
Apr 30, 2009

PLEXCONCIL and DesignTech Systems held Technology Show

New Delhi : The plastic exports promotion council (PLEXCONCIL) in association with DesignTech Systems Ltd (DesignTech) organized a technology show for all the plastic product designers and manufactures, to showcase the benefits of latest CAD/CAM/CAE and PLM technologies during various stages of their product development cycle.

The current tough economic situation and global competition has forced all product designing and manufacturing companies to look at new ways of designing and manufacturing processes to reduce product costs and cut down product development cycle times for gaining competitive edge. Plastic product designers and manufactures are also hard pressed to take up these challenges to survive and grow.

Mr. Vikas Khanvelkar, Managing Director, DesignTech Systems Ltd said “That use of the latest technologies is a must for all the plastic companies and our objective of this show is to show the full range of solutions at one time and demonstrate how these are useful.

He also added that this technology will enable the manufacturers to get the first time right design, optimize the product design to reduce the cost and compress the development cycle thereby bringing the product early in the market”.

Mr. Nimesh Sayani, Chairman, PLEXCONCIL stated “That this show will be of great value to all our member companies. As exporters of plastic products from India, our members have to be ready to face global competition and they should be prepared to use same level of tools as used by their global counterparts”.

Mr. Sanjay Daga, Vice-President, Operations, DesignTech Systems Ltd. further added “DesignTech is willing to work with PLEXCONCIL to train and support their member to seamlessly adopt these modern tools and put them to productive use to derive the best returns”.

The show covered presentations of senior experts on end to end design process from concept design to product design, engineering, flow simulation, stress analysis, optimization and Rapid prototyping. This provided insight to the plastic product designers and manufactures on how the technologies can be deployed by them to increase profitability and cut down design cycle time.

The Plastics Export Promotion Council (popularly known as PLEXCONCIL) sponsored by The Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Department of Commerce, Government of India, represents the exporting community in the Indian Plastics industry. In its pursuit to achieve export excellence, various export promotional activities are undertaken by PLEXCONCIL. These include participation in international trade fairs; sponsoring delegations to target markets; inviting business delegations from the overseas to India; organising buyer-seller meets both in India and the overseas etc. and servicing the needs of its members.

DS SolidWorks Surpasses One Million Licenses

Extreme Sports Gear Designer OGIO International, Inc. Buys Landmark Millionth License to Help with Product Line Expansion.

CONCORD, Mass - Dassault Systèmes SolidWorks Corp. (DS SolidWorks) today announced that a cutting-edge athletic equipment company has bought the one millionth license of its 3D CAD software. In the 14 years between this landmark and DS SolidWorks’ first sale to a robotic arm designer, thousands of innovative products have been developed with SolidWorks® software.

Utah-based OGIO International, Inc. bought license number one million for aluminum design engineer Sean Peterson, who is working on OGIO’s new line of motocross racing accessories. Peterson will use SolidWorks software to design products such as ramps, stands, and hardware for motocross bikes. OGIO is famous for designing creative and edgy athletic bags with innovative features like the zipper-less ball pocket on its golf bags. The company’s designers use SolidWorks software to model injection-molded plastic pieces such as carrying handles, wheels, and golf bag frames.

OGIO has been a SolidWorks customer for four years. From its founding by Michael Pratt in 1987 until about five years ago, OGIO’s design staff relied on manufacturing partners to help them create the 3D models needed to produce injection molds for parts. The company brought CAD in-house so its designers didn’t have to rely on a third party’s interpretation of a sketch to produce a 3D model. SolidWorks enables OGIO’s designers to freely experiment with new ideas without the constraints of working with an outside vendor.

“SolidWorks allows our designers to innovate freely and quickly,” Pratt said. “We want them using their imaginations, trying out all kinds of solutions and innovative ideas that can turn into winning products. SolidWorks is the right software for that. It’s powerful but easy to use, so our designers can concentrate on being creative instead of constantly figuring out the software. In today’s super-fast-paced competitive environment, we need to give our designers tools like these to realize our ideas better and faster, because it’s all about who has the best product right now.”

Creativity like OGIO’s is indeed the hallmark of the products designers and engineers have conceived with SolidWorks software – everything from medical instruments, to children’s toys, to windmills, to solar cells, to components of NASA’s Mars rover. Jon Hirschtick founded the company in 1993 to provide Windows-based 3D CAD software that offered sophisticated features and functionality in a reasonably priced, easy-to-use format. Dr. William Townsend’s then-new company, Barrett Technology Inc., was SolidWorks’ first customer. Fourteen years later, Barrett’s WAM™ robotic arm is now in every major university and has been recognized by the Guinness Book of World Records as the most advanced robot, while SolidWorks has become the world’s most widely used 3D CAD software.

