
Mar 29, 2010

ODA Announces Agenda for ODA World Conference 2010

Phoenix, AZ: The Open Design Alliance (ODA) announces the detailed agenda for the ODA World Conference in Orlando, Florida (USA), May 4 – 5, 2010.

Conference topics include new developments in the ODA platform, advanced topics for all components of the ODA platform, technical implementations by ODA members, member-oriented forums, and future trends in the CAD industry, including the latest developments in SaaS technology, which is expected to have an increased impact on the technical graphics industry.

The new ODA Technology Exchange format, which will be used throughout much of the conference, delivers three separate conference sessions simultaneously in 45-minute blocks, with attendees joining the sessions of their choice and customizing the conference according to their interests.

ODA members such as The IntelliCAD Technology Consortium and Graebert and third-party vendors such as LEDAS, AMD Professional Graphics, and Redway3d will be presenting their technologies and implementations that are built with the ODA platform. For more details, see the agenda.

Additionally, the new ODA Special Interest Groups (SIGs) will have the opportunity to meet and discuss plans for member-driven development in specialized areas.

Neil Peterson, CTO of the ODA, stated, “The enhanced conference format is designed to better serve the diverse needs of our members by providing several subject matters from which to choose in a single conference session. We have expanded the set of ODA development staff presentations this year as part of the new format to include topics that will be of interest both to new members and to long-time users of our software. I’m excited about the addition of the Technology Exchange, and am looking forward to a highly productive event this year.”