
Oct 20, 2009

PTC Recognizes TriStar as Top Reseller, Trainer, and Windchill Provider

PHOENIX, AZ – TriStar Inc., a PTC Platinum Authorized Reseller and Certified Training Partner, has for the sixth consecutive year earned the distinction of being PTC’s top reseller in North America as measured by sales revenue.

At PTC’s 2010 Channel Kickoff in Boston, Massachusetts, last week, PTC also recognized TriStar with awards for “Top Training Partner”, “Top New Customer Partner”, “Top Windchill Revenue Partner”, “Top Windchill ProductPoint Partner”, and “Highest Maintenance Revenue Producer” for Fiscal Year 2009.

“Our partnership with PTC continues to get stronger, and as we grow we continue to update our goals together,” said TriStar President, Patrick Maderia. “For FY’10 that bar has been set even higher and I am convinced we will continue to achieve and surpass those marks and remain PTC’s number one partner worldwide.”

TriStar’s continued leadership in the VAR channel reflects its efforts to work closely with PTC to provide reliable, comprehensive PLM and engineering solutions to its customer base across the nation. In the past year, the company has forged new partnerships with fellow resellers, added carefully-selected, knowledgeable professionals to all levels of its sales and technical teams, and renewed its focus on the northwest and northeast U.S., areas where local customers previously have had limited access to sales and technical resources.