“We are excited to reach the million mark and very grateful for each customer that has trusted SolidWorks software to help drive his or her organization’s success,” said SolidWorks CEO Jeff Ray. “Because of this responsibility, we’re constantly working to make SolidWorks products worthy of customers’ loyalty by supporting their creative visions. As companies such as OGIO push the boundaries of products, we are using their input to push boundaries of 3D computer-aided design. This milestone is really only the beginning. The future holds some very exciting possibilities.”

Delcam to show software to increase productivity at the Northwest Machine Tool Expo

The latest release of FeatureCAM has increased support for five-axis milling

Delcam will demonstrate its most recent CADCAM solutions at the Northwest Machine Tool Expo to be held from May 5th to 7th at the Oregon Convention Center in Portland. The Expo runs concurrently with a free three-day conference. On May 7, Ben Gowers, Delcam training specialist, will give a presentation showing how technologies in today’s CADCAM software can help increase productivity and reduce lead times.

With increasing global competition, manufacturing companies are under pressure to reduce costs. As the developer of the world’s leading specialist machining software, with the largest development team in the industry, Delcam is uniquely placed to provide solutions that are both powerful and practical. Delcam’s range of complete automated CADCAM solutions can help companies from the creation of a concept design through to the manufacture and inspection of prototypes tooling and sample components. No matter what market you service or what machines you use, Delcam has proven technology to ensure prompt and efficient delivery of your products.

As the only international CADCAM company that operates an in-house engineering workshop, coupled with close relationships with customers and suppliers, you can rest assured that each software release produced by Delcam will tackle tough manufacturing challenges. For example, the new release of FeatureCAM 2009 features increased support for mill-turn equipment, and five-axis and four-axis simultaneous milling.

ESI Group announces the arrival of its new logo

Paris, France – ESI Group (ESIN FR0004110310), a pioneer and world-leading supplier of digital simulation software for prototyping and manufacturing processes, announced today the advent of its new logo along with a new tagline: “get it right™”.

ESI has a long history of delivering simulation solutions to the industry, from the company’s creation in France in 1973, to the development of its flagship product PAM-CRASH in 1985, to its IPO on the Paris Nouveau Marché stock market in 2000 allowing several acquisitions. Throughout the years, ESI was joined by experts from around the world and employs today more than 750 high-level specialists worldwide. It’s now the right time for ESI to refresh its image in support of what the company is today.

Along with a new, innovative logo, ESI has launched its new tagline, “get it right™” in alignment with its strategy to enable End-to-End Virtual Prototyping, essentially allowing customers to shorten their development cycle and reduce costs by using fewer physical prototypes. Designers and engineers test a product’s manufacturing feasibility and performance on the virtual prototype itself. Empowering customers to “build it right”, “test it right”, and “deliver it right”, ESI allows industry leaders to deliver the physical prototype, and ultimately the product, right the first time.

“I’m very pleased to announce this latest step in ESI’s history,” said Alain de Rouvray, Chairman and CEO of ESI Group. “Our new branding is an opportunity to send a strong, positive message to the market: ESI is an innovative solution provider, daring and ground-breaking. We help our customers “get it rightTM” by delivering solutions encompassing software and services for the end-to-end virtual prototype. Simulation can now start early in the design phase to validate step by step the performance of the complete digital model well before the first real prototype, allowing end-users and managers to make key decisions upstream,” he continued. “This provides significant gains in reliability, productivity and innovation, to get to a real prototype right the first time. ESI provides here to our customers a key competitive advantage.”

With this new logo design, ESI has moved towards a simple, fresh look to embody modernity and dynamism. The color orange represents enthusiasm, creativity and determination, which adequately reflect ESI’s spirit of innovation, quality, and commitment to people.

New Connection Between ArchiCAD and IES for Comprehensive Sustainable Performance Analysis

Allowing Greater Interoperability and Ease of Use for Architects.

SAN FRANCISCO - At the AIA Expo, Graphisoft and Integrated Environmental Solution (IES) announce that after extensive joint collaborative development work, the ArchiCAD connection to IES, via gbXML, has been greatly enhanced to provide greater interoperability. This connection is now available with Graphisoft’s ArchiCAD 3D Building Information Modeling (BIM) tool version 12 and the IES suite of sustainable building energy and performance analysis tools version 5.9.1.

