Wolfram Alpha LLC today announced the availability of the Wolfram|Alpha App for the iPhone and iPod touch on the App Store. The Wolfram|Alpha App delivers the groundbreaking capabilities of Wolfram|Alpha, carefully tailored for the unique needs of iPhone and iPod touch users. Through a sleek interface leveraging Multi-Touch, the Wolfram|Alpha App integrates Wolfram|Alpha's growing repository of curated data, including over ten trillion elements, and its library of tens of thousands of sophisticated computational models to deliver knowledge quickly and seamlessly, on demand, and anywhere.
"With the Wolfram|Alpha App, the iPhone and iPod touch deliver the most capable mobile computing system on the planet," said Wolfram|Alpha's Schoeller Porter, Architect, Developer Relations. "As a calculator, it's unparalleled—solving and visualizing complex mathematics that would choke a premium scientific calculator. But that's really just the tip of the iceberg."
With access to over a thousand domains of knowledge, covering math, science, engineering, health and nutrition, geography, economics, linguistics, people and history, sports, music, and much more, the app serves as an on-the-go resource for discovering interesting and relevant information about your neighborhood and the world.
"The app provides a wealth of knowledge. It will tell you how much vitamin C is in a pint of ice cream, your likely risk of heart disease based on your cholesterol levels, how many yen are in a euro based on the current exchange rate, the average rainfall totals for Paris as compared to London, what time the sun will rise in three weeks, and how long it will take to pay off your mortgage," continued Porter. "It will also solve crossword puzzles, give you the sky chart for Timbuktu for any day in the future, tell you the weather in Honolulu when Barack Obama was born, compute the distance to the moon in terms of AA batteries, give surfers going to the Billabong Pipeline Masters the tide forecast for Oahu on December 8-20, 2009, balance equations for organic and inorganic chemistry, or hand you unexpected insights into things you otherwise wouldn't have thought to ask."
The Wolfram|Alpha App has been designed to fit the needs of the mobile user, with specialized keyboards for rapid, intuitive input and with results optimized for the iPhone and iPod touch screen. By leveraging the Wolfram|Alpha API, the app delivers results quickly, minimizing data use and streamlining performance over 3G. Because the app is location-aware using the GPS on the iPhone and the wi-fi internet address on the iPod touch, the results provided by the Wolfram|Alpha App are relevant for each user's current, precise location. Additionally, the app integrates with other iPhone applications, using Google Maps to display satellite images of locations in results, using Google search to augment Wolfram|Alpha's computed results with information from the web, and allowing interesting results to be shared with others through Twitter.
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