it has signed an agreement, subject to certain customary closing conditions, with Adobe Systems Incorporated to transition development and support of Adobe’s 3D SDK and related technologies and associated employees and resources to Tech Soft 3D. Consisting of a 3D CAD translation suite and PDF publishing SDK, the technology allows OEM development teams to create applications that access data from over 25 popular 3D file formats, and publish rich 3D PDF files in the industry-standard PRC and U3D formats. Adobe will continue to support viewing of and interaction with 3D data within its applicable products, including the free Adobe® Reader® software. Moving forward, Tech Soft 3D will continue to make updated CAD translators available to end users as plug-ins to applicable Adobe® software for reading and outputting 3D PDF.

Upon closing of the transaction, Tech Soft 3D will maintain the existing development center in Lyon, France, which will continue to aggressively update, enhance and support the technology. For easier application integration, Tech Soft 3D plans to immediately repackage the 3D SDK and PRC publisher into pure library form.

“This CAD translation technology has long been considered best-in-class, so we’re eager to provide it in pure library form to best help developers with their data access needs and to allow Acrobat users to access a broad set of CAD formats,” says Tech Soft 3D CEO, Ron Fritz. “With the growing popularity of 3D PDF as a standard for collaboration and data exchange, we anticipate that leading 3D software developers such as Anark Corp., Lattice 3D, and Kubotek will welcome the ability to publish data in the PRC and U3D formats. I’m also looking forward to Tech Soft 3D’s continued participation in the ISO working group developing PRC as an open standard.”

“Tech Soft 3D has a commanding knowledge of the market and a track record of successfully managing the needs of its software customers,” says Kumar Vora, Vice President and General Manager of Adobe LiveCycle® Business. “With its many years of experience supporting the integration of 3D CAD data importers and exporters to PLM software, we’re confident that Tech Soft 3D is the right partner to continue to develop the 3D translator technology that helps our customers get their valuable 3D data into PDF.”

“Anark is a leading provider of solutions for manufacturers based on Acrobat and 3D PDF, as well as a long-standing development partner with Tech Soft 3D,” says Stephen Collins, President and CEO of Anark Corporation. “We are extremely pleased to see this enabling Adobe technology entrusted in the capable hands of Tech Soft 3D.”

Tech Soft 3D has been a key Adobe reseller to the engineering software community for the Adobe PDF Library SDK since 2005. In 2008, Tech Soft 3D was named a distributor of the Acrobat 3D SDK for OEM integration of Acrobat software’s 3D capabilities into CAD/CAM/CAE software.

Delcam’s complete CAM range on show in Vietnam

Delcam will demonstrate its complete range of CAM systems at the MTA Vietnam metalworking exhibition to be held in Ho Chi Minh City from 6th to 9th July. The complete range of Delcam machining software comprises PowerMILL for high-speed and five-axis machining, FeatureCAM for feature-based programming, PartMaker for Swiss-type lathes and turn-mill equipment, and ArtCAM for engraving and routing. Together, these programs comprise the world’s most comprehensive range of CAM software from a single suppler. This broad coverage is one of the reasons why Delcam has been declared the world’s leading specialist supplier of NC software and services for the last ten years by US analysts Cimdata.

The Delcam development team is ranked as the largest in the CAM industry by CIMdata. The latest results of their work will be on show in Vietnam, with new versions of all the Delcam programs being demonstrated.

PowerMILL 2010 is the first 64-bit version of the software. 64-bit technology removes the memory limitations of 32-bit computers so giving more efficient toolpath generation, especially when machining large or complex parts. The new release also continues to improve user productivity by extending the use of the latest background-processing and multi-threading technologies available in recent hardware. The combination of these two developments is estimated to reduce calculation times by up to 25%, although this will depend on the size and complexity of the part.

More than 50 major enhancements have been included to give faster and easier programming, more efficient toolpaths and better surface quality in the finished parts. These include new strategies for offset roughing, corner clearance, five-axis machining and constant-Z machining, plus more efficient rest roughing, and smoother toolpaths for semi-finishing and finishing.

FeatureCAM 2010, the latest release of Delcam’s feature-based CAM system, also takes advantage of the latest hardware to make its unique approach to feature-based machining even quicker. Most important of these developments is support for multi-threading when generating 3D toolpaths. This allows calculations to be spread across multiple cores in dual- or quad-core computers. Average time savings are around 25% on a dual-core PC.

Improved algorithms have been introduced within the user interface to speed up the editing of features and to reduce the time needed to switch between machine-tool set-ups, while more efficient handling of stock models will reduce the memory required for calculations and so enhance performance still further.

