
May 4, 2010

Petris Announces the Release of DrillNET 1.7

HOUSTON, TX – Petris Technology, Inc a supplier of data management and geosciences applications to the global oil and gas industry, announced today the release of PetrisWINDS DrillNET 1.7, providing the broadest range of advanced drilling engineering software on one easy to use integrated platform.

With the addition of two new modules, Torque & Drag for Liner Cementing and Hydraulics for High Temperatures and High Pressures (HTHP), DrillNET now provides the most complete suite needed by drilling engineering departments to plan, model and optimize well construction.

Torque & Drag for Liner Cementing calculates the efforts experienced by the drill string while cementing a liner with reciprocation and rotation using any sequence of different fluids. Hydraulics for HTHP wells analyzes the impact of high temperature and high pressure on the deformation and flow of matter and fluids used for drilling the well to determine the right combination of parameters required to reduce risk.

“In today’s increasingly complex drilling conditions, there is even greater need for accurate well design that minimizes risk and optimizes production,” said John Wearing, Petris vice president of product management. “PetrisWINDS DrillNET 1.7 combines advanced engineering with an intuitive user experience to provide drilling departments a tool that enables more time spent on engineering analysis so drilling companies can make informed decision to achieve their goals.”

DrillNET’s user-friendly design, including a 'traffic light' mechanism to check for missing variables, offers better utilization of critical engineering resources and faster and more efficient training of new drilling personnel than ever before. Built on the Microsoft .NET Framework, DrillNET is available in English, Spanish, Russian and Chinese. “The Latin American, Chinese and Russian energy markets are rapidly growing, both in size and importance,” said Jim Pritchett, Petris president and CEO. “DrillNET 1.7 provides Spanish-, Chinese- and Russian-speaking users with access to the industry’s broadest suite of drilling engineering applications.”