
Jun 25, 2009

SolidWorks Labs releases SustainabilityXpress to improve environmental impact of designs

SustainabilityXpress, intended to help understand and improve the environmental impact of designs, is now available for download.

With Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), it is capable of determining the environmental impact of a product during its entire lifecycle.

SustainabilityXpress provides Real-time feedback with an Environmental Impact Dashboard. During the various lifecycle stages four environmental impacts are measured in real-time - Carbon Footprint, Total Energy Consumed, Effect on Air & Effect on Water.

It also includes a reporting feature, which enables the creation of reports to convey improvements in the environmental impact of the design. The report template is customizable.

In addition to these features SustainabilityXpress also includes "Find Similar Material" which allows finding close alternatives to your current material by searching the built-in material database.

SustainabilityXpress requires SolidWorks 2009.

Download it at : http://labs.solidworks.com/Products/Product.aspx?name=sustainability