
Dec 22, 2009

GE's Light Technology & Design Center at Bangalore designs products on fixtures with ThinkDesign

Bangalore - GE Lighting, a division of GE Consumer and Industrial, is using think3's ThinkDesign Styling to design ORANE, GLITRA, STEALTH and OPTYLANE products.

GE's Team India has established the LTDC (Light Technology & Design Center) at Bangalore. The tech center focuses on new design of lighting fixtures, with its state of art testing facility to test newly developed fixtures, and today its one stop solution to all the lighting requirements of Indian market. To design its product on fixtures GE Lighting opted for ThinkDesign Styling and have designed indoor and outdoor lighting products on ThinkDesign.

“LTDC has SOLID EDGE as its main design platform. In addition to this think3’s ThinkDesign is used in new concepts with intricate surface features. GE Lighting decided to go with ThinkDesign because think3’s CAD solution has benefits of both parametric and feature based software’s. ThinkDesign Styling is really handy while initial modeling and also while editing in later part of design stages”. Quotes Mr. Maruti and Mr. Nitin, Design Team at LTDC.

“GE Lighting is one of our oldest customers in India and we are happy that the client has found ThinkDesign Styling quite useful while designing its products. We look forward for more such associations with our customers and delight them with think3’s innovative CAD and PLM technology” states Mr. Vignesh Kumar Padmanabhan- Head South Asia Sales.

GE Lighting used ThinkDesign Styling to design ORANE, GLITRA, STEALTH and OPTYLANE products. Think3’s CAD solution enabled optimum management of all steps in the modification of surfaces. ThinkDesign Styling offers an innovative approach to design. With its Target Driven Design, it frees users from the technological constraints of traditional design systems. ThinkDesign Styling’s rich capabilities include powerful tools such as Global Shape Modeling, capping, blending curves and blending shapes, associative global sweep, as well as dynamic morphing, automotive grid and rendering. The designer would save 70-80% of his design time on design Iterations and Modifications. This is the speed at which thinkDesign works for its advanced GSM technology.

Think3’s Global Shape Modeling (GSM³), provides designers with a very high level of technological innovation ensuring unrivalled ease of use. Currently, this is the only creation and modification tool that enables users to make changes in a quick and accurate way in any stage of the design process, accelerating interactions with unlimited creativity and eliminating the need of rebuilding models.

ORANE is basically outdoor city beautification product with its unique shape compared to its existing competitor’s products, it stands out from the crowd. “Using ThinkDesign was very helpful in modeling initial concept models” states Mr. Maruti and Mr. Nitin, GE LTDC Design Team.

GILTRA belongs to ORANE family, but is outdoor wall mount city beautification product. Initial concept models have been designed using ThinkDesign and the aesthetic look is impressive.

STEALTH is an indoor commercial fixture for office interior. This product has been designed and detailed completely on ThinkDesign. ThinkDesign’s surface modeling features turned out to be very impressive.

OPTYLANE is mid range outdoor street lighting system. The design of this product has been carried out on ThinkDesign, even detailed drawings have been made using ThinkDesign.

“This project was a very good exercise to explore the capabilities of the software” said a member of the Design Team, GE Lighting.

GE Lighting provides technology ranging from incandescent to speciality products.

Delcam to show Solid Doctor for data repair at SolidWorks World

Delcam will show SolidWorks users its latest software for the repair of CAD models, the Solid Doctor, at the SolidWorks World 2010 exhibition to be held in Anaheim, California, from 31st January to 3rd February. Solid Doctor will be available as part of the new releases of Delcam’s PowerSHAPE CAD software and the CopyCAD Pro reverse engineering program.

The incorporation of the same kernel used in SolidWorks, together with Delcam’s existing tools, allows the Solid Doctor to read in and repair models from all sources, including IGES and native CATIA files, and output a file that can be read directly into SolidWorks.

With the Solid Doctor, SolidWorks users will be able to tackle all the common problems that can be found when translating low precision and incomplete data, including gaps and overlaps between surfaces, or duplicated and missing surfaces, and generate a valid, high-precision model.

The Solid Doctor uses a combination of automatic data repair tools and surface creation and editing options available within PowerSHAPE. This combination means that simple repairs can be carried out quickly and easily, while more complex problems can be overcome by deleting and replacing the existing surfaces within the model.

The first stage in using the Solid Doctor is to analyse the model, to determine the extent of any inconsistency issues in topology or geometry when the data is examined with high levels of precision. Solid Doctor divides these issues into separate categories and labels the model. For each category or class of inconsistency, Solid Doctor recommends the most appropriate course of action, including a possible automatic fix.

The user then applies the automated repair sequence. These automated tools are typically different for each class of inconsistency, as experience has shown that what is effective in one case does not necessarily work for another. Each corrected issue has its label changed from red to green as it is repaired. The repairs can be inspected individually to ensure that the results are as required or the whole model can be checked again to highlight any further inconsistencies.

The second repair stage involves using Delcam’s unique trim region editing tools to correct larger issues that require manual repair by a skilled user, such as mismatches between the edges of the various surfaces within the model. These include direct editing options for the trim boundaries, which allow very quick and flexible adjustment of the surface edges to overcome errors in the model.

For the more serious problems that remain, it will usually be necessary to generate replacement surfaces in the affected area. This can be done easily using PowerSHAPE’s Smart Surfacing technology. The user simply deletes the existing surfaces and sketches around the area to be repaired. PowerSHAPE will then analyse the boundary and suggest the most appropriate type of surface to fill the space. Tangency can be maintained with the surrounding surfaces if required. If the user is not happy with the initial selection made by the software, he can run through alternative solutions until he is satisfied with the result.

Once the user is happy with the quality of the repaired surfaces, they are incorporated automatically back into the model. This process continues until all the inconsistencies have been resolved. By giving the user total control over how the part is repaired, even very poor quality or badly damaged data can be repaired quickly and efficiently.

Despite the many improvements made in data translation in recent years, it still remains a multi-million dollar problem for manufacturers that need to pass CAD data up and down a supply chain. Delcam’s Solid Doctor will provide a quick and easy solution to this problem and so allow faster and more efficient new product development.

To read more about the costs of data transfer and learn how Solid Doctor can help solve these problems, download the white paper from www.delcam.tv/PS2010/Downloads/PowerSHAPE2010.pdf. A video showing how the Solid Doctor works can be viewed at www.delcam.tv/soliddoctor.

James Cameron is featured special guest at SolidWorks World 2010

Visual Effects Pioneer Will Share Stories of Overcoming Daunting Technical and Business Challenges.

CONCORD, Mass - A machinist, a truck driver, and then a winner of 11 Oscars, Hollywood filmmaker James Cameron is now a featured special guest at SolidWorks World 2010, taking place Jan. 31 through Feb. 3 in Anaheim, Calif.

“James Cameron does magnificent things with technology and imagination. But in a way, he does exactly what every SolidWorks user does: confronts technical challenges, works out solutions, brings them to reality, and enjoys the success”

Cameron’s films, including Titanic, Aliens, and the Terminator franchise, have amassed over $3 billion in box office receipts. Not every tinseltown luminary could inspire an audience of 4,000-plus SolidWorks® software users, but Cameron is an innovator’s innovator. As part of his Hollywood resume, he has invented a plethora of technology for exploring the depth of the seas and outer space, including Mars.

“James Cameron does magnificent things with technology and imagination. But in a way, he does exactly what every SolidWorks user does: confronts technical challenges, works out solutions, brings them to reality, and enjoys the success,” said Jeff Ray, Dassault Systèmes SolidWorks Corp. CEO. “We’re thrilled to have him at our event.”

Cameron’s films have blazed new trails in visual effects and set numerous performance records. Among Cameron’s inventions:

* Filming, lighting, and robotic equipment for use in the extreme pressures of the deep;
* A 3D digital camera system to enable shooting of 2D and 3D film versions in parallel; and
* Mini fiber-spooling remotely operated vehicles (ROVs) for deep sea use.

The making of Cameron’s new 3D feature film “Avatar,” a science fiction epic set in the virgin ecosystem of a distant planet, has required more than two years of new production technology development. Innovations include image-based facial performance capture, a real-time virtual camera for computer-generated production, and the SIMULCAM system, all of which help weave computer-generated characters into live-action scenes. These techniques are combined with stereoscopic photography to create a hybrid CG/live-action film.

Cameron’s appearance will be one of many rich learning, networking, and entertainment opportunities at SolidWorks World 2010. Attendees will present more than 150 in-depth training sessions with an unprecedented number of popular hands-on sessions. More than 100 SolidWorks-designed products will be on display in more than 6,000 square feet of space within the Partner Pavilion exhibition hall. More than 100 partners will demonstrate technology products that complement SolidWorks software, and there will be dedicated time for birds-of-a-feather networking.

SolidWorks World provides a tremendous opportunity for users to network and share best practices. Nearly the entire DS SolidWorks R&D staff will be on site to talk to attendees, learn about their experiences, and demonstrate interesting projects. As always, the general sessions will stimulate and entertain. The sessions will include a sneak preview of SolidWorks 2011 software and presentations from DS SolidWorks CEO Jeff Ray, Dassault Systèmes President and CEO Bernard Charlès, and DS SolidWorks Co-Founder and Group Executive Jon Hirschtick.

IMSI/Design Launches DoubleCAD XT Pro v2 in Same Calendar Year as Version 1

New Features & Enhancements Include Intelligent (Parametric) Architectural Objects, Drawing Compare, Hatch Pattern Creator, Exploding Viewports, New 2D Tools, and SDK.

NOVATO, CA - IMSI/Design announced today it is releasing DoubleCAD™ XT Pro v2. Version 2 is being released in the same calendar year as Version 1 due to a rapid development pace that is unique among major CAD vendors.

"We continue to pour through customer feedback and AutoCAD user groups' wish lists to include features we know AutoCAD users are anxious for," stated Royal Farros, CEO of IMSI/Design. "There's no doubt DoubleCAD XT Pro is an appreciated alternative to AutoCAD LT... and a great choice for AutoCAD users just looking for optimized 2D CAD."

Based on IMSI/Design's award-winning CAD code with over two million copies sold worldwide, DoubleCAD XT Pro v2 works like AutoCAD LT but goes beyond with a host of new features and enhancements, including:

-- Drawing Compare: Instantly compare two DoubleCAD (.2CD), .DWG, .TCW,
.JPG, .BMP, or .PNG drawings for all visual differences.

