
Feb 17, 2009

ASCON launches KOMPAS Online Webinars

ASCON Group, developer and integrator of award-winning CAD/CAM/AEC, has announced its new initiative for current and potential customers, 3D beginners and partners of the company – Online Webinars for KOMPAS solutions.

Since now all users will be able to benefit from online familiarization with powerful, professional and cost-effective KOMPAS solutions for 3D Solid Modelling, 2D Drafting, Design, Release of Documentation, as well as with wide range of add-ons of the software. Highly qualified specialist from ASCON will carry out trainings in English on different topics available for CAD-users of all levels, offer support and advice in any questions regarding solutions. You are welcome to take part in webinar totally devoted to overview of functionality and possibility of KOMPAS-3D.

For participation in webinar please require it for yourself and your colleagues at contact@ascon.net. Just send us names and emails of participants, date and time of webinar suitable for you and version of KOMPAS-3D, if you already have an installed one.