
Jun 30, 2011

CMC Expands CAE's Role in Automotive Development on Altair's HyperWorks Platform

Altair Engineering, Inc has announced that China Motor Corp. (CMC), a Taiwan-based automotive original-equipment manufacturer (OEM), has significantly expanded its use of HyperWorks computer-aided engineering (CAE) solutions for automobile design and development.

CMC engineers have been using Altair HyperWorks for CAE pre- and post-processing to engineer new automobile designs since 2002. CMC now is extending its use of HyperWorks by employing HyperWorks software structural optimization solutions (OptiStruct), design robustness study technology (HyperStudy), finite element and mechanical systems solvers (RADIOSS and MotionSolve), and the workflow process automation layer.

“The main reason we chose HyperWorks is the open architecture,” said Ju Chen Shing, general manager of the product engineering division at CMC. “HyperWorks allows easy data exchange with other CAE products, which is necessary in the automotive industry. As far as I am concerned, HyperWorks is the best CAE platform for automotive manufacturers.”

The HyperWorks platform provides CMC with both advanced technology and a flexible software licensing model that replaces expensive traditional licensing plans, giving employees access to the HyperWorks suite across organizational and geographic boundaries, as well as to a broad range of complementary third-party programs and other Altair products at no extra cost.

CMC also benefits from the technical support offered through Altair’s close partnership with its Taiwan-based distributor, Alpha Precision Instrumentation Corp. (APIC).

“We are very pleased to work along with CMC,” said Herbert Qi, Altair China’s general manager. “CMC’s extended usage of HyperWorks is a testament to the value our technology and expertise bring to the automotive industry. We are looking forward to continuing a strong relationship with CMC and APIC as we provide them with the innovative CAE tools to meet their needs effectively.”