-- Hatch Pattern Creator: Easily create, modify, and combine custom
hatch patterns with control over scaling, orientation, and position. Also
includes automatic detection of repeating patterns.

-- Exploding Viewports: Convert visible geometry in your viewports into
flattened, editable 2D geometry within your layouts, even hidden line
views. Your shaded views are also converted into standard bitmaps.

-- New and Enhanced 2D CAD Tools: Includes Revision Cloud, Chain
Polyline, Bisector Line, Minimal Distance Line, Select By Query, Transform
Recorder, Surface Area Measurement, Double Point Arc tools, and more.

-- New and Enhanced Intelligent (Parametric) Architectural Objects:
Includes more wall, window, door, slab, rail, and profile styles and new
section and elevation tools.

-- Xref support includes VISRETAIN settings and binding.

-- Mid-point and pattern constraints.

-- Terrain import and modify.

-- Enhanced ESC key, Space Bar, and Enter Key for seamless AutoCAD

-- Enhanced .DWG compatibility.

-- Enhanced .DAE (COLLADA) compatibility.

-- Index Color and CTB print style support.

-- Batch file conversion tool for multiple file conversions.

Additionally, DoubleCAD XT Pro v2 can be customized and extended via a new Software Developers Kit (SDK), allowing you to create powerful tools, scripts, and even commercial applications that can run with DoubleCAD XT Pro.

"We believe DoubleCAD XT Pro delivers twice the 2D CAD power of AutoCAD LT for about half the price... something we know AutoCAD shops also appreciate during these difficult economic times," added Farros.

Tech Soft 3D releases Latest HOOPS Version - HOOPS® v18.0

The Latest HOOPS Version Makes Its Worldwide Release.

Tech Soft 3D's flagship HOOPS® technology has been incorporated into nearly 200 commercial software applications. The company also resells premium components such as Autodesk's RealDWG® Toolkit, Adobe 3D OEM Platform, Adobe's APEX® OEM, the Parasolid® Kernel Modeler from Siemens PLM, and Spatial's 3D InterOp translation toolkits.

Santa and His Elves Deliver Release of Tech Soft 3D's HOOPS® v18.0.

Twas the night before Christmas and all through the world,
Developers were sleeping; snug in bed they were curled.
Their computers dark from a final unplugging,
After hours spent coding and fixing, debugging.

Tossing and turning, tho' their rest was much needed,
Dreaming their letters to Santa would this year be heeded.
What software would lay wrapped 'neath the tree?
Please Santa, thought they, make it HOOPS version18!

When up on the roof, a soft landing was heard,
A sleigh parked with the soft sound of a bird.
Santa whistled and looked at his landing device,
(His new SantaSafe app made delivery so nice).

"High performing, ho ho, and so visually rich!
GPU Shaders!" Santa boomed, "working without a hitch.
Plus out-of-core point clouds for my scanned excursions,
And a new OpenGL2 Driver -- oh what a version!"

So happy was Santa with the test of HOOPS beta,
He proclaimed, "Tis no better way to render your data!"
He filled up the stockings and the trees made aglitter,
With this gift from Tech Soft (who can be followed on Twitter).

Come morning, the developers clicked "download now" with glee,
Praised the performance, the rendering, the improved static tree.
"Happy Hanukkah, Joyful Kwanzaa, Merry Christmas," Santa yelled,
"With HOOPS Version18 many apps you shall sell!"

Peek inside the Package

Want to take a look at all the goodies wrapped up in HOOPS v18? Check out the feature video on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6A_-vysEpSc

COADE releases Video Demonstrating Plant Design and Engineering Collaboration, Completing a Model in Less Than 20 Minutes

HOUSTON - COADE, Inc. has posted a video of the live demonstration of plant design and engineering collaboration that was featured during the 2009 COADE User Conference keynote by Thomas J. Van Laan, PE, the president and CEO of COADE.

The demonstration, which involved completing the design and analysis of a plant model in less than 20 minutes, highlighted the unique advantage offered by COADE's integrated plant design and plant engineering solutions that improves collaboration by seamlessly passing information between various stakeholders during the design process.

This saves man-hours while reducing errors and eliminating much of the re-design work normally associated with plant design.

The collaborative demonstration was performed by Van Laan with John Brinlee, sales development manager, COADE Plant Design Solutions, and Chris Schiller, technical sales, COADE Plant Engineering Solutions. Featured products were the CADWorx Plant Design Suite, CAESAR II for pipe stress analysis and PV Elite for vessel and exchanger design and analysis.

The video can be accessed at http://www.coade.com/videos/integration.shtml.

Dec 21, 2009

PartMaker 2010 is Now Available

Fort Washington, PA – PartMaker Inc., a division of Delcam Plc, has announced that PartMaker Version 2010, its latest version of PartMaker Software for programming CNC Mills, Lathes, WireEDMs, Turn-Mill Centers and Swiss-type lathes is now available.

"PartMaker Version 2010 is the most significant release made to date and will provide every PartMaker user an immediate productivity improvement,” states Delcam’s PartMaker Inc. Division President, Hanan Fishman. "Plugging into Delcam’s development staff, the largest in the CAM industry, has facilitated the incredible leap in technology included in PartMaker Version 2010. Perhaps most importantly, all the new technology in PartMaker Version 2010 is provided in PartMaker’s industry leading easy-to-use user interface, allowing users to truly take advantage of the new functionality Version 2010 provides.”

Major highlights of this newest release, PartMaker Version 2010, include the ability to perform 5-axis simultaneous milling on multi-axis lathes, more powerful milling functionality, enhanced grooving routines, faster tool path creation, improved solid model-based programming tools and the ability to better visualize thread whirling. A host of additional productivity, user-driven enhancements will also be featured in PartMaker Version 2010.

The 5-axis simultaneous milling functionality in PartMaker Version 2010 is based on robust, well-proven technology used in PowerMILL, Delcam’s world leading specialist NC CAM software for the manufacture of complex shapes.

5-Axis Simultaneous Milling for Multi-Axis Lathes

PartMaker Version 2010 features an optional module to perform simultaneous 5-axis swarf milling on multi-axis lathes. Swarf machining is a technique that allows side cutting with an endmill while proceeding along the surface of a part, such as the sidewalls of a tapered rib. Swarf machining can be used for profiling the edge of components using the side of the tool to remove material. The benefits of 5-axis simultaneous swarf machining over traditional 3-axis milling strategies include significantly reduced machining time and improved surface finish. Employing swarfing can allow parts to be machined complete in a single set-up by allowing for more advanced de-burring techniques thus eliminating time consuming and laborious additional finishing.

The new swarfing functionality in PartMaker lets users take advantage of B-axis lathes with 5-axis simultaneous machining functionality. PartMaker’s 5-axis swarf milling is powerful, yet easy to use, allowing the user to apply this complex machining technique in an intuitive manner.

PartMaker and PowerMILL Integration

For all complex 5-axis machining strategies currently supported by PowerMILL, including blade and blisk machining, as well as for highly sophisticated 3-axis strategies, PartMaker Version 2010 will feature the option for a direct interface to PowerMILL. PowerMILL tool paths can be imported directly into PartMaker Version 2010, manipulated and synchronized on PartMaker’s Process Table, simulated and post processed directly from the PartMaker working environment. This integrated solution of two market leading technologies assures users they will never be limited in their ability to program and optimize parts in the most efficient and powerful way possible.

More Powerful Milling Strategies

PartMaker Version 2010 features a number of more advanced 2 ½ axis milling routines not available in previous PartMaker versions including a variety of High Speed Machining Strategies, Trochoidal Milling, Rest Area Machining, Face Milling and a more powerful Pocketing strategy among others. These additional milling strategies are also based on PowerMILL technology and have been adapted to work inside of PartMaker in an efficient and easy-to-use manner. Additionally, the software’s chamfering ability is much improved, allowing users to automatically chamfer or round any edge with a single mouse click. This functionality is critical for "dropping parts complete” on multi-axis lathes and eliminating costly secondary operations. PartMaker Version 2010 also features totally new and highly sophisticated functionality for thread milling as well as automated face milling.

Improved Thread Whirling Programming and Simulation

PartMaker Version 2010 includes an improved facility for automating the programming and simulation of thread whirling, a programming technique often used in the programming of "bone screw” threads as well as other specialty threads commonly found on threaded surgical implants. The popularity of thread whirling attachments on Swiss-type lathes have grown substantially in recent years because of the dual benefit this technique offers manufacturers making threaded parts. Specifically, thread whirling allows threaded products to be produced faster because this technique only requires a single pass, where as traditional multi-pass threading routines require multiple passes to achieve the same result. Additionally, with the rigidity afforded by a sliding-headstock Swiss-lathe, thread whirling can also provide higher and more repeatable precision.

PartMaker Version 2010 includes specially developed algorithms and user interface to automate the programming of this unique manufacturing technique. Additionally, PartMaker’s 3D simulation fully simulates machining with a thread whirling attachment as these attachments can generally be quite large inside the working envelope of a machine and thus provide additional risk of collision during machining.

Additional Productivity Enhancements

PartMaker Version 2010 includes a number of user requested productivity enhancements. Among these improvements are: enhanced grooving functionality, powerful and flexible threading capability, improved solids-based programming and additional CAD functionality. Additionally, 2D tool path selection has been improved from previous versions. The new automated tool path selection techniques in PartMaker Version 2010 will provide users a significant productivity improvement by measurably speeding up programming time. Space ball support has also been added in PartMaker Version 2010. Additionally, a number of improvements to the software’s Tool Database have been made in Version 2010.

Automatic Software and Multi-Axis Post Processor Updating

PartMaker Version 2010 features a new facility for automatically updating to the most recent release of the software directly from the PartMaker application’s user interface. Additionally, users will also be able to update to the most recent version of their licensed multiaxis turning post processors directly from the software’s user interface as well. PartMaker Inc.’s application staff maintains a library of well documented, well supported multi-axis turning post processors which include virtually every Swiss and Turn-Mill machine ever built. These post processors are constantly being improved to include new functionality. With PartMaker Version 2010, users will be able to tap into these improvements automatically, by just downloading their licensed post processors from the software’s user interface with the click of a button. These updates improvements to both post processors as well as accompanying machine simulation files for the software’s Advanced and Full Machine Simulation modules.

