
Feb 23, 2009

"Think3 AR&D team is currently working on Target Driven Design for tools" - Alain Massabo

An Interview with Alain Massabo, Vice President of Advanced Research & Development team of Think3

1)Considering your rich and long term association with the CAD CAM industry could you please briefly explain the main mile stones in its development till now, the current scenario and the future expectations.

In order to be short: I focus only on the geometric modeling aspects (CAGD) and on commercial products.

I do not consider UI and hardware evolutions except for the future.

We can distinguish three aspects of CAGD evolutions, time-ordered: what, how, why. Each aspect has its own evolution.

* What: it covers what the model represents and the tools to generate the model. Direct modeling is its representative.
* How: it covers how the model is generated and modified (the various evolution steps of the model). Parametric and variational are the representatives with their recent improvement i.e. the synchronous technology.
* Why: it covers why a model is generated or modified i.e. the rationale and the target of a design. Target driven design is its representative.

As far as I remember in time the three aspects evolved as follows:

* What: 2D (middle 70’ in US, Norway), Complex 3D (late 70’ in France), tessellated solid modeling (late 70’ in France), NURBS representation (second half of 80’ in US), “exact solid modeling” (middle 80’ in UK, second half of 80’ in US), global modeling (late 90’ in France)

* How: it is the so-called parametric (middle 80’ in France but not really industrial and robust thus no success, late 80’ in US) and features (late 80’ in US), history-based, variational (early 90’ in US), synchronous technology (second half of 00’ in US).

* Why: it covers the capture of why a design is made. Note that it can coexist with what and how. It encompasses designer’s intent and target driven design (TDD) (late 90’ in France) including analysis and production targets. Design for emotion (middle of 00’ in Europe) and “kansei” engineering (middle 00’ in Japan) criteria once embedded in TDD should allow the combination between qualitative and quantitative targets.

For the future of CAGD tools, I am expecting:

* Multi-modal UI, actual virtual 3D workstations (hologram, vocal command and sound feedback, effective haptic, probably EEG). Hence easier to handle CA-x tools.
* More and more intelligence in models (self-adaptive).
* An equilibrium between parametric, direct and target driven modeling methods.
* A new model representation (due to the limitation of Real number floating point limitation limitations) with new mathematics thus a new set of CAGD tools.

2)Can you give some insights into the new R&D work going on at think3?

Think3 AR&D team is currently working on Target Driven Design for tools:

* To compensate any production process that changes the designed shape and in particular stamping spring-back, shrinking and thermal wrapping for casting or plastic injection.
* To lighter the class A surfacing phase by providing the stylists tools for generating directly class A shapes from:
o An empty screen.
o Noisy measured STL from physical models either for the first generation or to update the CAD with modifications made on the physical model.
o Quick CAS generated shapes.
* To enhance the GSM tool by adding shape constraints.

3)Historically, it is always the large companies that first benefit from new technology. But in the case of think3, can small and medium companies see a beacon of hope?

Yes, especially considering the current W-W crisis!

SMEs can win the global competitiveness and overcome the general crisis through innovation and new technologies.

think3 specifically meets the needs of small to mid-sized companies. Our solutions have been developed listening to their requests and are easy to use and learn, with streamlined procedures and high productivity tools. Our aim is offering to SMEs scalable solutions, assuring fast implementation and fast ROI. We believe that in times of economic turbulence we have to provide more value to our customers and SMEs have to maintain or increase investment in ‘good costs’, i.e. innovation and new technologies.

Innovating through Recession is the way to overcome economic turbulence.

4)In a global economy that is reeling under cost pressures, what is the role that think3 may seek to play to offer competitive advantages to its customers?

We provide at a reasonable cost tools that once adopted in the customer process lead to huge gains.

Gains of more than 90% can be measured.

5)In what way do Think3's India operations contribute to R&D / Innovation activities of Think3?

We have around 100 people in Indian R&D. These people are a key part of our global R&D organization. Some functionality that is requested by large international OEM's in the aerospace or automotive sector is developed in part or totally by this team. In the future this team might become more and more strategic as the competency levels increase.

6)Do you see an untapped potential in Indian design engineers to further expand R&D activities in India?

See above answer.

7)Could you please tell us about the innovative product offerings of Think3?

