
Mar 25, 2010

ESI announces the Virtual Performance Educational Package

A dedicated software package to initiate Undergraduate and Masters students to Finite Element simulation.

Paris, France – With the release of a Virtual Performance Educational Package, ESI makes its Virtual Performance Solution accessible to students in a special version to perform structural analyses and impact simulations.

Available for download on the portal www.esi-educational.com, the Virtual Performance Educational Package is free for students and teachers during the first 6 months. Offering an easy-learning introduction to simulation basics, ESI’s Virtual Performance Educational Package enables static and modal analyses (implicit solver) and crash/impact simulation (PAM-CRASH explicit solver). The user environment consists of three modules of Visual-Environment, an open framework for collaborative engineering: Visual-Mesh, Visual-Crash PAM and Visual-Viewer.

ESI’s Educational Package is meant for Undergraduate and Masters students, initiating them to simulation through self-learning tutorials inspired from automotive and aerospace case studies. The models may contain up to 12 000 nodes, a model size that enables a fast calculation time on personal computers.

“The general PAM-CRASH explicit/implicit finite element dedicated software is an important part of the Institute of Aircraft Design advanced teaching course on numerical methods at the University of Stuttgart”, said Dr. Anthony Pickett, Scientific Director at ESI Group and Professor at the Institute für Flugzeugbau (IFB) of Stuttgart in Germany. “The structured tutorial examples and user friendly, integrated, pre- and post-processor packages quickly allow the students to perform advanced simulations on static, non-linear, impact and crash. We have found it to be a very effective teaching aid and research tool”.

“Tutorials using PAM-CRASH explicit finite element code are an integral part of the Finite Elements and Materials Modeling module of the Advanced Materials MSc course at Cranfield University. The students use the software to reinforce their learning on explicit finite element technologies, whilst investigating real life impact problems. The tutorials provided by ESI allow a very efficient introduction to the pre- and post- processing tools”, declared Dr. Alex Skordos, academic fellow at Cranfield University in the UK. “The Virtual Performance Educational Package is an extremely useful teaching tool which ties very well with our research activities”.