More on PartMaker

PartMaker is a Knowledge Based Machining system, allowing it to provide a substantial gain in programming efficiency by remembering the tools, material and process information necessary to machine individual part features. It thus relieves the user from reentering the same features information for subsequent parts. It also improves productivity by placing the emphasis on tool management functions.

PartMaker pioneered the field of CAM software for Turn-Mills and Swiss-type lathes with its patented Visual Programming Approach for programming multi-axis lathes with live tooling. It assures quicker learning and easier use. It makes an extensive use of pictures to help the user describe tools, part features and machining data. Synchronization of tools working on multiple spindles is achieved by a few mouse clicks.

PartMaker Inc. is a subsidiary of Delcam Plc, the world’s leading developer and supplier of complete CAD/CAM software solutions. Delcam Plc is publicly traded on the AIM exchange in London. While PartMaker is sold direct in North America by PartMaker Inc. PartMaker is sold overseas through a network of sales partner offices operating in over 120 countries.

Rick Richardson joins Surfware as New Direct Sales Account Manager

CAMARILLO, Calif - Surfware, Inc., developer of SURFCAM CAD/CAM systems, announced today that Rick Richardson has joined the Surfware Sales team as Direct Sales Account Manager. He will be responsible for generating direct sales in the Surfware Direct territories.

Rick Richardson has more than 10 years of experience in selling CAD/CAM, PLM and complementary products, applications and solutions. He has a proven track record of winning new business while growing the existing customer base. His industry experience includes electronics, aerospace/defense government, semiconductor, medical products and other manufacturing and engineering/technical sectors.

“We’re very pleased that Rick has joined our growing Surfware Direct Sales team,” says Peter Marton, Sales Managing Director of Surfware. “Rick will help us continue to build our Surfware Direct customer base, both with SURFCAM and our patented TrueMill technology. We look forward to leveraging his skills in a variety of industries that will benefit from our high quality and innovative SURFCAM software solutions. Rick’s insight and professionalism will also add value to our overall sales and marketing efforts.”

ESI Announces Keynote Speakers for ESI Global Forum 2010

Experts from Qualis Corporation, EADS Astrium and AUDI AG Support the Growing Importance of Virtual Prototyping.

Paris, France – ESI Group announced today its keynote speakers for ESI Global Forum 2010. Designed for ESI customers worldwide, ESI Global Forum 2010 provides a unique opportunity to share best practices, challenges and successes in Virtual Prototyping.

ESI Global Forum 2010 will take place on May 19-20, 2010 in Munich, Germany. Attendees include designers, engineers, analysts and managers of customer and partner companies from around the world in the automotive, transportation, aeronautics, aerospace, marine, energy, heavy industry, high-tech & electronics, and other industries as well as leading European academic institutions.

“The line-up of keynote speakers and customer contributions for ESI’s first global users’ conference promises to be strong,” commented Vincent Chaillou, Product Operations President & COO, ESI Group. “The combination of technical expertise, academic knowledge and industry experience will give attendees at the Forum access to proven best practices in Simulation-Based Design and allow them to learn from each other’s experiences. We are delighted that Roger Herdy, Stéphane Baril and Dr. Bernd Mlekusch have agreed to come share their insights and expertise in Virtual Prototyping.”

Keynote speakers in ESI Global Forum 2010’s plenary session will address the following topics:
* Roger Herdy, Program Manager, Qualis Corporation on ‘Vdot™: A Software Tool to Optimize Aerospace Applications’
* Stéphane Baril, Head of Composite Product Engineering, MU Equipment and Services, EADS Astrium on ‘Satellite Antenna Reflector Design and Optimization using Rayon Software’
* Dr. Bernd Mlekusch, Head of Functional Body Design and Technikmodell, AUDI AG on ‘CAE Aided Car Body Design’

The plenary session at ESI Global Forum 2010 will be followed by parallel sessions covering eight themes: Casting, Composite , Crash, Impact & Safety, Electromagnetism, Fluid Dynamics, Sheet Metal Forming, Vibro-Acoustic, and Welding.

In these sessions, participants will hear from a broad spectrum of peers in the area of Virtual Prototyping, from SKODA AUTO, AUDI AG, PSA Peugeot Citroen and Volkswagen, to Faurecia Interior Systems, German Aerospace Center (DLR), Teuchos, DSB Euro s.r.o, Tokoz a.s, Kovolis Hedvikov a.s, Ecole Polytechnique de Montréal and Munich Technical University.
Online registration is now available at www.esi-group.com/globalforum2010/registration with an Early Bird rate not to be missed before February 1st, 2010!

Delcam donates £100,000 in training to UK users

Delcam has donated over £100,000 to its UK customers in the form of free training vouchers given to all attendees at its latest series of user meetings. The meetings were held in Bolton, Hampshire and at the company’s Birmingham headquarters, with the Birmingham meeting proving so popular that a second day had to be added to cope with the high demand. Overall, more than 300 customers registered for the meetings.

Commenting on the offer of free training, Delcam UK General Manager Steve Creron said, "We realise that many of our customers have had a difficult time over the last twelve months so we wanted to do something to show how much we appreciate their loyalty. At the same time, we have introduced many new enhancements to our software recently and felt it was important to encourage our users to have the extra training they need to make the most of these new features.”

Delegates to the meetings had their first opportunity to see the new release of Delcam’s PowerSHAPE CAD software. The 2010 version incorporates greatly enhanced solid modelling capabilities, alongside the unrivalled surface modelling capabilities developed over more than 30 years. The combination of the two technologies provides a powerful solution for designers that undertake conceptual design with PowerSHAPE and for toolmakers that use imported data extensively for tooling design.

Another highlight was the new release of the award-winning PowerMILL CAM system, which offers the fastest-ever toolpath generation on multi-processor computers, giving greatly increased user productivity. This incorporates the latest background-processing and multi-threading technologies and so uses the full power of recent hardware developments to reduce calculation times and increase output dramatically. Other enhancements to further improve productivity include reduced memory usage when programming the largest and most complex parts, and improved ordering to give faster cycle times on the machine tool.

Delegates were also shown enhancements across the complete range of functionality in the 2010 release of the FeatureCAM feature-based machining system. Like the latest PowerMILL release, this incorporates support for multi-threading when generating 3D toolpaths. A number of innovative new programming options were demonstrated, including combined drilling and milling functionality that allows more efficient hole creation on machines fitted with automatic tool changing. This generates roughing and finishing toolpaths to produce any holes for which the appropriate drill is not loaded, using the existing tooling within the machine’s crib.

The sessions were completed with demonstrations of the 2010 version of the PowerINSPECT inspection software, which offers even easier inspection of parts, tooling and prototypes against CAD data. Enhancements include easier creation and editing of inspection sequences, extended ‘simple measures’ functionality, an improved and simplified GD&T Wizard and more flexible simulation of the inspection sequence.

Five SolidWorks VARs in Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Estonia, and Latvia merge to become PLM Group

Roskilde, Denmark - MP Engineering AB, Solid Design House A/S, CadON Oy, SIA CadON and CadON Consulting Oü join to become PLM Group ApS in a merger between the five leading SolidWorks value added resellers in Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Estonia and Latvia.

The move creates the region’s largest provider of product development solutions and services with more than 100 employees and a turnover of around 20 million €. PLM Group’s software solutions and services help more than 3,500 small, medium and large product development and production companies to create innovative products.

PLM Group CEO Jess G. Frandsen says:”With the formation of PLM Group we can deliver even more comprehensive services by highly skilled support teams and specialists covering all products from Dassault Systèmes SolidWorks Corporation. Customers will now have access to our collective knowledge and experience in product development and lifecycle management gained from implementing thousands of PLM solutions in Nordic companies.”

Ken Manoff, Vice President, Western EMEA for Dassault Systèmes SolidWorks Corporation, is very enthusiastic about the merger: "We have had a very long and successful history together with MP Engineering, Solid Design House and CadON. That is why we are very pleased to now see the natural step of the formation of the PLM Group in the Nordics. Combining the many years of experience with technical competence across the Nordics will allow the PLM Group’s customers to continue to not only develop innovative products, but to also create some of the world’s most innovative product development processes.”

The advantages gained by the formation of the PLM Group allow customers to be more competitive and productive while also lowering their internal costs. The PLM Group provides premium product lifecycle management solutions and tools combined with leading edge knowledge about product development processes to secure better and more sustainable products.

EON Reality, Inc. Receives 2009 Best of Business Award

Small Business Commerce Association’s Award Honors the Achievement.

SAN FRANSICO: EON Reality, Inc. has been selected for the 2009 Best of Business Award in the Computers, peripherals, and software category by the Small Business Commerce Association (SBCA).

The Small Business Commerce Association is pleased to announce that EON Reality, Inc. has been selected for the 2009 Best of Business Award in the Computers, peripherals, and software category.

The SBCA 2009 Award Program recognizes the top 5% of small businesses throughout the country. Using consumer feedback, the SBCA identifies companies that we believe have demonstrated what makes small businesses a vital part of the American economy. The selection committee chooses the award winners from nominees based off information taken from monthly surveys administered by the SBCA, a review of consumer rankings, and other consumer reports. Award winners are a valuable asset to their community and exemplify what makes small businesses great.

“We are pleased and very honored to be recognized for our innovations and our commitment to developing efficient solutions and we will continue to maximize the value our solutions bring for our customers,” said Dan Lejerskar, Chairman of EON Reality, Inc.

Trimble Introduces Update to 3D Laser Scanning Software for Industrial Plant Applications

SUNNYVALE, Calif — Trimble introduced today version 6.5 of its Trimble® RealWorks™ software. The software provides an intuitive and efficient solution for integrating 3D laser scanner data into the plant lifecycle work process. Version 6.5 includes new features for the rapid management of 3D data including an automated target extraction and registration function for data collected with the Trimble FX™ and Trimble CX™ 3D laser scanners. The automation significantly reduces the data processing time which can improve productivity.

