
Jun 19, 2009

Developers Release More Than 70 Companion Products for Autodesk 3ds Max 2010 and Autodesk 3ds Max Design 2010

New Products Enhance Creative Capabilities and Workflows for Digital Entertainment Creation and Design Visualization.

SAN RAFAEL, Calif — Autodesk Developer Network (ADN) Sparks members have released more than 70 companion products for Autodesk 3ds Max 2010 and Autodesk 3ds Max Design 2010 modeling, animation and rendering software. ADN Sparks developers provide tools for artists, designers and engineers that enhance creative capabilities and workflows for digital entertainment creation and design visualization. Their flexible and intuitive solutions address various production needs — including render farm management, shading and particle effects and 3D visualization and simulation.

ADN Sparks members that have recently released products compatible with both the 32- and 64-bit versions of 3ds Max 2010 and 3ds Max Design 2010 include:

* 3am Solutions Ltd. (www.3am-solutions.com): Dynamite VSP 4.0 – coming soon
* 3Daliens Ltd. (www.3daliens.com): glu3d
* ArchVision, Inc. (www.archvision.com): ArchVision RPC Plug-in
* Axceleon Inc. (www.axceleon.com): EnFuzion3D
* CaptiveMotion (www.captivemotion.com): Embody
* cebas VISUAL TECHNOLOGY Inc. (www.cebas.com): finalF/X Bundle – coming soon
* CG Academy (www.cg-academy.net): CG Academy Box Sets training tutorials
* Chaos Software Ltd. (www.chaosgroup.com): V-Ray Renderer
* Craft Animations & Entertainment AB (www.craftanimations.com): Craft Director Tools
* David Lanier 3D, LLC (www.davidlanier3d.com): DL3D Physical Ocean shader, XToon shader
* Di-O-Matic Inc. (www.di-o-matic.com): Voice-O-Matic, Cluster-O-Matic, Morph-O-Matic
* DX Studio (www.dxstudio.com): DX Studio 3.0
* GHOST 3D, LLC (www.ghost3d.com): Scribe-iT
* Itoo Software (www.itoosoft.com): Forest Pack Pro
* nPower Software (www.npowersoftware.com): Power Solids
* Okino Computer Graphics, Inc. (www.okino.com): PolyTrans-for-MAX
* PipelineFX, LLC (www.pipelinefx.com): QUBE!
* Sitni Sati d.o.o (www.afterworks.com): Afterburn, FumeFX, Dreamscape
* Stoehr+Sauer (www.stoehr-sauer.de): Sauberwerk
* ThinkKinetic (www.pulldownit.com): Pull Down it! Pro
* Tree C Technology B.V. (www.tree-c.nl): VR4MAX
* Trinigy (www.trinigy.net): Vision 3D Game Engine
* TurboSquid Inc. (www.turbosquid.com): Tentacles asset publisher
* Unity (unity3d.com ): Unity
* Virtual Vertex (www.vvertex.com): Muster
* Z Corporation (www.zcorp.com): ZEdit Pro, ZPrint