
Jan 5, 2010

Delcam offers free workshop on CAD-based inspection at its Birmingham headquarters

Delcam will be holding a free workshop on the use of CAD-based inspection at its Birmingham headquarters on Thursday 11th February. Inspection based on CAD models is steadily replacing measurements based on drawings. The Delcam workshop will include a combination of technical presentations and practical demonstrations to show how the newer technique can improve quality, reduce waste and increase productivity.

The presentations will cover three alternative methods for CAD-based inspection; CNC inspection using a standard co-ordinate measuring machine, manual measurement using a portable inspection arm, and on-machine verification using a probe fitted to a machine tool. This will enable delegates to choose the most appropriate approach for their inspection needs.

CNC inspection enables the automation of the inspection of a series of parts. The inspection program can be created off-line so minimising any interruption of the CMM’s work. In addition, the program can be simulated on the computer to ensure that all the necessary measurements will be taken, and that there will be no unplanned collisions between the probe and the part during the inspection routine.

The use of portable measuring arms can give more flexibility as they can be moved to the part, rather than having to move the part to a dedicated measurement area. Measuring arms can often give access to both sides of the component and to areas that would be difficult to reach with a conventional CMM, so allowing more comprehensive inspection in a single set-up.

The main advantage of on-machine verification is that mistakes can be identified where they can be corrected. Movement of the part back and forth between the machine tool and the CMM can be avoided, which can be both difficult and time-consuming for large, heavy parts. There can be concerns over using a machine tool to check its own work but these worries can be minimised by verifying the accuracy of the machine with standard artefacts in the same way that a CMM can be checked.

All of the demonstrations will use the latest version of Delcam’s PowerINSPECT software, the world’s leading hardware-independent inspection software. This offers even faster and easier inspection of parts, tooling and prototypes against CAD data with simpler creation and editing of inspection sequences, an extended range of pre-defined sequences for common measurement patterns, improved simulation and more flexibility to reuse measurement results.