
Mar 31, 2009

Schott Systeme Retain 2008 Pricing for High End CAD/CAM

Munich, Germany - Helping design and manufacturing companies to continue to invest in high end CAD/CAM solutions during the current economic climate, Schott Systeme GmbH are reinforcing a 10 year old policy of not raising the price of their CAD/CAM software ‘Pictures by PC’.

With competition continuing to drive down profit margins on even the most complex of manufacturing jobs, the German software house has for the 11th year running refrained from raising the standard price of their CAD/CAM solution. Still remaining at €9,800, customers are able to purchase a fully integrated 2D/3D design and machining suite complete with hybrid solid, surface and mesh modelling, moldtool design, dedicated graphic design and technical documentation, in addition to 2.5D milling and drilling, 3D freeform machining, 3+2 axis multisided mill/drill and engraving, complete with free machine post processors. Schott Systeme have in addition maintained their stance of providing free yearly support with no maintenance cost. Module prices for 5 axis simultaneous milling, turning and wireEDM also remain unchanged at €2,500, €2,000 and €2,000 respectively.

When asked about their pricing policy and Schott Systeme’s thoughts on manufacturing in general during the current economic climate, company founder Mr Hans Joachim Schott stressed “Firstly we believe that for manufacturing companies to remain both productive and competitive in the current climate, every CNC machine should be accompanied by an integrated CAD/CAM package. The problem companies face is that high purchase prices and the continued yearly subscription costs do not make this goal financially viable. In fact we still encounter companies almost on a daily basis that continue to actually manually programme CNC machine tools as a direct result.”

Relating this to Schott Systeme’s pricing policy, Hans Joachim continued “Our customers have to remain competitive, and this is the reason behind our pricing policy. We offer a single fully integrated solution with no need to purchase additional software or numerous add-on modules. We want our customers to earn money with us, and thus do not continually ask for yearly support and maintenance costs. This coupled with a low purchase price makes it possible for our customers to both buy, but more importantly continue to own a CAD/CAM package to sit beside every single CNC machine.”

As testament to the longevity of such a pricing policy, the company marked their 25th anniversary by launching the latest 64bit version of their software during the Euromold 2008 exhibition last December in Frankfurt.

For product information, download the 2009 brochure at http://www.schott-systeme.com/en/Downloads/SchottBrochure-EN-Internet.pdf

Product demonstrations can be viewed at http://www.schott-systeme.com/en/newintrovideo-en.htm