IN-Motion is an integrated addin for kinematic and dynamics simulation of Inventor assemblies.
Motion simulations of assemblies are fast becoming standard practices in machine designs. Beyond questions like "Is the motion correct?", designers are asking "How strong must the joint be?" and "How big must the motor or actuator be?" There is a strong desire to know the forces and torques acting in the running machines so that appropriately sized joints, motors and actuators are used in the earliest designs.
IN-Motion is a fully integrated Autodesk Inventor software addin that performs the force and torque calculations of moving Autodesk Inventor assemblies with very little extra effort from the user. All the assembly constraint information from Autodesk Inventor are automatically reused in the dynamics simulation. Only a few user-specified input of motions, forces, torques and/or gravity are needed to run realistic simulations. Forces and torques experienced at joints, motors and actuators can be plotted or exported in spreadsheet format for further study.
The usual information of positions, velocities, accelerations and traces of parts and markers are also available for plotting or export. Animation and video making capabilities are standard too.
All of the above capabilities are offer at an affordable price of US$200 versus many thousands for competing products. IN-Motion is certified for Autodesk Inventor 2009.
Jan 14, 2010
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