The innovative aspects of our solutions are:

* Full hybrid system.
* HQ curve and surface generations and modifications among which:
o GSM tools.
o Target Driven Design tools: 1D-2D tension, target curvature plot.
* Adaptive measures.
* Compensator.
* Vocal commands (unfortunately not yet so used, thus a lack of tuning).

8)Will this work when we have to design complex assemblies with several sub-assemblies, each with many components? Can many people work simultaneously on a medium to large project?

It depends on what is the definition of “complexity” and “many”.

9)Which are the prime target industries of think3 solutions?

The manufacturing industry is our prime target.

10)Can we identify the key differentiators with competing products in the CAD / CAE market space?

In addition to the above innovative aspects there are:

* Integration of 2D, 3D and PLM.
* Parametric (locally optional) and direct modeling.
* Smart Objects (SO).
* COM components available API.

11)Does your product have integrated document management tools? Is it possible to customize think3 to automate customer design requirements?

Yes (PLM) and yes (SO, COM API).

Moreover think3 proposes the TD PLM family of product life cycle management applications.

It is a simple, effective way for managing information, processes and human resources.

TD PLM products are modular and easy to personalize. This makes them ideal for technical engineering offices and enterprise situations where the following items need to be managed:

Parts lists

* CAD documentation.
* Orders during sales activities.
* Design Activities
* Product Maintenance and the management of spare parts and customer assistance.

12)Can you export or import files and models from other popular CAD / CAM tools?

Yes! think3 solutions offer data exchange interfaces with other CAD systems

In fact design and CAD integration is a key point for us and our customers: the continuously increasing pressure to shorten product development, determine the importance of accessing and using design information from any of your CAD system (in your or supplier/customer sites) in a form that enables it to be distributed and used not only in engineering but also by all departments across your and the “extended” enterprise. The 3rd millennium product development process revolves around heterogeneous designs and associated data – making changes, controlling those changes, and communicating their information throughout the company is the new challenge.

13)What are the other 'value adds' that think3 might bring to a customer table - like consulting, for instance?

Yes, we can perform consulting, PLM - PSO customization, shared research projects (AR&D) within a formal partnership.

14)Does think3 promote customer interaction through conferences and events?

Yes, we did it for instance by a paper on compensation written in common with PCI that we presented at a China conference (2002), with HONDA cars where they presented their gains on design quality and time during an Italian conference (Bolzano, 2006) and we continue by contributing to a presentation BMW (in March this year) on compensation.

In addition, during 2009 the Company is going to launch important initiatives to increase Customer Intimacy and collaboration: the CAP (Customer Advisory Program) a table of top international customers that will seat with our R&D with the purpose of sharing views and orient together and according to Market’s demand our future development. Also we will revamp our beta testing community with a project called Quality Accelerator that will wide the number of beta testers in the world.

About Alain Massabo

Alain Massabo is the Vice President of Research & Development team of Think3 since 1999. Think3 is the only supplier to offer technology solutions that combine product concept, engineering and tooling environments. Massabo’s role comes into light as Think3 continues its journey as a member of the consortium to implement the project SATIN which will create history in the world of multisensory modeling. In addition to leading the R&D team, Massabo will now oversee think3 industrial design engineering and apply his expertise to bring further breakthrough innovation and functionalities to think3 customers. Massabo is a pioneer in the realm of complex design technology

Alain Massabo began his career in 1972 in the research and development of computer aided design, manufacturing and analysis tools (CAD/CAM/CAA). In his remarkable career, he’s introduced shape design tools and technologies, initiated several European projects like FIORES-I and FIORES-II (as coordinator), Touch & Design (TnD), SATIN (ongoing) and, Mr.Massabo’s done it all without looking back. He has an expertise in implementation of international projects, patenting and servicing. His success is unrivalled and is the embodiment of good old-fashioned hard work and team spirit. He has successfully managed to maintain a positive relationship with suppliers, research laboratories, universities and University commission. He’s skilled in management of high level teams & various unions.

In his remarkable career, he has been a member of the IMS (Intelligent Manufacturing System) expert group and one of the founders of French CAD/CAM associations. He has been an Invited speaker for the 80 years celebration of Professor Pierre BEZIER (one of the CAD/CAM pioneers in the world).