The most innovative new programming option in FeatureCAM 2010 is combined drilling and milling functionality that allows more efficient hole creation on machines fitted with automatic tool changing. This generates roughing and finishing toolpaths to create any holes for which the appropriate drill is not loaded, using the existing tooling within the machine’s crib.

Major highlights of the 2010 PartMaker release include the ability to perform five-axis simultaneous milling on multi-axis lathes, more powerful milling functionality, enhanced grooving routines, faster tool path creation, improved solid model-based programming tools and better programming of thread whirling.

In addition, PartMaker 2010 features the option for a direct interface to all the advanced five-axis machining strategies currently supported by PowerMILL, including blade and blisk machining, as well as its highly sophisticated three-axis strategies. PowerMILL tool paths can be imported directly into PartMaker, manipulated and synchronized on PartMaker’s Process Table, and then simulated and post-processed directly from that working environment.

The major change in the 2010 version of ArtCAM is the new interface. This is fully customisable, meaning the every user can set up the software to give quicker access to the commands that they use most frequently. Similarly, commands that are rarely used can be hidden from the initial menu choices. This releases much more of the screen for visualisation of the model as the design progresses.

Another change that will increase productivity is the ability to use many more commands on the 3D model directly. Previously, much of ArtCAM’s modelling had to be carried out on a 2D view, and then calculated and visualised in 3D. Direct editing in the 3D window will give more immediate feedback, and so allow faster creation and modification of designs.

BOXX Introduces Revolutionary Personal Rendering System

AUSTIN, TEXAS — BOXX Technologies, an authority on dedicated rendering and innovator in high-performance computing systems for visual effects, post production, animation, product design, and advanced visualization, today introduced renderPRO, the industry’s first personal, dedicated rendering module. renderPRO is so compact that it easily fits on top of a workstation, yet so powerful that it features Intel® Xeon® processors to quickly render the most detailed images and animation created using Autodesk® 3ds Max®, Maya®, Revit® and countless other professional software applications.

“Until now, the only rendering choices available were the workstation, which requires endless hours of waiting, or a large, rack-mounted render farm which many artists, animators, architects, and engineers simply can’t accommodate,” said Shoaib Mohammad, Director of Marketing and Business Development at BOXX. “Our solution was to make rendering personal—no server room, no IT, and no budget approval. renderPRO is revolutionary because it not only puts dedicated rendering at your fingertips, it also puts rendering decisions back in the hands of the artist.”

The desk side renderPRO debuts in three models: renderPRO4, renderPRO8, and renderPRO12, with the model numbers indicating the number of Intel Xeon processing cores available in each. A renderPRO solution saves time, accelerates workflow, and increases productivity because it allows users to free their workstation from rendering duties while providing true dedicated rendering performance. The latest addition to the BOXX line of professional rendering solutions (which also includes renderBOXX and ROW: RenderFarm on Wheels), renderPRO is also easily expandable, enabling users to create their own personal render farm at their desk.

“BOXX innovation and Intel technology empower users to accelerate the creation of media that entertains, educates, and informs,” said Anthony Neal-Graves, general manager of Intel’s Workstation Group. “With our Intel® Xeon® processors in the new renderPRO, users have personal access to dedicated rendering performance necessary for animation, visual effects, and design workflows.”

ESPRIT CAM by DP Technology at PTC User World Event 2010

Camarillo — The latest version of computer-aided-manufacturing (CAM) software created by DP Technology will be exhibited June 6-9, when ESPRIT® 2010 will be featured at PTC User World Event 2010 in Orlando, Fla.

Now in its 20th year, the annual PTC User World Event, taking place this year at the Rosen Shingle Creek Resort, offers technical training, networking opportunities and exhibitions of imaginative, cutting-edge solutions from leading technology companies.

Participants in PTC User World Event 2010 are encouraged to visit the ESPRIT booth, No. 502, where knowledgeable DP representatives will be available to discuss vital upgrades and perform demonstrations of how to best make those upgrades work for them.

Of most interest to those in attendance at the PTC User World Event, the ESPRIT FX™ feature tree ensures users associativity between Pro Engineer and ESPRIT, which includes improved rendering and visualization options, and supports multiple CAD models and assemblies. The associative properties of the ESPRIT FX feature tree, linking design features built inside the CAD system with manufacturing features built inside ESPRIT.

The associative technology of ESPRIT allows for the recognition of engineering changes made to a part model and the association between the original and changed part. ESPRIT retains the link to the original CAD file as well as a link to the faces utilized for each manufacturing feature created inside ESPRIT. If the CAD model changes, ESPRIT recognizes which faces have been changed, added or deleted, and will update the associated ESPRIT feature and ultimately the manufacturing processes.