"Trimble RealWorks software allows 3D information to be integrated into the plant lifecycle work process, extending beyond the basic management of 3D scanning data," said Patricia Boothe, business director for Trimble's Power, Process and Plant Division. "The new release integrates data from Trimble's broad range of 3D laser scanning solutions so that accurate information can be extracted for plant design, construction and ongoing operations and maintenance. This ability increases productivity, reduces costs and can contribute to increased worker safety during plant projects and operations."

In addition to addressing survey and civil engineering applications, Trimble RealWorks version 6.5 offers industrial plant customers with tailored modules—building upon the base level functionality of 3D data visualization, registration and manipulation. The RealWorks Advanced module takes visualization and manipulation to the next level by providing functions to perform detailed analysis and generate enhanced deliverables. The RealWorks Plant module provides advanced modeling and automated extraction functions to generate 3D Computer Aided Design (CAD) models for use in plant and project design. Data can also be seamlessly transferred to Trimble LASERGen™ software to use directly within CAD design packages.

A downloadable application, the Trimble RealWorks Viewer, allows clients to visualize the data captured by their service providers. In addition, clients can perform basic measurements and attach annotations.

Trimble RealWorks version 6.5 software is available now.

AutoCAD files can now be imported directly into VizTerra

Structure Studios has announced that AutoCAD® files can now be imported directly into VizTerra, the state of the art in professional 3D landscape design. Within minutes, a standard AutoCAD DWG file, the native file format for Autodesk's AutoCAD software, can be transformed into a fully interactive 3D presentation in VizTerra.

The latest update introduces a new feature which allows information from DWG files, the native file format for Autodesk's AutoCAD software, to be copied directly into VizTerra projects. This feature also allows for DXF files to be imported. This new feature makes it easy to quickly import templates, landscaping symbols, and whole 2d design projects from the AutoCAD software into VizTerra.

AutoCAD is the well established standard for 2D design and construction. Now with VizTerra it is easy to transform DWG files, the most popular and native AutoCAD file format, into real time 3D presentations. This allows professionals in all construction and design industries to immediately benefit from VizTerra's "Instant 3D" technology using the 2D projects they have already created in AutoCAD.

Like all updates to this software, this new features will download automatically with the latest update to VizTerra. A copy of AutoCAD is not needed to use this feature. All software updates come complete with VizTerra Membership, ensuring VizTerra is always at the latest version.

VizTerra contains RealDWG ™ by Autodesk, Inc.,

University of Michigan Taubman College Licenses Academic Version of LGD 3D Geometric Constraint Solver by LEDAS

Ann Arbor, MI – The University of Michigan’s Taubman College of Architecture and Urban Planning and LEDAS Ltd., an independent provider of variational design tools, component technologies, and software development services for CAD/CAM/CAE/PLM market, today announced that LGS 3D geometric constraint solver will be used for scientific research in the field of robotics.

Wesley McGee, a Researcher/Lecturer in Architectural CAD/CAM technologies at the University of Michigan Taubmann College of Architecture and Urban Planning explains: "My current work, along with Dave Pigram of Pratt Institute includes developing robotic scripting applications using Rhinoceros 3D software. We are very interested in LEDAS Rhino Assembly plug-in and the geometric constraint engine it based on. One area we are investigating is the development of kinematic simulation of our robotic workcell in Rhino. We currently use several competing products to handle this, but to have a system completely based in Rhino would provide a lot of freedom. While our scripts are currently very successful at generating robotic code, we still simulate using an offline simulation package. We believe using the LGS 3D engine we may be able to build an offline simulation plug-in for Rhino."

LEDAS licensing policy for non-commercial academic and educational organizations assumes granting a free access to its LGS software in exchange to mentioning it in academic publications, which researchers will publish. Free Academic Licensing approach gives unique opportunity for researches and students to access state-of-the-art parameterization technology.

"Several leading universities has already licensed our LGS software," said Dmitry Ushakov, Director of Product Management, LEDAS Ltd. "Examples are Purdue University in USA and Northwestern Politechnical University in China. We are happy to extend our academic program by entering into a partnership with the world famous University of Michigan."

Cyon Research announces COFES Russia Seminar in partnership with LEDAS

Bethesda, MD– Cyon Research Corporation announced that its first COFES Russia Seminar will be held September 14, 2010 in Moscow, Russia. The event will bring together the community of engineering software vendors, developers, resellers, analysts, and users for private and public discussion in a relaxed and informal—but intense—atmosphere. The COFES Russia Seminar will be a part of isicad-2010 forum organized by LEDAS Ltd.

COFES has historically focused on creating an environment where the strength of our community takes precedence over our individual needs to sell, and where c-level executives can openly discuss the important issues facing business today. COFES Russia Seminar will bring together senior executives from firms in manufacturing, construction, and design to discuss innovation in the face of the current economic situation both globally and within Russia and the CIS.

Isicad, the biennial forum organized by LEDAS Ltd., is a recognizable brand for the Russian IT-community. Isicad-2010 is the fourth event in the line and will take place in Moscow in September 14, 2010 under the theme "CAD and PLM as tools of innovative economics".

"Partnership with Cyon Research for the COFES Russia Seminar gives us a unique opportunity to take advantage of Cyon Research’s outstanding research and apply it to the Russian CAD/PLM market as a part and tool of an innovative economy," explained David Levin, CEO and founder, LEDAS Ltd. "I expect participation of many leading companies, including Autodesk, Dassault Systemes, and ASCON who have already become partners of our Moscow events."

Alexander Tasev, Regional Sales Director, Autodesk Russia and CIS, said: "Autodesk is known as an active participant and sponsor of COFES conferences in Arizona, USA. The COFES events remarkably contribute to the determining and refinement of the priorities and direction of CAD technology, industry, and business. I believe that closer contacts of COFES - Cyon Research and the Russian market with its huge potential will be very useful for all involved participants."

Cyon Research welcomes all top managers and experts from leading providers in the fields of BIM/CAD/CAE/DP/PLM, top managers from Russia manufacturing, construction and industrial organizations, in addition to analysts, media, and representatives from academia and government.

The COFES Russia Seminar is an invitation-only event. For more information on the forum, and how to obtain an invitation, please visit http://apply.cofes.com (English) and http://isicad.ru/ru/2010/request (Russian).

Cyon Research has been bringing the unique vision of COFES to a select group of international venues where the event can trigger a leap forward for the industry. This COFES Russia Seminar follows in the footsteps of the annual COFES events, held since 1999 in Scottsdale, Arizona; the 2006 COFES India Summit; and is a precursor to the December 2010 COFES Israel Forum.

EASi conducts webinar in meeting safety regulations

Madison Heights, MI : EASi’s Domain Knowledge Institute DKI TM, in cooperation with NTEA, presented a free webinar on the role of Computer Aided Engineering (CAE) in meeting Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards (FMVSS) 201U, 214 and 301.

CAE is a mature technology, widely used by the automotive industry which drives the design process to achieve compliance with FMVSS standards in a compressed time frame, and significantly reduced costs.

Highlights of the webinar include:

A broad overview of FMVSS regulatory requirements and presented CAE processes as they relate to designing to these standards

The webinar was attended by leading engineers and engineering management from various manufacturers who share a common interest in engineering simulation and innovation

In addition, the event offered excellent real time case studies for the CAE community, industry experts and engineering partners


EASi has a long history of expertise in crash and safety engineering, working extensively with automotive OEMs and suppliers, and also with National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) on Research and Development projects including safety regulations like 201, 208, 214 etc

Founded in 1981, EASi is a global engineering firm that services the US, European, and Asian markets.


The National Truck Equipment Association (NTEA), established in 1964, currently represents nearly 1,700 companies that manufacture, distribute, install, buy, sell and repair commercial trucks, truck bodies, truck equipment, trailers and accessories. Buyers of work trucks and the major commercial truck chassis manufacturers also belong to the Association.

Dec 17, 2009

Tata's CRL and Force India enter into partnership for fully automated CFD solution

Partnership To Significantly Boost Force India F1 Team’s Engineering Design Abilities Using CFD.

Pune: Computational Research Laboratories (CRL), a wholly owned subsidiary of Tata Sons, and Force India Formula One Team (FIF1), India’s first and only F1 team, today announced an exclusive three-year multi-million dollar partnership deal to offer a fully automated Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) solution to aid the design of the team’s next generation race cars as well improve aerodynamic efficiency in the current racing models. This will be the first time a Formula 1 team will leverage an Indian HPC (high performance computing) organization for their design activities.

In conjunction with physical wind tunnel and straight line testing, Force India relies on virtual prototypes and CFD methods to improve racing car aerodynamics and accuracy by conducting complex simulations without compromising processing times. The sheer computing power provided by CRL will enable Force India to reduce its design cycle times, thus providing the team’s drivers with the best chance of a strong result.

With this partnership, Force India’s design team will now have access to ‘eka’, India’s fastest supercomputer and one of the most versatile supercomputers in the world that is capable of 133 trillion calculations per second! The new system will increase Force India’s CFD computing capacity in the first year by a factor of at least four, allowing the team to model the car’s aerodynamics in much more detail and deliver results in greatly reduced time frames.

Dr. Vijay Mallya, Chairman and Team Principal, Force India Formula One Team Ltd said, ”Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulations are a critical part of Force India’s car design process to continually improve the team’s aerodynamic performance. The tie-up with CRL will significantly accelerate Force India’s computational simulations to drive better on-track results. The tie-up with CRL gives us an immediate 200% increase in our CFD processing capability which will rise to almost 800% by the end of 2010. We have integrated our own CFD methods with the CRL facility to allow Force India’s CFD engineers to seamlessly interface between the UK and India effectively, giving us increased processing power. The CRL facility allows us to run significantly more CFD cases, in the region of 200% more cases per day, with twice the model size currently possible. In the future this will increase still further and also allow Force India to undertake significant development of the current CFD methods in us”.

Mr. S Ramodarai, Chairman, CRL, said: “With this partnership, CRL reconfirms its commitment to develop technology that will aid in design activities and make it seamless for the companies to take advantage of HPC. We are really proud to be associated with a brand such as Force India Formula One Team which has showcased India as a team to watch in the global motor racing arena. This deal demonstrates the value that an organization can get by leveraging ‘eka’, and the complete HPC support ecosystem we have set up at CRL.”

