MATLAB, Simulink and Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder seamlessly integrated with KPIT Cummins’ ECU Spectrum tool set and BSW modules.
Bangalore: KPIT Cummins, a product engineering and IT consulting partner to automotive companies, today announced that it has become a member of The MathWorks Connections Program. This membership is based on KPIT Cummins’ “ECU Spectrum”, a Personal Computer (PC) based tool used for AUTOSAR Run Time Environment (RTE) configuration and generation, and also to be used for configuration of AUTOSAR Basic Software (BSW) Modules. KPIT Cummins’ “ECU Spectrum” and BSW modules would seamlessly work with the application software components and AUTOSAR interfaces generated from MATLAB, Simulink, Real-Time Workshop and Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder.
“We are very pleased to be a part of The MathWorks Connections Program. This opportunity will enable us to align our AUTOSAR based products with the industry’s leading technical computing software and we look forward to engaging in the many opportunities available to us through this partnership. It will allow us to further penetrate the existing automotive markets by providing engineers who use Simulink and Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder with AUTOSAR tools necessary to develop and simulate new, innovative embedded software.” Anup Sable, Vice President, Automotive and Allied Engineering, KPIT Cummins.
The MathWorks Connections Program is available to third-party organizations like KPIT Cummins that develop and distribute complementary and value added products and services based on the MATLAB and Simulink technical computing environment. Connections Program members help engineers by providing industry or application-specific technology to fill their needs for a complete solution. The members offer solutions that can be seamlessly integrated with MathWorks products and that ensure ongoing compatibility in conjunction with new MathWorks releases.
The automotive engineers who use MathWorks MATLAB, Simulink, Real-Time Workshop and Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder products to develop automotive applications, can now use KPIT Cummins’ “ECU Spectrum” tool and BSW modules to integrate with the generated application software components to make a complete AUTOSAR based ECU. AUTOSAR fits well with the future of electronics and software as a key enabler for future automobiles. KPIT Cummins’ “ECU Spectrum” Tool BSW modules are tuned for the highest performance.
Oct 26, 2009
KPIT Cummins becomes a Product Partner of the MathWorks Connections Program
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The MathWorks
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