
Nov 30, 2009

Delcam to launch latest orthotics CADCAM in Orlando

Delcam will launch new versions of its OrthoModel and OrthoMill software for, respectively, the design and manufacture of custom orthotic insoles at the Science & Management Symposium of the Florida Podiatric Medical Association to be held in Orlando from 20th to 23rd January. The 2010 versions of the programs include enhancements that will enable the design of a broader range of orthotics and more efficient manufacture of those designs.

Delcam’s software helps to increase productivity, profitability and patient satisfaction, both for those prescribing or manufacturing custom devices to help diabetic or rheumatoid patients, and for practitioners working to correct abnormalities caused by a biomechanical miss-alignment of the musco-skeletal system.

Delcam has coupled its 30 years of experience in the design and manufacture of complex free-form shapes for the aerospace and automotive sector with knowledge and expertise from a panel of orthopaedic, podiatric and orthotics experts to create a digital solution for foot-care specialists. The software has been developed in association with laboratories, podiatrists and orthotists from around the world, together with the knowledge of footwear design and manufacture that has been gained within Delcam from its relationships with leading brands such as Nike and Reebok. It replaces the expensive, slow and messy casting process with a simple, non-contact digital solution.

The new OrthoModel options will give more flexibility, including the ability to create flat-bottom orthotics as well as constant-thickness designs across the various modelling methods. In addition, users can add "skive” (a flat correcting surface) to either the medial and lateral side of the orthotic and can vary the angle of the plane. Previously, the software was limited to a 15 degree plane on the medial side of the design.

More functions have been added to adapt for individual patients the range of standard base models supplied with the software. The extra morphing tools allow whole-model editing of the standard designs so that the desired modifications can be completed quickly and easily.

A range of measurement tools have been added so the distances can be determined more quickly between the different key points within the orthotic. For example, foot dimensions can be extracted from Sharp Shape scans, including the heel point, and first and fifth metatarsal points, as well as the heel width, forefoot width and foot length. In addition, undercut shading has been added to help with arch height selection, while dynamic sectioning gives the ability to use front or rear section planes to view and take measurements from a cross section of the model.

The most significant addition in OrthoMill is the ability to "batch” machining calculations. This allows the operator to input designs for a number of orthotics, either to be cut from a single block or from several pieces of material. The software can then generate all the required toolpaths in a continuous series of calculations. The process can even be carried out overnight, to give maximum productivity for the programmer.

A related change is the option to apply different machining templates to each of a group of orthotics that will be cut from one block of material in a single manufacturing sequence. The templates provide the automated machining routines for the orthotics. Previously, all items produced in one operation had to use the same template, which reduced the overall machining efficiency. Extra flexibility has also been added with the ability to vary the Z-heights of each item within the block, and to vary the size and the number of machining tabs for each orthotic.

In addition, set-up sheets can now be generated showing the layout of the orthotics within the block, together with the patient information for each device. This will be especially helpful in cases where the manufacturing is being carried out by a different technician from the programming.