
May 4, 2010

WorkNC CAM software is still number 1 in Japan - survey published by the Nikkan Kogyo newspaper

For the fourth time, Sescoi’s WorkNC CAM software is the most popular programming system amongst Japanese die and mold makers, according to a survey just published by the Nikkan Kogyo newspaper. The daily publication focuses on business and industry, and its survey showed that WorkNC continues to hold the largest share of the Japanese die and mold CAM software market, with over three times more companies using WorkNC than the nearest non-Japanese CAM software competitor.

Asked about trading conditions, the survey showed that there is evidence of recovery for Japanese mold and die makers with over 30% of companies reporting an increase in orders, compared with just 4.9% the previous year, and with the most likely time to recovery seen as the third quarter of 2010.

Many companies plan to increase their volume of exports to overcome the uncertainty in the Japanese domestic market, so efficiency, quality and cost reduction will be important factors for success, and powerful CAM software will be an important enabler. The advances in the recently released WorkNC V20 Japanese version will help them achieve their goals. A new Global Roughing/Re-roughing routine eliminates duplicated machining paths, air cutting and unnecessary rapid moves, while a completely new toolpath combines Z-Level Finishing and Optimized Z-Level Finishing, eliminating duplicated passes, simplifying programming and improving the tool trajectory.

At a recent series of WorkNC users seminars, that brought together nearly 200 companies in 7 Japanese cities, the feedback from participants was that, among all the functions and features for which they value WorkNC highly, it is the reliability of the software’s collision avoidance that is most appreciated. The seminar participants were in broad agreement that the new functions and enhancements in WorkNC V20 would enable them to further improve their operational efficiency.

Sescoi is delighted that its WorkNC CAM software is number 1 in Japan for the fourth time and is pushing forward with an ambitious development program that will maintain its leadership in the Japanese die and mold market. This includes providing its customers with software tools that make them ever more productive, such as the high speed WorkXPlore 3D CAD viewer, recently launched in this market. Via training and consultancy, Sescoi also wants to further build the skills of Japanese die and mold makers who have produced the most astonishing demonstration pieces using WorkNC CAM software. These include a kabuto samurai helmet and the award winning silver jacket which was gold prize winner in Mori Seiki’s Cutting Dream Competition.