
Nov 24, 2009

VoluMill to be integrated in SigmaNEST™ V10 for woodworking and aluminum fabrication

CAVE CREEK, AZ – SigmaTEK Systems announced that it will integrate the high-speed machining toolpath engine VoluMill™ in its SigmaNEST™ V10 product for woodworking and aluminum fabrication, according to a recently signed agreement with Celeritive Technologies, the developer of VoluMill.

Expected to be available in early 2010, SigmaNEST V10 powered by VoluMill will combine SigmaNEST’s ability to optimize parts nesting for minimum waste and minimum machine movement with VoluMill’s technology that generates toolpaths with smooth machining motions and minimum force on the spindle and cutting tool. VoluMill toolpaths dramatically reduce cycle times and significantly extend the life of cutting tools.

Manufacturers of wood and aluminum sheet products often secure parts with air suction, a method that is susceptible to abrupt sideways movements by the tool into the part wall. VoluMill’s smooth, continuous toolpaths eliminate this problem.

“The combined system, although primarily targeted for wood routing, will work just as effectively for aluminum part routing,” says Glenn Binder, SigmaTEK’s vice president of sales. “The inclusion of VoluMill further enhances SigmaNEST’s pocket-milling capability. Furthermore, the software programming is intuitive making it easy to produce programs for production.”

Larry Lynott, Celeritive Technologies’ vice president of sales, reveals, “Although VoluMill was developed primarily for the metal manufacturing market segment, this agreement introduces our innovative technology to woodworking and aluminum sheet metal fabrication, which demonstrates that a good technology often translates from one industry to another.”