CSI releases DesignDataManager 2010.1

CSI has released DesignDataManager 2010 (DDM), the MultiCAD data and business process solution for 3D modeling design applications. Pro/ENGINEER® SolidWorks® IronCAD® Solid Edge® Autodesk Inventor®.

DDM Solution Suite 2010 builds on the reality of globalisation and outsourcing, offering an affordable and easy way of making your design data available worldwide. DDM RIFS (Remote Intelligent File Servers) and DDM Replicator allow you access to your data wherever you are!

We all know that today’s design- to-market process, data integrity and flow is critical for your business success. Continuous development in DDM has provided answers to some of the most challenging issues facing design functions, in particular handling complex data flows across distributed teams and decision makers. The most powerful data management tools are readily accessed by teams across the business, including manufacturing, design, financial and administration teams. Building on its proven technology DesignDataManager 2010 introduces a universally recognised Windows 7 user interface. New graphical features and taskbar make working with DDM easier and more accessible to all stakeholders involved in the process.

New functionalities to increase search facilities will include:

The familiar look and feel of Windows 7 user interface. The familiar look and feel of the Windows UI encourages users to follow the implementation of DDM across the whole organisation, throughout development, production and processing. Robust integration with all major CAD packages and straight forward user involvement results in a reduction of lost or corrupted data and so minimises bottlenecks, reducing time to market.

Search against all DDM class types - One of the most important areas of a data management system for designers is its search and store facilities. DDM 2010 now offers the ability to create saved searches to folders and a new “favourites” search feature.

Classification real time auto search – Find parts and materials quicker and easier, by searching against all generic part information.

Place Holders Classifications – categorise information within your folder and group objects together using virtual folders to mirror a tree based structure

Speed - Improved File Servers provide reduced load and save times.

Support for latest CAD Releases - DesignDataManager supports the latest versions of Solidworks®, Inventor®, Solid Edge® and IronCAD®.

May 21, 2010

HP Executive Christian Verstraete to Keynote at CPDA’s PLM Road Map™ 2010

Riverside, CT – Collaborative Product Development Associates (CPDA), a provider of critical analyses for PLM decisions, announces that Christian Verstraete, Hewlett-Packard’s Chief Technologist for the Manufacturing & Distribution Industries, will make a keynote presentation at PLM Road Map 2010 which will take place at The Inn at St. John's, outside of Detroit, on September 28 and 29. Other keynote speakers at this event include Ford Motor Company’s Christopher Davey, Targeted Convergence Corporation’s Michael Kennedy, and MathWorks’ Jim Tung.

In his keynote presentation “Is Cloud Useful in PD&E? If Yes, Where?” Christian Verstraete will focus on the ability of the cloud to meet the needs of product development and engineering. The differences between cloud, grid, and HPC alternatives will be highlighted, and the areas where the cloud can add value will be developed. The question of whether special clouds should be established for product development and the characteristics of these clouds will be defined. Finally, the criteria to consider in deciding whether or not to take a workload to the cloud will be established. Practical examples will be used to illustrate the presentation.

About Christian Verstraete, Chief Technologist – Manufacturing & Distribution Industries, Hewlett-Packard Company
Christian Verstraete has been a member of HP’s manufacturing team for more than 30 years. He holds responsibility for thought leadership and innovation - scanning industry and technology trends and assessing their mid/longer term effect on emerging MDI business opportunities and how to capitalize on them. He is the link to the CTO community both inside HP and with its customers and partners.

Prior to his current position, Christian was responsible for the development of solutions for the Manufacturing & Distribution Industry. He led HP’s global High-Tech Industry Group and the go-to-market strategy for the manufacturing industries Supply Chain where he was responsible for growing the company’s $300 million consulting and system integration business.

After having participated in the planning of the HP/Compaq merger, he headed HP’s manufacturing practice within the Consulting and Integration business unit from 2002 to 2004. The 1,200 consultants he led created and delivered solutions in the areas of supply chain, procurement and sourcing, product lifecycle collaboration, demand chain and collaborative business integration in all segments of the Manufacturing Industry.

Prior to that, Christian served as the Global Lead in the Extended Manufacturing Practice and the Supply Chain Infrastructure and EAI. From his first HP job as a systems engineer through project, regional, district, and global management, Christian has concentrated on developing, marketing, and advancing infrastructure services.

