World’s Fastest 120Gb/s Networking Demonstration.
PORTLAND, Ore: The HPC Advisory Council, an organization for high-performance computing research, outreach and education, today announced the largest demonstration of the industry’s fastest network during the SC09 conference (Nov.16-20) in Portland, Oregon --120Gb/s InfiniBand over SC09’s massive conference network - SCinet. The 120Gb/s demonstration will connect 23 exhibitors on the SC09 showroom floor for demonstrating leading solutions and technologies for high-performance computing such as MPI application offloads and high-speed visualization that will enable real-time 3D navigation of full-scale automotive CAD models. Coupled with a high-resolution portable immersive system, the demonstration will allow visitors to literally walk in unedited automotive CATIA (Computer Aided Three-dimensional Interactive Application) models composed of millions of polygons.
The following HPC Council member organizations have contributed and are participating in the 120Gb/s InfiniBand SCinet demonstration: AMD, Avago, Colfax Intl, Dell, HP, IBM, InfiniBand Trade Association, Koi Computers, LSI, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Luxtera, Mellanox Technologies, Microsoft, NVIDIA, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, RAID, Scalable Graphics, SGI, Sun Microsystems, Texas Advanced Computing Center, The University of Utah Center for High-Performance Computing, and Voltaire.
“Delivering the industry’s highest 120Gb/s bandwidth network demonstration at such a large scale would not have been possible without the support of many of the members in the organization,” said Gilad Shainer, chairman of the HPC Advisory Council. “One of the HPC Advisory Council’s missions is to demonstrate world-leading HPC technologies. We are happy to continue and showcase the next generation of HPC systems at SC09 and look forward to future demonstrations, workshops, and continuing the Council’s missions through the collaboration between our hardware and software vendors and end-user membership.”
“With their ongoing worldwide HPC workshops and large ecosystem demonstrations, IDC believes the HPC Advisory Council's efforts around the globe will not only help accelerate the development of HPC technologies, but also broaden the HPC adoption,” said Jie Wu, Research Manager, Technical Computing, at IDC. “As more organizations continue to participate in the council's activities and contribute their knowledge and expertise to create best practices in many different areas, it will ultimately benefit the entire HPC community.”
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