Virtual wind tunnel simulation applications on ‘eka’, using Computational Fluid Dynamics, can help address the limitations of a testing environment in understanding the impact of design on the aerodynamic abilities of aeroplanes and automobiles. The CFD designs for Formula One cars, are amongst the most complicated, and require extremely high computing powers for timely and accurate results. CRL will provide Force India with a complete HPC ecosystem, ranging from fully automated pre processing to post processing simulation work flow on ‘eka’, customized configurations to application optimization services for Force India’s design activities.

Tata Elxsi’s Automotive CoE achieves Automotive SPICE® Level 5 certification for Organizational Maturity

Bangalore: Tata Elxsi has announced that its Automotive Centre of Excellence has achieved Automotive SPICE® Organizational Maturity Level 5 certification using the PATHFINDER™ scheme. This assessment includes certificate of assessment for Process capability and Organizational maturity. Tata Elxsi’s Automotive Center for Excellence, located in Technopark, Thiruvananthapuram, houses specialized teams of embedded Automotive design engineers and domain specialists offering services to Automotive OEMs and suppliers in India and across the world.

The Automotive Special Interest Group (SIG) is a joint special interest group of The SPICE User Group and The Procurement Forum and have launched the Automotive SPICE© initiative together with the major motor vehicle manufacturers to develop a common framework for the assessment of suppliers in the Automotive Industry. The result is the publication of the Automotive SPICE© Process Assessment Model together with the associated Process Reference Model. This assessment of Tata Elxsi’s Automotive Centre of Excellence was carried out by a team of assessors led by Mr. Alec Dorling, and a team of assessors from IMPRONOVA, Sweden and KPMG.

Announcing this important certification, Mr. Natarajan, Vice President – Automotive Practice, Tata Elxsi Limited, said, “Over the years, Tata Elxsi has transformed into a trusted partner of choice for automotive OEMs, Tier-1 suppliers, Semiconductor and Tool vendors. We are pleased to be certified by a global automotive body responsible for setting standards in the field of automotive design excellence. Automotive SPICE L5 certification provides ample testimony to our best in class process strengths, functional expertise, state-of-the-art infrastructure, ability to deliver stringent design reliability and talent pool for automotive engineering. We intend to scale up our focus in the automotive practice and will continue to deliver full service product development for our customers.”

Tata Elxsi has a dedicated Automotive practice with over a decade of experience in product development and engineering services for automotive companies. Tata Elxsi’s association with global giants in the automotive industry enables it to offer custom, full life cycle product R&D services to automobile manufacturers and component suppliers.

Tata Elxsi is a premium member of AUTOSAR and associate member of Flexray consortium, and fully conversant with open and standardized automotive software architecture and advanced automotive control applications. Tata Elxsi’s focus areas in automotive electronics include Green and Conventional Powertrain, Body Electronics, Safety, Security, Chassis, and In Vehicle Infotainment.

Think3 ties up with Mindpower Engineering Solutions to penetrate Tamil Nadu territory

Bangalore, India - Think3 has tied up with MINDPOWER (Mindpower Engineering Solutions Pvt. Ltd) to penetrate in the Tamilnadu territory. MINDPOWER would focus on the entire range of ThinkDesign suite of products for the TN territory.

Think3 and Mindpower would follow a strong strategy to cater to the market demands in Tamilnadu and offer the best and effective solutions to its customers.

“With this partnership think3 plans a strong go to market strategy and explores the potential market in Tamilnadu for CAD/PLM/PDM” said Mr. Silvano Joly, Vice-President Sales and worldwide Marketing at think3. “With think3’s advanced technology and MINDPOWER’S vast CAD/PLM experience we are positive to create a niche in the TN market by meeting the expectations of the prospects and delighting the customers with our service” he added.

“Tamilnadu Industrial Segment is huge and multi-segmented into various streams of engineering and interestingly think3 has the best technology addressing the each specific stream of engineering right from 2D Drafting, 3D Modeling, Engineering Design, Styling for New Product Development and Integrated Tooling Solutions from Concept to product. And to unleash the best, the unexplored PDM / PLM Market segment is wide open for Stable & Sustainable solutions from think3 Suite of offerings” states Mr.R. Krishnamoorthy, Director Mindpower.

He further adds “MINDPOWER Relationship with Think3 will be a strategic partnership to offer the best in class engineering solutions to the market segment we address and ensure the implementation success will yield more referral customers in the industry”. To add, he states a famous quote on Collaboration by Sir Issac Newton & MESPL go by that, “If I have seen further than others, it is by standing upon the shoulders of giants.”

Think3’s ThinkDesign Engineering addresses the needs of mechanical manufacturing companies by offering productive and reliable tools. From traditional 2D design controls, to innovative and integrated 3D design functionalities in a single environment, ThinkDesign Engineering provides a comprehensive CAD solution that allows companies to define their products in a faster, more efficient and flexible way. Part Modeling, 2D/3D/PLM Transparency, AutoCAD Compatibility, Interactive Solid Modeling, Smart Objects and Adaptive Measures, Integrated Sheet Metal, Advanced Assembly Management, 2D and 3D translators, direct FEA/FEM interface, product data management are all in one intuitive and easy-to-use product. These are just a few aspects of ThinkDesign Engineering’s world.

Dell unveils High Performance Computing solutions in India

Bangalore: Dell announced today the launch of it's High Performance Computing (HPC) solution for the Indian scientific community. With this offering Dell aims to lower TCO, simplify procurement, reduce time to deploy, simplify manageability and ensure assured support to the scientific users.

"Dell solutions are based on existing, validated architectures employing best practices that allow us to greatly reduce consultancy and implementation time," the company said in a release. More than 20 among the world's fastest super-computers are powered by Dell.

It's HPCC solutions use standards-based technology building blocks to maximize computational power while simplifying deployment, management and scalability.

HPCC is now becoming more pervasive, productive and easier to access with lower barriers and cost to entry. Approximately 25 per cent of all CPU sales go into HPCC environments. "On average Dell ships one HPCC cluster per day across multiple industries," said Neeraj Gupta, GM for Public, Dell India.

He said that this solution is targeted at higher education institutes, scientists and academicians who are into high end research work.

"Our vision of empowering the education sector is to make higher education more relevant and purposeful and also to see that higher educational institutions impart skills and knowledge which are relevant to the emerging job market with a strong emphasis on technical and professional courses," Neeraj Gupta stated.

According to IDC, the current High Performance Computing and Communication (HPCC) market alone is worth approximately US$10 billion, approximately 20 per cent of the total server market, and it is predicting to grow to US$15.6 billion by 2012

Boston India sponsors HiPC international conference on high performance computing

Mumbai- Boston IT Solutions (India) Private Limited, now in its 17th year as a distribution partner for silicon valley based Super Micro Computer, Inc. (NASDAQ: SMCI), today announced their participation as a Silver sponsor at the HiPC international conference on high performance computing.

Following on from the successful launch of Boston India in September at the Broadcast India show in Mumbai, Boston will be continuing this success by showcasing and demonstrating their latest developments in their range of liquid cooled servers, nVIDIA Tesla based GPU compute nodes and Quattro low power cluster nodes. The event takes place between December 16th -19th at the Le Meridien Hotel Kochi (Cochin), India and Boston can be found exhibiting at stand numbers 8-9.

"As we are all aware energy costs are increasing rapidly globally at a worrying rate; in particular some of the recent changes that are taking place within India in terms of costs and headroom for future expansion have generated even further demand for power optimised server/compute platforms; in particular from within the HPC arena" says Manoj Nayee, Managing director of Boston India and Boston Limited in the United Kingdom.

At HiPC Boston will be demonstrating the significant power savings made available by their latest generation of products and appliances including numerous Boston innovations such as their Quattro cluster nodes, GPU based compute nodes and liquid cooled server platforms. With a full range of solutions based on leading edge hardware from Supermicro Boston platforms assure staggering levels of computational power as well as industry leading performance per watt.

An excellent example of this would be Boston's range of Quattro cluster nodes which consolidate up to four HPC nodes within a single enclosure that shares a single common power supply across various machines. With full support for the latest Six Core AMD Opteron Istanbul processors as well as Intel's latest generation of Nehalem based Xeon processors Boston's Quattro range provides processing density that simply cannot be beaten by traditional CPU based clustered platforms.

Following on from their successful launch at the Supercomputing show in Portland, Oregon, USA; Boston will also be showcasing their liquid cooled server for the first time to the Asian channel. Their innovative solution features patented "modular liquid immersion" technology from Iceotope Ltd, that leverage the thermal superiority of liquids to reduce the operating costs of large-scale computing facilities such as data centre's.

Each server motherboard is completely immersed in an individually sealed bath of an inert liquid coolant which passively transfers heat away from the sensitive electronics to a tightly integrated heat exchanger formed by the wall of the bath where water is continuously recirculated and cooled. Compared to traditional air cooling systems, the two liquids are thousands of times more effective in capturing and transferring heat, thereby requiring much less energy to run the overall system as the water can be allowed to run warmer whilst still providing adequate cooling.

"We will also be showcasing our latest generation of Venom GPU compute platforms which provide stunning levels of raw computational power by combining the latest in GPU and CPU based technologies. As an example Boston's Venom T1000 GPU compute node provides over a staggering Two TFLOPs of processing power within a single 1U compute node that provides industry leading performance".

Simulation Technology from Invensys Helps Show Viability of Clean-Coal Power in South Korea

Korea Electric Power Research Institute uses operator training and dynamic simulation solutions to develop Taean-based IGCC power plant.

New Delhi - Invensys Operations Management, a provider of technology systems, software solutions and consulting services to the process and manufacturing industries, today announced that it has delivered comprehensive simulation and training solutions to the Korea Electric Power Research Institute (KEPRI), South Korea’s leading electric power research institute and part of Korea Electric Power Corporation (KEPCO).

Under the terms of the agreement, Invensys provided an operator training simulator (OTS), including its Dynsim® high-fidelity simulation for operator training and process engineering design studies and Wonderware InTouch® human machine interface (HMI) for graphic visualization of processes. Invensys also supplied engineering and technical services to develop the dynamic simulation models and to configure the HMI for operator training and engineering.

The solutions will be implemented at KEPRI’s proposed generic-model integrated gasification combined cycle (IGCC) plant to be built in Taean, South Korea. Viewed as a state-of-the-art facility and testing ground, the plant will be used to prove the viability of clean-coal power plants worldwide. KEPRI process, mechanical and control engineers will use the dynamic simulators to understand new IGCC technology, make design decisions, prepare operating procedures and train plant operators.