Frequently published in periodicals, Christian is also a featured speaker at global supply chain events and runs HP’s Manufacturing-Distribution blog. He is one of the authors of “Connected Manufacturing, Thought-provoking essays from industry leaders” and of “Collaborative Sourcing, Strategic Value Creation through Collaborative Supplier Relationship Management”. He is on the board of the Supply Chain Council.

Christian holds a mechanical engineering degree from the Universite Catholique de Louvain in Belgium and a degree in industrial management from Katholieke Universiteit van Leuven, also in Belgium. He is based in Brussels, Belgium.

Delcam’s complete CAM range on show in Vietnam

Delcam will demonstrate its complete range of CAM systems at the MTA Vietnam metalworking exhibition to be held in Ho Chi Minh City from 6th to 9th July. The complete range of Delcam machining software comprises PowerMILL for high-speed and five-axis machining, FeatureCAM for feature-based programming, PartMaker for Swiss-type lathes and turn-mill equipment, and ArtCAM for engraving and routing. Together, these programs comprise the world’s most comprehensive range of CAM software from a single suppler. This broad coverage is one of the reasons why Delcam has been declared the world’s leading specialist supplier of NC software and services for the last ten years by US analysts Cimdata.

The Delcam development team is ranked as the largest in the CAM industry by CIMdata. The latest results of their work will be on show in Vietnam, with new versions of all the Delcam programs being demonstrated.

PowerMILL 2010 is the first 64-bit version of the software. 64-bit technology removes the memory limitations of 32-bit computers so giving more efficient toolpath generation, especially when machining large or complex parts. The new release also continues to improve user productivity by extending the use of the latest background-processing and multi-threading technologies available in recent hardware. The combination of these two developments is estimated to reduce calculation times by up to 25%, although this will depend on the size and complexity of the part.

More than 50 major enhancements have been included to give faster and easier programming, more efficient toolpaths and better surface quality in the finished parts. These include new strategies for offset roughing, corner clearance, five-axis machining and constant-Z machining, plus more efficient rest roughing, and smoother toolpaths for semi-finishing and finishing.

FeatureCAM 2010, the latest release of Delcam’s feature-based CAM system, also takes advantage of the latest hardware to make its unique approach to feature-based machining even quicker. Most important of these developments is support for multi-threading when generating 3D toolpaths. This allows calculations to be spread across multiple cores in dual- or quad-core computers. Average time savings are around 25% on a dual-core PC.

Improved algorithms have been introduced within the user interface to speed up the editing of features and to reduce the time needed to switch between machine-tool set-ups, while more efficient handling of stock models will reduce the memory required for calculations and so enhance performance still further.

The most innovative new programming option in FeatureCAM 2010 is combined drilling and milling functionality that allows more efficient hole creation on machines fitted with automatic tool changing. This generates roughing and finishing toolpaths to create any holes for which the appropriate drill is not loaded, using the existing tooling within the machine’s crib.

Major highlights of the 2010 PartMaker release include the ability to perform five-axis simultaneous milling on multi-axis lathes, more powerful milling functionality, enhanced grooving routines, faster tool path creation, improved solid model-based programming tools and better programming of thread whirling.

In addition, PartMaker 2010 features the option for a direct interface to all the advanced five-axis machining strategies currently supported by PowerMILL, including blade and blisk machining, as well as its highly sophisticated three-axis strategies. PowerMILL tool paths can be imported directly into PartMaker, manipulated and synchronized on PartMaker’s Process Table, and then simulated and post-processed directly from that working environment.

The major change in the 2010 version of ArtCAM is the new interface. This is fully customisable, meaning the every user can set up the software to give quicker access to the commands that they use most frequently. Similarly, commands that are rarely used can be hidden from the initial menu choices. This releases much more of the screen for visualisation of the model as the design progresses.

Another change that will increase productivity is the ability to use many more commands on the 3D model directly. Previously, much of ArtCAM’s modelling had to be carried out on a 2D view, and then calculated and visualised in 3D. Direct editing in the 3D window will give more immediate feedback, and so allow faster creation and modification of designs.

Bentley Institute’s New ‘Learning Qualification’ Program Helps Users Gain Recognition for Professional Development

Builds on Existing Initiatives That Help Guide, Measure, and Record User Learning.

PHILADELPHIA – Be Together: The Be Communities LIVE Conference – At this gathering of infrastructure professionals, Bentley Systems, Incorporated, the leading company dedicated to providing comprehensive software solutions for the infrastructure that sustains our world, today announced the launch of an important new initiative from Bentley Institute. The innovative Learning Qualification program helps Bentley users gain well-deserved recognition for milestones in professional learning and skills development. It builds on existing Bentley Institute programs, including Bentley LEARN, that empower infrastructure professionals to advance their careers and infrastructure organizations to secure new work. Among these programs are:

* Learning Paths, curriculum plans that guide users in prioritizing training;
* Learning Units, to measure time invested in improving knowledge and skills;
* Learning History, an online transcript of skills improvement over time.

