
Oct 20, 2009

NEi Software and DRS join forces for shipbuilding analysis

WESTMINSTER, CA - NEi Software has joined forces with DRS, the worldwide distributors of MAESTRO in order to better serve the shipbuilding industry by streamlining the process of global/local hull analysis. MAESTRO has long been known as a standard for global full ship structural Finite Element Analysis (FEA), while NEi Software is used extensively for local (or fine-mesh) analysis by both the defense and commercial segments of the shipbuilding industry.

These two technologies are now used to execute a bi-directional coupling that facilitates the iterative global/local analysis process. By means of this partnership, the naval architect can perform MAESTRO global analysis and pass those results to NEi Nastran for detailed/local analysis.

Additionally, local analyses, done completely in NEi Nastran, can be merged with MAESTRO models in order to expedite the process. Customers can expect more efficient designs and analyses of their structural design, significantly reducing development time costs.

NEi is now an authorized reseller of MAESTRO in the USA. The combined capabilities of MAESTRO and NEi Nastran will be exhibited at SAVIAC's 80th Shock & Vibration Symposium in San Diego, October 25-29.