Dr. Don Mclean, founder and CEO of IES, commented, “IES was set up to take the sustainable design power of academic building performance tools and deliver them to the general building design market. A key part of this is interoperability and ease of connectivity between key 3D CAD modelling tools and our software. I’m delighted that through joint collaboration we can now boast tight connectivity with ArchiCAD.”

Miklos Szovenyi-Lux, vice president of product management of Graphisoft, commented, “ArchiCAD users will benefit greatly in the later, more detailed, design phases from the in-depth energy analysis capabilities of IES. Compliance with local energy codes makes the IES connection a great asset in the building approval process. The IES suite is a great complement to Graphisoft’s 'green' solutions.”

EskoArtworks’ newly released ArtiosCAD 7.4 offers easier design and project management tools

Gent – EskoArtwork has announced that the newly released ArtiosCAD 7.4, the latest version of the world’s most popular structural design software for packaging focuses on much easier administration of packaging projects, along with new design features for curved creases and ‘mating’ folding parts and multi-component designs ArtiosCAD increases productivity throughout the entire packaging supply chain, a significant reason why nearly 70% of all structural packaging worldwide is designed on ArtiosCAD.

ArtiosCAD is the ideal product for all corrugated, folding cartons and POP displays. Complete 3D integration allows for quick prototyping of designs and presentations, eliminating communication errors and reducing design review cycles.

3D Product Enhancements

A number of significant features have been added to enhance the 3D design and viewing experience within ArtiosCAD. For example, Curved Creases, a patent pending technology only available in ArtiosCAD, makes it easy for designers to work with curved folds and cuts by allowing them to visualize designs with curved creases as part of its 3D module.

Designing and viewing curved creases in packaging, signs and displays adds variety and creativity to the design process. Green Bay Packaging Inc. (GBP), a privately owned, diversified paperboard-packaging manufacturer headquartered in Green Bay, WI (USA), GBP was one of the first users of ArtiosCAD when it was launched in 1998, and beta-tested ArtiosCAD 7.4. “The new Curved Creases function will let us deviate from straight lines when displaying 3D packaging ideas,” explains Brian Walker, manager of technical services and product design at GBP, Fremont. “It’s great for creative presentations and development of customer ideas. We don’t have to waste time and money, making samples of curved crease designs for initial concepts.”

For 27 years, The BoxMaker Inc, Kent, WA (USA). has been a single-source packaging supplier of corrugated shipping containers, foam materials, point of purchase displays, wholesale packages, retail containers, and custom printed labels. “Using 3D ‘Curved Creases’, we can visualize curved creases in a folding carton without first cutting a sample to determine if we got it right. It’s nice to see it on the monitor first to see if the concept it going to work,” remarks Darren Neupert, BoxMaker structural designer. “We can send an image via email to a customer and get a preliminary OK before we go ahead with mock-ups. It will allow us to be much more creative with folding carton designs.”

A new Mate tool, available in ArtiosCAD 7.4 as part of the 3D module, allows for the simple assembly and visualization of connected folds and parts. Users can identify glue areas and corresponding targets to quickly connect designs or perform simple assembly of displays.

It is also easy for users to create 3D animated AVI or QuickTime movies, file format compatible with most computer systems.

“What is cool in ArtiosCAD 7.4 is the new 3D ‘Mate’ tool. We can now mate a glue flap to a panel and fold all of the corresponding scores at once in 3D,” comments Neupert. “Before, we couldn’t form a knockdown flat and move panels in coordination with each other. We had to fold each flap individually. Now we can virtually glue and erect or knock-down a design.”

ArtiosCAD 7.4 also includes a bend tool for visualizing bends in 3D. Bend lines can be specified in 2D, and then visualized in 3D using various angles and radii. By supporting all these new visualization features in 3D, ArtiosCAD users can use the actual 2D design files to make 3D presentations for their clients. This saves hours of design time within other 3D applications, re-creating additional 3D models or mockups just for presentation purposes.

Version 7.4 has new design geometry and file integration features. ArtiosCAD 7.4 can extract vector geometry data from PDF files and automatically create ARD structure files—the native file format of ArtiosCAD. Meanwhile, the 3D rendering performance of ArtiosCAD has been enhanced so that 3D solids with edges are rotated faster. By supporting VMware Fusion for the Mac using Windows XP Professional, users can run ArtiosCAD on the Mac, and Score! native files can be opened directly in ArtiosCAD. Within the 3D animation module, ArtiosCAD 3D outputs now allow for the creation of AVI and QuickTime movies.

