
Oct 27, 2009

Cranes Software launches SYSTAT 13

Bangalore: Cranes Software International Ltd. (Cranes), a Company that provides Enterprise Statistical Analytics and Engineering Simulation Software Products and Solutions across the globe, today announced the launch of SYSTAT 13, the latest version of its flagship statistical software package. This latest release features new statistical methods, faster data computation and a new optional module which adds Cytel’s "Exact Tests" functionality.

SYSTAT 13 adds new statistical methods to its broad portfolio, including ARCH and GARCH models for Time Series analyses. Other statistical enhancements include Best Subsets Regression, Confirmatory Factor Analysis and additional non-parametric testing algorithms.

Additionally, SYSTAT has newly partnered with Cytel – a 20-year leader in the design and analysis of clinical trials – to bring you SYSTAT 13 with Exact Tests, a new SYSTAT product that contains Cytel’s famous exact-inference testing procedures.

Speaking on the occasion, Dr. Leland Wilkinson, Executive Vice President of Systat Software and creator of the original SYSTAT product, said, "SYSTAT 13 is a giant step forward in speed. Users can now compute large data sets in a fraction of the time. Also, SYSTAT’s graphics look as impressive as ever, suitable for any publication or presentation."

SYSTAT 13 also features a new data editor, which allows easier entry and faster computation speeds. Other notable refinements include new graphical editing options and updates to the user interface.