
Feb 9, 2010

Lattice Technology Releases Updated Converter Products

Expanded Support for 3D CAD Data Now Includes Autodesk Inventor® 2010 and Wildfire® 5 64-bit Platforms.

San Francisco, CA - Lattice Technology® Inc., developers of digital manufacturing applications using the XVL® format, today released updated converters which allow 3D CAD data to be accurately read into XVL.

XVL Converter version 6.1 supports all major 3D CAD formats, which now include Wildfire 5, Autodesk Inventor 2010, Solid Edge® ST2, and Wildfire 5 64-bit platforms.

A comprehensive list of all supported formats is available at: http://www.lattice3d.com/products/products_converters_3d_software.html

These converters are offered as plug-ins to CAD systems, as well as stand-alone applications alongside 3D CAD seats and inside PLM systems, and they enable compression of 3D design data up to 0.5% of its original size with no loss of accuracy. This industry-leading compression makes it possible for manufacturing enterprises to easily and accurately mock up, simulate and manipulate 3D data, using the Lattice Technology Solutions, even on lower specification PCs. The Lattice3D Dataway application also supports import and export of 3D PDF data into XVL.