
Feb 16, 2010

COADE Schedules February 18 CAESAR II User Group Meeting in Houston

HOUSTON - COADE announced today that the next CAESAR II User Group meeting is scheduled for February 18, 2010, in Houston, Texas, with presentations by product development and other team members led by David Diehl, VP Customer Experience, Mandeep Singh, senior engineer involved in vessel software, and Vornel Walker, VP Marketing. Topics will cover updates included in CAESAR II version 5.20 build plus an introduction to the recently released new CAESAR II Loop wizard.

The first CAESAR II User Group meeting held in November drew 50 engineers and other users of CAESAR II. Coordinator of the group is Dharam Arya, PE of Mustang Engineering, Houston, Texas. The user group’s mission is to encourage end-user cooperation in the development of best practices in pipe stress analysis among CAESAR II users. The steering committee makes decisions regarding future meetings and other means of communications and sharing of best practices.

Information on CAESAR II and other products is available at www.coade.com. A registration form for the CAESAR II User Group meeting is at https://fs12.formsite.com/coade/form062121289/secure_index.html.