
Jun 26, 2011

Autodesk Virtual Summit to Convene Simulation Experts

The Autodesk Simulation Virtual Summit will bring leaders from Autodesk Simulation, research firm Lifecycle Insights, and computer maker Dell together with leading manufacturing companies to discuss how simulation technology can be practically applied to improving product performance, managing risk well before anything is manufactured, and to driving greater innovation.

Multiple members of the Autodesk SIM Squad will make informative presentations and will remain available throughout the event to talk about simulation trends, issues and other developments.

The Autodesk Simulation Virtual Summit will occur on June 22, 2011, with sessions being held from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. PT / 11:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. ET.

Learn How to Predict, Optimize and Validate Performance

Beyond improving product quality and reducing product cost, simulation also helps companies gain reliable, timely insight previously unavailable through physical prototypes. Whether optimizing for weight or testing new concepts, attendees will learn more about how early simulation can help explore more design iterations.

To register for the Autodesk Simulation Virtual Summit, visit the summit website at http://adskqmr.ozoneonline.com/all/.

For more information about the Autodesk Simulation Virtual Summit, contact:

Stacy Doyle – stacy.doyle@autodesk.com or 503.707.3861