“We needed a robust solution that was scalable, customizable and flexible enough to meet the special needs of our engineers during the design phase and to give our operators a jump start on learning this new technology,” said Yong-Jin Joo, Ph.D., project manager, KEPRI/KEPCO. “I am extremely pleased with the dynamic model Invensys delivered. As the first OTS of the first IGCC plant in this country, the Invensys simulator will provide operational insight into applying IGCC technology, helping to lower the barriers to developing clean-coal power in South Korea and the world.”

“Invensys has deep experience in dynamic modeling of coal gasification and providing operator training simulators in both the power and process industries,” said Tobias Scheele, Ph.D., vice president, advanced applications, Invensys Operations Management. “Combining our IGCC industry knowledge with the flexibility and power of our Dynsim simulation program, we were able to provide KEPRI with a scalable OTS that will meet their growing needs.”

LEMO Connectors becomes Autodesk Inventor of the Month

SAN RAFAEL, Calif - LEMO USA Inc. uses Autodesk Inventor software to design and customize high-quality precision connectors for the medical, instrumentation, military, automotive and broadcast markets. In the broadcast market, LEMO’s “3K.93C” is the industry standard for high-definition television (HDTV) cameras—helping with the wide delivery of HDTV programming.

Creating digital prototypes with Inventor software enables LEMO to design and customize its connectors in significantly less time, and Autodesk, Inc. (NASDAQ: ADSK), a world leader in 2D and 3D design, engineering, and entertainment software, has named LEMO as the December Autodesk Inventor of the Month for the Swiss company’s innovative design efforts.

Designing a custom connector could take LEMO up to three weeks, from designing the part, building a physical prototype and shipping it to the customer for approval. By using a Digital Prototyping workflow, LEMO can now simply produce and share 3D models with the customer, completing the entire design process within a week.

“Every time someone sits down on Sunday to watch football in high definition, they are likely watching the game through one of LEMO’s hybrid connectors,” said Erik Gammon, engineering manager at LEMO. “Autodesk Inventor software has been instrumental in helping us design, visualize and simulate precision connection solutions that deliver the high-quality results our customers expect.”

Virtually any advanced piece of electronic equipment requires several types of connectors to interface with power sources and other devices. HDTV cameras need high-voltage, fiber-optic and low-voltage contacts all within the same connector, rather than as three separate connectors. Using Inventor software enables LEMO to design a hybrid connector that combines all three contacts onto a single interconnect solution.

The hybrid connector is challenging to design because of the many different types of male pins that need to connect with the corresponding female sockets in a relatively small amount of space. With Inventor software, LEMO has the ability to first check for interferences among all the different components. It then enables tolerance checks on the contacts to help them mate with just the right amount of insertion—producing a reliable connection.

“Companies like LEMO are using Digital Prototyping to respond to customer needs quicker and bring their innovative products to market sooner,” said Robert “Buzz” Kross, senior vice president, Manufacturing Industry Group at Autodesk. “In a global economy, these are practices that serve manufacturers well.”

Klöckner Desma Schuhmaschinen GmbH to deploy the Aras Innovator suite

Solothurn, Switzerland- Aras®, an enterprise open source Product Lifecycle Management [PLM] software solution provider, today announced that Klöckner Desma Schuhmaschinen GmbH will deploy the Aras Innovator suite to replace the existing PLM system from Oracle Agile and improve the product design and development process. Desma, based in Achim near Bremen, is a leading supplier of robotic systems, machinery and moulds for the footwear industry.

The implementation of Aras PLM software solution will occur during the first quarter of 2010 with a full production rollout across the company in the second quarter. The deployment will span the global design and development organization and include process planning, tooling, and NC programming departments, as well as, other groups across the company.

Desma will use Aras as the central repository for all product data management providing secure online access for all worldwide locations including factories and warehouses. All of the critical design and development processes will be managed in Aras including configuration management, Bill of Materials (BOM) management, and change management. Desma will also utilize Aras for CAD file management of Siemens NX and integrate the PLM software solution with the SAP ERP system for bi-directional data exchange.

With the Aras training Desma’s IT staff will work independently and self sufficiently to automate additional business processes and continuously adapt the PLM solution to new customer requirements, regulations, and future market conditions. Every download of the enterprise open source PLM software suite from Aras includes a powerful graphical solution studio that enables real-time changes to workflows, forms, business rules, data schema and other aspects of the PLM solution without the need for complex programming.

TransMagic announces first release of a true 64-bit version of TransMagic EXPERT

WESTMINSTER, CO - TransMagic, Inc., developer of 3D CAD data exchange products announced the first release of a true 64-bit version of their flagship product, TransMagic EXPERT. Translating large 3D design files is a memory-intensive operation that has been very challenging, primarily due to system memory restrictions. TransMagic 64-Bit permanently changes the landscape for large CAD file translation by solving this common manufacturing problem. TransMagic reports that the new platform offers 10-20% better performance and a tremendous increase in file size capability. Translating multi-gigabyte files on a single computer is now a reality, with TransMagic 64-Bit.

The new TransMagic 64-Bit release renders the 3GB memory limit of 32-bit applications obsolete for the purpose of translating large files. The ability to efficiently reuse design data in any application offers tremendous value and efficiency to manufacturing organizations. Companies that can easily leverage their design investments in downstream manufacturing or simulation applications will reduce their costs and have a competitive advantage. Medium size files can quickly exhaust memory resources on a traditional 32-bit computer. To translate a file in a standalone application the computer must simultaneously maintain both the source file and the target file in memory during the process until the translation is complete. This creates an upper limit on the file size capability of all 32-bit 3D translation products. With modern 64-bit applications like TransMagic, memory access and hence file size can be virtually unlimited.

“For some time we’ve been seeing complex assembly files larger than 1 gigabyte at automotive and aerospace companies,” states Craig Dennis, CTO of TransMagic. “In the past there was no way to access enough memory to support the translation process for these large files. Being first to market with 64-bit means these limitations are now footnotes of a bygone era.”

SYCODE Releases CATIA, NX and Pro/ENGINEER 2D Drawing File Import Add-Ins for SolidWorks

Panaji, GOA – SYCODE has released CATIA, NX and Pro/ENGINEER 2D drawing file import add-ins for SolidWorks. These add-ins give SolidWorks the ability to read CATIA, NX and Pro/ENGINEER drawings without the need of a CATIA, NX or Pro/ENGINEER license.

"Suppliers to users of high end MCAD systems like CATIA, NX and Pro/ENGINEER often use SolidWorks as their MCAD system,” explains Deelip Menezes, Founder and CEO of SYCODE. "These SolidWorks users often receive design data in the form of 2D drawings in the native file format of the high-end MCAD system. SolidWorks does not offer any way to read these 2D drawings, which can be a huge problem. The add-ins that we are releasing today are designed to solve this exact problem.”

The add-ins have been tested to work with the 32 bit as well as the 64 bit versions of SolidWorks and are available as a fully functional trials. They come with installers and detailed documentation in the form of compiled HTML help files which contains step-by-step tutorials to get end users started in the shortest possible time.

More information about the add-ins and free downloads can be found at the SYCODE web site:

* CATIA V4 2D Import for SolidWorks - http://www.sycode.com/products/catia_v4_2d_import_sw/

* CATIA V5 2D Import for SolidWorks - http://www.sycode.com/products/catia_v5_2d_import_sw/

* NX 2D Import for SolidWorks - http://www.sycode.com/products/nx_2d_import_sw/

* Pro/ENGINEER 2D Import for SolidWorks - http://www.sycode.com/products/pro_engineer_2d_import_sw/

Autodesk AutoCAD Exchange Connects Global User Community from more than 200 countries around the world

SAN RAFAEL, Calif - AutoCAD Exchange, the first comprehensive online community for AutoCAD users, has received nearly 300,000 unique visitors from more than 200 countries around the world. Since its introduction by Autodesk, Inc. (NASDAQ:ADSK), in March 2009, the AutoCAD Exchange has become the premier global resource for users to network, share and learn more about the AutoCAD family of products.

AutoCAD Exchange is a content-rich destination for all AutoCAD software users from industries including manufacturing, architecture and construction to network with fellow users, connect with experts, access tips and learning material such as tutorials and Autodesk University courseware, and provide feedback to AutoCAD product developers. One of the most active areas of the site is “Ask the Expert,” which provides a forum for AutoCAD users and CAD experts to discuss topics such as CAD manager best practices and user tips. There are roughly 50 different dialogues in a given week. In September 2009, Creg Dieziger, senior engineering technician, Morrison-Maierle, Inc., had one of the most popular “Ask the Expert” sessions, with more than 50 questions about topics ranging from technical “how-tos” to advice on specific projects.

“As a professor, I need to stay constantly up-to-date on AutoCAD, and the AutoCAD Exchange is a one-stop destination for me to keep learning and expanding my AutoCAD skills and knowledge,” said Sunith Babu, CAD professor, M.S. Ramaiah Institute of Technology. “The world of design is constantly evolving, and the AutoCAD Exchange is a key resource on how to increase productivity with new capabilities in the 2010 software, including 3D design. AutoCAD Exchange regularly opens my eyes to new and different ways to use AutoCAD.”

Autodesk is constantly refreshing the content on the AutoCAD Exchange to provide the most relevant and comprehensive multimedia tips, eLearning tools and CAD information. Current and upcoming features include:

* “Ask the Expert” featuring Robert Stein, Autodesk Manufacturing; and Sean Campbell, Zahl-Ford, Inc. Structural Investigators & Consultants. You can ask these experts questions now through the end of December at http://autocad.autodesk.com/?nd=ask_the_expert_main
* New AutoCAD tips from:
o David Byrnes, author of the “AutoCAD for Dummies” book series
o Heidi Hewett, AutoCAD technical marketing, gives the latest tips for AutoCAD 2010 users
o David Cohn, CAD expert, gives tips around parametrics
o Guillermo Melatoni provides the latest AutoCAD 3D tips

“The AutoCAD Exchange has become an indispensable tool for engineers, designers and CAD managers, allowing them to easily interact with peers in their field throughout the world to share experiences, get advice and grow their AutoCAD expertise,” said Guri Stark, vice president, AutoCAD and Platform Products. “The AutoCAD Exchange also gives Autodesk an invaluable forum to connect daily with our users so we can see and hear about the unique projects that they’re creating with AutoCAD, which ultimately helps us better address their design software needs.”