The new Learning Qualification program acknowledges the skills development Bentley users achieve by successfully completing required training courses on a Bentley Learning Path. To showcase their new skills, Qualified Learners receive a certificate suitable for framing and the right to display each Qualification on business cards, in email footers, and in association with their avatar on Bentley’s Be Communities.

Scott Robison, CAD manager, Indiana Department of Transportation, said, “This new Learning Qualification program is motivating. It’s just what my colleagues need to showcase the learning advantage Bentley Institute training delivers for their professional development within Indiana Department of Transportation.”

Peter Huftalen, vice president, Bentley Institute, said, “We’ve always maintained cumulative Learning Histories for every Bentley Institute learner – from the Institute’s inception over 15 years ago – and we recently introduced Learning Paths to help guide training plans among our wealth of courses. Having laid this groundwork, it’s fitting that we are now awarding Learning Qualifications for our users who complete a Learning Path.”

Huftalen continued, “Likewise, our Learning Qualification program helps firms and other organizations identify individuals with the skill sets they need for maximum impact on the world’s infrastructure projects.”

Todd Lanphear, CADD manager, Traffic Planning and Design, Inc., said, “The new Bentley Institute Learning Qualification program should prove useful when we are competing for work. It’s a way to acknowledge and promote the software skill sets of our teams – which can be a deal-maker!”

Delcam to show orthotic and orthopaedic software at Foothealth

Delcam’s OrthoModel allows fast, accurate and repeatable design of orthotics.

Delcam will demonstrate the latest versions of the company’s software for the design and manufacture of orthotics and orthopaedic footwear at the Foothealth event to be held in Kettering on 22nd and 23rd June. The company’s iQube 3D scanner, to capture data for the design of orthotics will also be on show at the exhibition.

The 2010 versions of the OrthoModel and OrthoMill software for, respectively, the design and manufacture of custom orthotic insoles, include enhancements that will enable the design of a broader range of orthotics and more efficient manufacture of those designs. Within OrthoModel, more functions have been added to adapt for individual patients the range of standard base models supplied with the software. The extra shaping tools allow whole-model editing of the standard designs so that the desired modifications can be completed quickly and easily.

The most significant addition in OrthoMill is the ability to "batch” machining calculations. This allows the operator to input designs for a number of orthotics, either to be cut from a single block or from several pieces of material. The software can then generate all the required toolpaths in a continuous series of calculations. The process can even be carried out overnight, to give maximum productivity for the programmer.

Also on show will be the special versions for the creation of orthopaedic footwear of Delcam’s industry-leading programs for mass-produced footwear. A common condition, not previously accommodated by the software, requires the last design to be curved to match the curvature of the patient’s foot. New functionality has now been added, which can modify the shape from the bottom mid-section forwards, allowing the last to be bent either inwards or outwards.

The ability has also been included to add an insole block to the bottom of the last, increasing the overall depth of the last for patients with different leg lengths. The block can also be edited to include a rocker in and around the ball area to aid the walking process. It is also possible to produce an orthotic shape, using the bottom surface of the last as the template for the orthotic.

The iQube scanner can be used for the production of custom-made orthotics for either diabetic or rheumatoid patients, or for the correction of abnormalities caused by a biomechanical miss-alignment of the musco-skeletal system. Like the company’s software, the scanner has been developed in association with Delcam’s panel of orthopaedic, podiatric and orthotics experts to ensure that it provides a suitable solution for foot-care specialists and their patients.

The key attribute of the new scanner is its versatility. It can be used to capture data directly from the patient’s foot, either in weight-on, weight-off or semi-weight-bearing modes. The scanner weighs only 14kg, making it easily portable so it can be taken to any patients whose movement is restricted.

Alternatively, the iQube can be used to scan casts or foam-box impressions. The data can then be emailed to the laboratory that will manufacture the orthotic, along with the patient’s details, so eliminating the costs and time delays associated with delivering casts or foam boxes around the country.

The iQube is extremely fast and accurate. It is based on scanning technology developed for the aerospace industry, which allows high quality, full colour, 3D images to be produced in approximately three seconds. The data collected is accurate to within 0.4mm. This ensures that the laboratory can produce a right-first-time orthotic that will put the patient on the recovery path as quickly as possible.