
Mar 11, 2009

E³.panel from Zuken: it’s a whole new world with integrated 3D

Munich, Germany and Westford, MA, USA – Breaking new ground, Zuken has introduced the first system of its kind for panel design that has integrated 3D functionality. This forms part of Zuken’s strategy to break down the barriers for all designers to have access to easy-to-use tools for 3D design functionality. Zuken understands that in complex panel applications where the application is working with multiple layers and/or non standard enclosures where space is limited, it is becoming more and more of a necessity to work in 3D - as a result has focused development efforts on incorporating these capabilities directly within E³.panel.

Outside of Zuken’s E³.panel application designing in 3D would involve working with a specialist 3D design tool, requiring specialist knowledge. Neither a separate piece of software or specialist knowledge is now required with E³.panel. Functionality has been incorporated specifically to be easy to use, and deliver only the level of complexity that the panel engineer requires that is intuitive and easy to pick up and work with.

For further collision checking it is also possible to output data into more advanced 3D mechanical design environments using the STEP (the Standard for the Exchange of Product data) format.

E³.panel is now available for more information www.zuken.com/E3