3Dconnexion 3D Mice Now Supported by Siemens NX 7 and Tecnomatix 9

FREMONT, Calif – 3Dconnexion’s award-winning line of 3D mice – including its flagship SpacePilot™ PRO 3D mouse – is now supported by Siemens NX™ 7 digital product development solution, and Tecnomatix® 9 digital manufacturing suite, including Plant Simulation, Process Designer and Process Simulate.

3Dconnexion 3D mice provide advanced 3D navigation and control for MCAD and manufacturing process engineers working in these applications, and deliver advanced product design and manufacturing planning. Additional highlights include:

Enhanced Control: Complementing productivity enhancements made to NX 7 and Tecnomatix 9, 3Dconnexion 3D mice allow users to manipulate views while editing a model more intuitively. Providing an enhanced user experience and improved design performance, engineers can move in all three dimensions simultaneously – by gently pushing, pulling, twisting, or tilting the controller cap, users can pan, zoom and rotate models or camera views.

Advanced Productivity: When using a 3Dconnexion 3D mouse, NX 7 and Tecnomatix 9 users benefit from a balanced and cooperative work style. One hand engages the 3D mouse to position the model while the other hand simultaneously uses the traditional mouse to select, create or edit. In addition, certain 3D mouse keys are pre-configured for the most commonly used commands in each environment (part, assembly, drawing, sketch, etc.), ensuring a seamless and powerful connection to the application.

Design Performance: The superior navigation experience offered by 3Dconnexion 3D mice encourages new levels of design review that are crucial to identifying errors earlier in the design process. For example, when using a 3D mouse with Tecnomatix Process Designer, Process Simulate, and Plant Simulation, engineers experience unified 3D navigation across manufacturing disciplines, from process layout and design, simulation and validation, to manufacturing execution.

Increased Comfort: By spreading the workload across both hands, traditional mouse clicks are reduced by up to 50%, so users benefit from a more comfortable working experience and a reduction in work related fatigue.

Siemens NX 7 and Tecnomatix 9 software supports the entire 3Dconnexion 3D mouse product line, including the Professional Series with the SpacePilot PRO (MSRP $399), SpacePilot (MSRP $299 with promotion) and SpaceExplorer™ (MSRP $299), and the Standard Series with the SpaceNavigator (MSRP $99) and SpaceNavigator for Notebooks (MSRP $129).

PTC added seven new schools to its Education Program for North American Colleges and Universities

Company Provides Software to More than 400 Schools, Including Most of the Top 50 Engineering Schools.

NEEDHAM, MA - PTC , The Product Development Company, today announced that it has recently added seven new schools to its Education Program for North American Colleges and Universities, including University of Alaska Anchorage, Montana Tech and Itasca Community College. PTC now provides software to more than 400 colleges and universities, including most of the North America's top 50 engineering schools as ranked by US News and World Report.

The PTC Education Initiative is a unique design and technology program engineered for students from secondary through the university level. The college and university component of this, University Edition, combines PTC's product development software, Pro/ENGINEER®, with courseware that delivers a unique and creative exploration of design, engineering and technology for university students. In addition, the University Edition enables students to master the number one product development solution in the world and prepares them to be tomorrow's innovators with credentials required for success in today's skills-driven job market.

"For almost two decades, we've used Pro/ENGINEER extensively throughout our curriculum at both the undergraduate and graduate level as the main software for training students in all their design related activities," said Sundar Krishnamurty, associate professor and site-director of the NSF e-Design Center at UMass Amherst. "More recently, we're seeing the need to provide our students with a more complete suite of PLM software, similar to what they'll employ in future real world settings, and are considering Windchill® ProductPoint® for use across our curriculum."

"We have been using Pro/ENGINEER since 1992, and we have always been pleased with PTC's academic support, and value the opportunity to train our students in the best-in-class computer aided engineering tools offered by PTC," said Tom Chase, director, Mechanical Engineering undergraduate program, University of Minnesota. "Pro/ENGINEER has provided invaluable support to several of our research projects, such as the design of the MINOS neutrino detector."

The University Edition license includes up to 500 seats of Pro/ENGINEER, an industry standard 3D design solution, along with about 55 other applications that include analysis tools, sheet metal and Behavioral Modeling® modules. In addition to the software, teachers and professors receive training and tutorials, technical support and software upgrades to enhance the teaching environment. Other software available for colleges and universities include Precision LMS, a complete learning management system, Mathcad®, which allows students to document mathematical work on a virtual white board, and Windchill® ProductPoint®, which enables collaborative product development leveraging the latest social computing technology.

"Pro/ENGINEER has been the CAD tool of choice for the past 15 years in the University of Florida Integrated Product and Process Design Program," said Keith Stanfill, director, Industrial Systems and Engineering, University of Florida. "Our students benefit from using the same tools used by professionals in the wide variety of industries participating in IPPD. In addition to an outstanding multidisciplinary product design education, experience with Pro/ENGINEER helps to differentiate our graduates as they transition out into industry."

"There is a shortage of engineers who have the product development skills PTC customers need, and this issue is accelerated as a large part of the engineering population start to retire in the coming years," said Mark Fischer, director, North American Education, PTC. "We are working to alleviate this problem and have made it our commitment to help inspire a new generation of technical thinkers. With programs like the PTC Education Initiative, we are dedicated to nurturing tomorrow's engineers in North America."

Delcam features videos of EMO highlights

Delcam has added videos from the recent EMO exhibition held in Milan to its unique online TV channel. The nine videos include new developments from Italian and international machine tool manufacturers, plus one covering the latest releases of Delcam’s advanced manufacturing software.

EMO was the largest machining exhibition held during this year and so provided the platform for many leading manufacturers to launch their latest designs. The Delcam videos provide a chance for those unable to attend the exhibition to see several of these new machines in action.

The videos also show how using Delcam’s range of software enables these machines to operate at their peak efficiency. In this way, they can provide greater increases in productivity, more improvements in quality and larger reductions in lead times.

"Companies that are investing in the latest machine tools are often concerned that their CAM software may not have kept up with any advanced technology incorporated in the new models,” commented Delcam’s Advanced Manufacturing Product Manager, Mark Forth. "As the world’s largest CAM specialist, Delcam has strong relationships with most of the leading machine tool suppliers. This enables us to begin working on updates to our post-processors while new designs are still in development. As a result, we are able to support these new machines as soon as they are delivered to customers.”

"Similarly, companies looking to invest in CAM software are often worried whether the toolpaths generated will work as well on the machine tool as they do on the computer,” added Mr. Forth. "These latest videos provide more evidence of the high performance that Delcam software can produce on a range of different machines.”

They can be viewed at www.delcam.tv/emo09.

ShipConstructor's Patrick Roberts Re-elected NSRP Panel Vice Chairman

Patrick Roberts, Director of Operations for ShipConstructor USA, has been re-elected Vice Chairman of the Business Process Technologies Panel for the United States National Shipbuilding Research Program (NSRP). The upcoming year will be Roberts’ second year in the role of Vice Chairman.

The NSRP Business Process Technologies Panel advises the NSRP Executive Control Board on research projects involving technology to improve procedures and practices within the shipbuilding industry. The panel discusses all business processes from initial strategy development through to post-delivery customer service.

“I enjoy working with other business leaders to find ways to benefit the entire industry,” said Roberts. “When you look at the organizations represented on this panel such as Northrop Grumman, General Dynamics and VT Halter Marine, I think it’s great that we are able to bring people with all this business knowledge together and then share it for everyone’s benefit.”

As Director of Operations for the US subsidiary of Canadian shipbuilding software development firm, ShipConstructor Software Inc., Roberts is in charge of US-based sales, training and various research and development projects focused on the US market. Prior to his work at ShipConstructor, Roberts held various management positions at Bender Shipbuilding & Repair, Alabama Shipyard and Friede Goldman Halter Inc. He has a B.Sc. in Industrial Engineering and has extensive experience managing R&D projects under the National Shipbuilding Research Program.

Agilent Technologies announces stereo 3D viewer capability with NVIDIA 3D Vision Technology

Solution Allows Designers to see Currents and EM Fields in Three Dimensions.

SANTA CLARA, Calif - Agilent Technologies Inc today announced a stereo 3D viewer capability for the Momentum G2 Element and FEM Element electromagnetic (EM) simulators in its Advanced Design System (ADS) EDA platform. The new stereo 3D viewer leverages NVIDIA Quadro graphics processing units (GPUs) and NVIDIA’s unique 3D Vision quad buffered stereo technology, originally designed for immersive mechanical design, digital content creation and video games, to render electric and magnetic fields and currents for scientists and engineers in crisp, vivid, high-resolution 3D.

Ever since Michael Faraday and James Clerk Maxwell developed the idea of electric and magnetic fields, there have been attempts to visualize these illusive 3D constructs. Unfortunately, these attempts were constrained by the limitations of 2D paper and later, 2D computer displays. Maxwell’s own “A Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism” (1873) is a prime example attempting to illustrate 3D fields using perspective drawings. Overcoming these constraints, Agilent’s stereo viewer succeeds in allowing users to actually see fields and currents in 3D.

The stereo 3D viewer consists of a support download that enhances ADS 2009 Update 1. It requires a computer equipped with an NVIDIA Quadro FX 3800 or higher professional graphics solution, NVIDIA 3D Vision stereoscopic glasses, and a 3D Vision ready 120-Hz display.

“Agilent’s stereo 3D viewer capability is cutting-edge technology that design, signal integrity, EMI, and layout engineers can use to review the layout and fix problems ahead of tape out,” said Jeff Brown, general manager of the Professional Solutions Group at NVIDIA. “Engineers can see time and cost savings benefits from this solution by identifying and solving critical issues in today’s multi gigabit-per-second board and package designs.”

“You really have to see this new stereo viewer capability to believe it,” says Colin Warwick, signal integrity product manager in Agilent’s EEsof EDA organization. “Once you do, its benefits are obvious. Our tools are for engineering a 3D structure, so showing its fields and currents in 3D gives our customers insights that previously weren’t possible.”

