
Dec 21, 2009

University of Michigan Taubman College Licenses Academic Version of LGD 3D Geometric Constraint Solver by LEDAS

Ann Arbor, MI – The University of Michigan’s Taubman College of Architecture and Urban Planning and LEDAS Ltd., an independent provider of variational design tools, component technologies, and software development services for CAD/CAM/CAE/PLM market, today announced that LGS 3D geometric constraint solver will be used for scientific research in the field of robotics.

Wesley McGee, a Researcher/Lecturer in Architectural CAD/CAM technologies at the University of Michigan Taubmann College of Architecture and Urban Planning explains: "My current work, along with Dave Pigram of Pratt Institute includes developing robotic scripting applications using Rhinoceros 3D software. We are very interested in LEDAS Rhino Assembly plug-in and the geometric constraint engine it based on. One area we are investigating is the development of kinematic simulation of our robotic workcell in Rhino. We currently use several competing products to handle this, but to have a system completely based in Rhino would provide a lot of freedom. While our scripts are currently very successful at generating robotic code, we still simulate using an offline simulation package. We believe using the LGS 3D engine we may be able to build an offline simulation plug-in for Rhino."

LEDAS licensing policy for non-commercial academic and educational organizations assumes granting a free access to its LGS software in exchange to mentioning it in academic publications, which researchers will publish. Free Academic Licensing approach gives unique opportunity for researches and students to access state-of-the-art parameterization technology.

"Several leading universities has already licensed our LGS software," said Dmitry Ushakov, Director of Product Management, LEDAS Ltd. "Examples are Purdue University in USA and Northwestern Politechnical University in China. We are happy to extend our academic program by entering into a partnership with the world famous University of Michigan."