
Aug 18, 2011

Delcam Sales Partner SEACAM appoints twelfth partner in Brazil

SEACAM, Delcam’s Sales Partner in Brazil for almost twenty years, has appointed its twelfth sub-dealer in the country. Gabriella Martins will provide Delcam’s powerful manufacturing software to the North and Northeast regions in Brazil, together with the full range of hardware supplied by SEACAM, including Aberlink CMMs and ZCorp rapid prototyping equipment.

Gabriella Martins is an established designer and businesswoman, with extensive experience in industrial product development and marketing. She has developed her business steadily since acquiring a master’s degree in Design, Technology and Culture, and now leads a team of designers and product development specialists. This background makes her the ideal person to advise local companies on the software and equipment they will need for their own development activities.

Gabriella Martins will also promote SEACAM’s range of services, which covers reverse engineering, product design, prototyping, machining and inspection. These services will be aimed at smaller companies and those that might sometimes need additional capacity. The SEACAM team has experience across a wide range of industries including automotive and aerospace components, packaging, engineering, footwear and dental.

Both SEACAM and Gabriella Martins recognize the potential for the regional economy. "The local industry is growing but it needs more advanced tools to optimize its production processes,” she claimed. "This is essential when our designers and manufacturers need to compete on equal terms, not only in Brazil but with the world.”