The stereo 3D viewer is the result of a close collaboration between Agilent and NVIDIA aimed at creating a complete solution to help EDA tools run better, and improved EDA tools to help engineers design more innovative hardware. Other ongoing projects include massively parallel EM, and circuit simulation that harness the massively parallel CUDA architecture of NVIDIA Tesla GPU computing solutions.

Quad buffered stereo is enabled with 3D stereoscopic glasses and displays, driven by NVIDIA Quadro FX high-end and ultra-high end solutions. For more information on supported glasses and displays, including NVIDIA 3D Vision, please visit http://www.nvidia.com/object/quadro_pro_graphics_boards.html.

About Advanced Design System

Advanced Design System is an industry-leading high-frequency, high-speed electronic design automation software platform. Recent releases of the software include new signal integrity capabilities to form the most complete signal integrity design flow for chip-to-chip links. Additional information is available at www.agilent.com/find/signal-integrity-analysis.

U.S. Pricing and Availability

Agilent’s stereo viewer software is now available as a no-charge download for customers with existing Agilent ADS 2009 Update 1 support contracts. This feature is included in ADS signal integrity bundles with prices starting at approximately $56,000. It is also available in time-based bundles, starting at approximately $21,000 per year.

Capvidia releases new CompareVidia 2010 for validation of 3D CAD models

The CompareVidia application for validation of 3D CAD models has been further extended with the new functions. The performance improvement gives 30% boost compared with the previous release.

The floating license configuration provides a flexible solution for multi-user environment at discounted price.
The new wire-frame object validation opens possibility to include in the validation process auxiliary to 3D model objects as i.e. PMI describing manufacturing or dimension tolerances.

The report summarizing the validation results can be read back into CompareVidia for further detailed analysis of all entities causing the validation process to fail. The idea is to run the validation once and have possibility to investigate the results later. This also has an impact on archiving the validation results. An old report can be easily retrieved and investigated in more details at any time.

The support of native CAD formats has been updated to the latest version:

* CATIA 4 (*.model;*.exp) CATIA 4.1.9 – CATIA 4.2.4
* CATIA 5 (*.CATPart;*.CATProduct) R2 – R19
* Unigraphics (*.prt), version 11 to 18, NX to NX6
* Unigraphics Assembly (*.prt), version 11 to 18, NX to NX6
* ProE (*.asm;*.asm.*;*.prt.*)
* Inventor (*.ipt;*.iam) (ipt - version 6-2010) (iam version 11-2010)
* ACIS (*.sat;*.sab), version up to ACIS R20
* STEP (*.stp;*.step)
* IGES (*.igs;*.iges)
* VDA-FS (*.vda)
* AutoForm (*.af)
* STL (*.stl)
* VRML (*.wrl;*.vrml)
* Mesh (*.mesh)
* ASC (*.asc)
* Parasolid (*.x_t)
* SolidWorks (*.sldprt;*.sldasm)
* 3DTransVidia (*.xml)

CompareVidia supports now Windows 7 and is available in both 32 and -64-bit versions.

CompareVidia is being successfully used by numerous Boeing and Airbus suppliers in the US and Europe complying with the highest level of quality and validation procedures such as ISO 9002 and Boeing B6-51991, etc. for digital MDB.

Jorge Loutzenhiser - Quality Assurance Manager of MillworX Precision Machining, Inc. comments: "CompareVidia works like a Charm! We are very pleased with our purhase so far. Easy to learn; validation process quicker and easier than we expected."

Dec 16, 2009

VizSeek names Derrick Dilts as Business Development Manager

Indiana – VizSeek announced today that Derrick Dilts has joined VizSeek as Business Development Manager for small and middle markets. Dilts' focus will be on the growth of the subscriber base and the market awareness of VizSeek’s productivity tools for both procurement and suppliers in their online industrial networking platform, VizSpace.

According to Nainesh Rathod, Chief Executive Officer of VizSeek, “Derrick brings real world experience in supply chain management, logistics, sales, and marketing to the table, and we feel that this makes him the perfect person to translate the capabilities of our VizSpace platform to the very real needs of our customers in small and middle markets to show them the opportunities that VizSpace can open for them.”

Dilts describes his interest in VizSeek as follows, “The value of a logistics and supply chain professional lies in the ability to navigate the void that exists between buyers, sellers, and movers of product. I joined VizSeek because its shape search technology, combined with its social networking platform, is shrinking that void in a way never before possible.”

Dilts continues, “My role involves getting our tools into the hands of the small and middle market suppliers, allowing them to gain greater visibility and increase sales in the industrial and government marketplace. I’m here to help them win better opportunities, and to bring them to market in a more efficient manner.”

Before joining VizSeek, Mr. Dilts served as president at DBG, a logistics and supply chain management firm he founded that focused on the small manufacturing market. Prior to that, he worked as a financial advisor with a national brokerage firm and in purchasing and logistics at an environmental container manufacturer in Ensenada, Mexico. He earned his bachelor’s degree in Sales Management from Purdue University in West Lafayette, Indiana, and has various certifications in the manufacturing, financial, and supply chain industries.

Fujitsu Upgrades 3D Mechanical CAD Software

Tokyo - Fujitsu Limited and Digital Process Ltd. (DIPRO) today announced the development of ICAD/SX V6L2 (version 6, level 2), a software package supporting the three-dimensional design of machinery and devices, which is now available in Japan.

The ICAD/SX series has been developed based on the concept of "digital verification," whereby the design and production preparation stages take place concurrently, allowing users to shorten the time involved with the design and production of machinery and devices.

The new software represents a vast improvement over previous versions by speeding up the data-read time by approximately two times and the data-copy time by approximately ten times. In addition, ICAD/SX V6L2 includes enhanced assembly/disassembly functions which address both production preparation and manufacturing stages, as well as functions verifying workability. With this upgrade, Fujitsu addresses previously unresolved issues, such as slow software response time and excessive design and production lead times faced by customers employing three-dimensional CAD systems to design machines.

A number of challenges arise in machine and device design when the number of individual product parts reaches the thousands. These issues include the amount of time required to read and store general three-dimensional CAD data, the sluggish display interface after data has been loaded, and the inability to smoothly make edits while displaying the entire device on-screen. Furthermore, manufacturers often discover design-related problems, including conflicts between parts once a product has entered the production stage, forcing them to go back and make design revisions. As a result, machine and device makers have been searching for a way to avoid lost time and increased operating costs in their manufacturing stages, while at the same time also trying to reduce design and production time.

Fujitsu and DIPRO have released ICAD/SX V6L3 with the aim of resolving these challenges.

Service Features

1.High-speed processing enables smoother design work

Up until this point, commonly used three-dimensional CAD systems have been limited to reading the data of a few thousand parts, making it impossible to smoothly perform design work. The ICAD/SX V6L3's enhanced high-speed configuration processing engine has increased data read time by approximately two times over previous products. Not only does the application allow quick data downloads of tens of thousands of product parts, including information on the entire device and its production line, it also enables the user to make the necessary design revisions to layouts involving large quantities of connected parts immediately after the data has been downloaded. As well, by increasing the speed of inspecting design layouts and replicating the overall image of the device, essential for design reformulation, by approximately ten times, the software allows for stress-free CAD operations and editing.

2.Assembly/disassembly and verification functions

In both enlarged and overview display modes, the software is able to render three-dimensional images showing the appropriate types of holes for attaching bolts or screws. This feature makes three-dimensional models easier to view, enabling efficient verification of operations at early design stages. For example, by standardizing the shapes of holes, it is possible to reduce the steps involved in processing, as well as the cost of materials. In addition, there is a function that automatically links the original placement of parts prior to assembly to their location post-assembly. This increases efficiency when providing explanations to the manufacturing or assembly division, as well as streamlining collateral work, including the production of maintenance manuals and explanatory materials for customers on product handling.

Fujitsu PLM User Forum 2010

The ICAD/SX V6L3 will be on display at Fujitsu PLM User Forum, a specialized event for PLM (Product Lifecycle Management) intended for customers in the manufacturing industry, on February 2 in Tokyo and February 9 in Osaka.

Russian JSC ‘Information Satellite Systems Reshetnev Company’ uses Dassault Systèmes PLM in Satellite Design

Moscow – Dassault Systemes and one of the leading enterprises in the Russian Space Industry JSC Information Satellite Systems (ISS) Reshetnev Company have announced today that they successfully implemented an integrated CATIA and ENOVIA solution improving the collaboration between key functions within the organization to speed the design of telecommunications and navigation satellites. This approach has also enabled ISS Reshetnev Company to expand its reach and to take advantage of opportunities in the international aerospace market.

Founded in 1959 the ISS Reshetnev Company has taken part in more than 40 space programs in communication, TV broadcasting, navigation, geodesy and research. More than 1,200 spacecraft have been manufactured at ISS Reshetnev Company which encompasses the management of the whole product lifecycle, from design to controlling the space craft while in orbit. Since 1993 the enterprise started to trial and use different CAD systems. In 2008, ISS Reshetnev Company launched a project of implementing Dassault Systémes solutions to design spacecraft structure components and onboard cable systems.

“After the successful completion of the DS PLM implementation in 2008 - 2009, our new strategic goal is to switch to the complete electronic definition of the spacecraft with all-round automation of business-processes and development cycles”, comments Sergey Gorokhov, Chief of CAD Department JSC ISS Reshetnev Company. “Dassault Systemes PLM-solutions give us the opportunity to design and manufacture spacecraft in the most cost efficient manner. Implementation of PLM solutions is a prerequisite for taking part in international aerospace projects and tendering for foreign contracts.”

CATIA has significantly facilitated data exchange among international suppliers and partners. It also has enabled ISS Reshetnev Company to design not only separate units, sets, and components, but the entire digital model of a spacecraft, including CNC programming. Engineers switched to the automotive data exchange technology using 3D annotation technology. 3D models are agreed through ENOVIA SmarTeam.

“The implementation of Dassault Systémes’ latest PLM-solutions for collaborative and sustainable innovation has already generated improvements in accordance to international quality standards, which enabled ISS Reshetnev Company to consolidate its hold on the global market of telecommunications and navigation spacecraft,” says Laurent Valroff, director, Russia & CIS, Dassault Systèmes.