
Jun 30, 2009

New release of CompareVidia for CAD data validation

Capvidia announces a release of the CompareVidia fully complying with Boeing D6-51991 “Quality Assurance Standard for Digital Product Definition at Boeing Suppliers”.

CompareVidia helps customers to identify and manage CAD model shape changes caused by the use of different CAD/CAM/CAE systems. Starting from the 3D CAD model creation, through manufacturing to long term CAD data archiving CompareVidia will trace and validate the original CAD model integrity.

CompareVidia detects problems, often not possible for human to detect, fully automatically. CAD data shape alterations resulting from translation, conversion, repair & healing, re-mastering, or unintentional change are potential risk to the CAD data integrity. If extended to processes relying on accurate model representation (e.g. manufacturing and data exchange with suppliers) can create unmanageable risks, potential liabilities and significant financial loses.

CompareVidia brings prediction into processes relaying on the reuse of existing CAD data. CompareVidia validation procedures can be implemented at different stages of the product life cycle management. As result we get traceable procedures (IS0 9001/2 standard) and increased global product quality.

CompareVidia - How it works?

CompareVidia allows you to compare two CAD models with each other. You define the Source Model (reference model) and the Check Model (model to validate). The validation process is controlled with user defined (Compare Settings) parameters. You can define Global Check to verify (Volume, Area, and Centre of Mass) and Local Check to verify the model shape. Parameters as Volume and Area are defined as maximum acceptable deviation in [%], Centre of Mass and Tolerance are defined in length units like [mm, inches, etc.]. The units used in the validation process are automatically driven by the units of the Source Model. In case Source Model is defined in (mm) the validation will be done in (mm), in case other units were used e.g. (inch) the validation will use always the Source Model units.

The validation results are presented in the Compare Tree. You get a global indication Passed/Failed (green/red) icon further detailed by the information classified into folders of the compare tree. The model entities are classified into three sub-folders: Matched Entities, Deviated Entities, and Different Entities. In case a CAD model is not passing the validation you will see a warning icon attached to all entities not compiling with set validation criteria. You can select each problematic entity in the project tree and further analyse it in the graphical window. Two synchronised graphical windows simplify the investigation of all identified differences. More detailed information including entity count is also available as XML Report (Show Report).

CompareVidia – control parameters

Comparing CAD models is based on distance calculation between corresponding model entities (faces, edges) and angle differences between surface normals in the corresponding points.

The amount of points is automatically selected based on the 3D model shape complexity. In this way the optimal amount of points is used (few to describe plane faces and more to reflect complex NURBS representation). Within the compare process all possible correspondences between model entities are established and visualized in the compare tree (face-to-face, face-to-skin, skin-to-face and skin-to-skin). The validation process is controlled by the following parameters:

* Compare direction
o Source to Check: projects validation points from source model on check model, if distances between all corresponding points are within the tolerance - validation is passed.
Attention: check model may contain extra entities which do not influence the validation result.
o Check to Source: projects validation points from check model on source model, if distances between all corresponding points are within the tolerance - validation is passed.
Attention: source model can contain extra entities which do not influence the validation result.
o Both Directions: projects validation points in both directions from source model on check model and from check model on source model, if distances between all corresponding points are within the tolerance - validation is passed.
* Tolerance – defines allowed maximum deviation
* Angle threshold – defines allowed angle difference between normals in corresponding points
* Points Generation Mode
o Auto - the amount of points is automatically selected based on the 3D model shape complexity
o Manual – the amount of points is defined by the user
* Boarder Deviation Check - allows user to tolerate ‘tangential’ deviations along face’s borders. This option can be particularly useful for validation of CAD models prepared for manufacturing process - even if the ‘border’ deviation is more than the validation tolerance the models can be considered as equal from the manufacturing perspectives (trimming contours can be successfully rebuild within CNC process basing on underlying surfaces).

The standard CompareVidia configuration is offered with IGES/STEP translators (other CAD formats can be configured additionally). The extensive report is generated in .html or .PDF format including images with problematic model entities. An existing report can be read into CompareVidia for dynamic visualisation and communication of problems directly on the 3D model. The report is using Capvida OpenXML format and also can be viewed with Capvidia ViewVidia free viewer.