
Nov 18, 2008

Theorem Solutions' Data Interoperability Products Save BAE Systems Time and Cost Associated With Data Migration Efforts

LOVELAND, OH : Theorem Solutions, Inc. announces that the successful implementation of a Theorem solution on the Nimrod MRA4 CAD migration project by BAE Systems has helped the company to significantly reduce IT costs associated with maintaining two CAD systems, instead of one, over the life of the aircraft and has also eliminated prohibitive costs associated with manual methods of migration.

The Nimrod MRA4 is a maritime reconnaissance and attack aircraft used for maritime reconnaissance, anti-submarine warfare, anti-surface unit warfare, and search and rescue missions. In December 1996, BAE Systems was awarded a contract to remanufacture some Nimrod MR mk2 aircraft to the new Nimrod MRA4 specification including new mission, sensor and avionics systems.

To facilitate this task, BAE Systems selected a combination of standard CADverter translators, bespoke checking software and Theorem Process Manager (TPM) to migrate the Nimrod wing design data into a single CAD system, resulting in major financial and time savings.

Faced with a possible costly manual migration and manual checking process as Nimrod data is moved from CADDS5 to CATIA V4, BAE systems implemented a comprehensive migration and automatic checking system from Theorem Solutions.

Working with Theorem, BAE Systems created a statement of work, initially implemented in a Proof of Concept phase, and then successfully further developed to a full production implementation. The outcome of less than 12 months' work is a process that runs automatically under the control of Theorem's TPM, translating batches of CADDS5 models and drawings, comparing pre and post translation models and drawings, creating reports for manual checking where required and maintaining a full audit trail throughout.

TPM was designed to automate any manual, time-intensive batch processes or Back Office activities that have historically created bottlenecks for manufacturers. TPM automates, schedules, manages and controls these processes and can be set up to process these tasks during off-hours when most computers and workstations sit idle.

Stuart Thurlby, Theorem's Managing director, said, "I have rarely seen a project implemented so effectively and providing such a clear and substantial return on investment. We are delighted to have worked with BAE Systems on this venture."

About Theorem Solutions, Inc.

Based in the U.K. with sales and support offices in the U.S., Theorem Solutions is a privately held company founded in 1990. Theorem Solutions is a world leader in the field of product data exchange and interoperability with customers in the automotive, aerospace, power generation and transportation industries. The company's mission is to develop and support applications that solve the problems involved with product data exchange.