
Mar 18, 2009

Delcam offers free online ArtCAM demonstrations

To mark the launch of Delcam’s latest Computer-Aided Design & Manufacturing (CADCAM) software range, ArtCAM 2009, Delcam will be giving a number of free online demonstrations. The first demonstrations to take place will be on Thursday 19th of March on their introductory package, ArtCAM Express aimed at: hobbyists, small or new companies and those who have recently purchased a CNC router.

The following presentation on the 24th of March will focus on ArtCAM’s mid-range product, ArtCAM Insignia 2009 and will demonstrate how to design a cabinet, create multiple drill holes and then nest the pieces according to their true-shape.

The final demonstration taking place on the 27th of March will be on the top-of-the-range product, ArtCAM Pro for professional design and manufacture and will demonstrate the latest sculpting features available in ArtCAM.