
May 7, 2009

COADE to Exhibit at SPAR 2009J in Kawasaki, Japan, May 14-15, Featuring CADWorx Plant and CADWorx fieldPipe

HOUSTON - COADE announced today that company subsidiary, COADE Japan, will be exhibiting in booth #8 at SPAR 2009J in Kawasaki, Japan, on May 14-15, featuring demonstrations of CADWorx Plant Design Suite and CADWorx fieldPipe for Leica fieldPro. Produced by Spar Point, SPAR 2009J is an annual forum on capturing and managing existing-conditions data.

The COADE CADWorx Plant Design Suite is a complete solution for process plant design that offers intelligent drawing to database connectivity, advanced levels of design automation and easy-to-use design tools, as well as the industry's only truly bi-directional links between CAD and engineering analysis. Because of these distinct advantages, it has been rapidly adopted in Japan and other global markets by EPC firms and owner operators in the process, power, water treatment, pharmaceutical, food and beverage and semiconductor industries. CADWorx fieldPipe produces AutoCAD-based, laser-precise 3D models, site designs, spool drawings and design verification from any field site. It makes producing as-built of existing facilities faster, easier and safer, and the designer knows the drawings are complete and accurate before leaving the site.

Other COADE products to be featured at SPAR 2009J are CAESAR II, the world’s most widely used program for pipe stress analysis; PV Elite, for the design and analysis of pressure vessels and heat exchangers and TANK, for the design and analysis of oil storage tanks.