
Feb 4, 2010

COADE’s Sonia Delgadillo to Present at SPAR on February 9 on How to Turn Point Clouds into Intelligent 3D Models

HOUSTON - COADE announced today that Sonia Delgadillo, senior applications specialist at COADE, will be presenting a technical seminar at 9:00 a.m. on February 9, 2010, during SPAR 2010 that will discuss how to easily build intelligent, specification-driven 3D plant models from laser scan data, all within the unified AutoCAD environment.

The seminar, titled “COADE moves heaven to earth – Point Clouds to Intelligent 3D Models”, will highlight how the same 3D model can be used to automatically create such deliverables as fabrication isometrics, plans, sections, elevations and complete bills of material. Also included will be a demonstration of the time saving bi-directional link between CADWorx plant design and CAESAR II, for pipe stress analysis.

The seminar will feature CADWorx fieldpipe for Leica CloudWorx, developed for the back office creation of accurate as-builts from point cloud data. Included are ISOGEN Isometrics, CADWorx Plant Professional, CADWorx Design Review, live database links, links to stress analysis, specification-driven modeling, collision checking and intelligent point-cloud-to-modeling capabilities.

SPAR 2010, hosted by SPAR Point Research, will be at The Woodlands Waterway Marriott, just north of Houston, Texas.