Enhanced project management

ArtiosCAD 7.4 includes more powerful tools to manage CAD Projects. A project is a container that organizes a series of single designs, which exist as resources, into a unit of work. These designs might comprise a display or have something in common. “With Projects, we can take a multipart component design—anything from a cereal box to packaging for a spoiler for a car—roll them into one bundle, and save them together,” says Walker. “It’s easy to manage. All files for a project reside in one folder. I can pull it up and refer to all the parts. If I need to create a similar project, I can review all the items at the same time, save it with a new name, and run parametric analysis. It could take hours and hours, instead of 30 minutes with ArtiosCAD 7.4.”

Using the Reportmaker module, Bill of Material Reports (BOM) can be created that list all the elements of a project as an item within the BOM. BOM reports may be configured in a variety of ways: as a table of items, or one page per item using printers, PDF files or customized files. Furthermore, if PDF file is used, U3D may be specified for 3D visualization of folded designs. “Projects ties in with the Bill of Materials to show all the packaging parts in one ‘display’,” says Neupert. “So, now we can create a Bill of Materials that’s much easier for accounting.”

“Previously, we had to create individual prints of each package piece. A seven-item piece took seven pages, which could be confusing for estimators. Now, we can print a Project’s images and specs on one or two pages,” adds Walker.

Design tools have been enhanced

Other tools have been added that make the use of ArtiosCAD more productive for designers. A new Circle diameter tool can draw circles using controls similar to the ArtiosCAD line tool. The Line join tool has been extended so that an angle from the originating arc can be specified. The Trim selection tool has been extended so a designer can assemble a selection for trimming against or extending to. The Hatch tool has been added to the Annotation toolbar and extended so that closed regions can be hatched more easily.

Having completed a successful beta testing, ArtiosCAD 7.4 is currently available for delivery. This upgrade is free for EskoArtwork customers with a full software maintenance contract.

New Workshop Series "CST 2009 Innovations"

CST - Computer Simulation Technology announces a series of customer centric workshops focusing on how recent innovations in EM simulation can help solve high frequency system design challenges.

Recent innovations have made EM simulation an essential and easy to use part of any high frequency or high speed design workflow. This workshop series will explore how design engineers can best exploit the technology for their own design area, be it RF/microwave/antenna, EDA/SI, or EMC/EMI. Application based throughout, the workshops will focus on local industry requirements and how simulation can significantly improve throughput and reduce costs.

Partner presentations will feature as well as in-depth application studies. Presenting partners include Cisco, Kyocera, Verigy, and Avago.

Details of the CST 2009 Innovations workshop series’ initial program and location information can be found on the CST homepage.

GRAITEC launches Advance Design 2009 with Eurocodes 1, 2 and 3

Paris : GRAITEC, an international software developer for CAD and structural analysis solutions for civil engineering launches Advance Design 2009, finite elements analysis software for reinforced concrete and steel structures. Advance Design : Professional Finite Element Analysis Software with Concrete / Steel structures presizing and automatic reports generation

Advance Design is aimed at structural engineers who require a high-end solution for simulating and optimizing all their projects. It includes a user-friendly structural modeler, automatic load generators, a powerful FEM engine, top-level wizards for concrete and steel design, efficient post-processing and report generators.

The 2009 release includes several new features and improvements, especially the implementation of the latest Eurocodes. This new release focuses on European structural design functionalities, allowing design offices to easily apply the new European standards on structural design projects.
1. The transition to Eurocode design

For structural design standards, the Eurocodes will become mandatory in 2010, replacing the European national codes. Advance Design 2009 includes the latest developments in the Eurocodes: the climatic generator, actions and load combinations (Eurocode 1), reinforced concrete design (Eurocode 2), steel shapes and connections design (Eurocode 3).

GRAITEC recognized the importance of implementing the new standards by developing the ability to set or to automatically calculate the wind loads pressure coefficients and by developing several calculation methods of slender columns (nominal curvature, nominal stiffness, general method, etc.). All analysis results can be obtained as detailed calculation reports.

In addition, Advance Design is provided with a validation guide, which helps the user to determine precisely the implementation level of these new standards in the software. With the partnership with ArcelorMittal, GRAITEC also provides the design of castellated beams according to Eurocode 3.

2. New design functionalities
Advance Design 2009: Parametric composed cross sections

Advance Design 2009 includes new design functionalities dedicated to reinforced concrete and steel structures:

* Parametric composed cross sections

* Advanced modeling of haunches

* Link to Arche reinforcement modules

* Connection design improvements: automatic creation of connections in the corresponding system of elements, grouping connections of the same type for a homogeneous sizing, design according to Eurocode 3, etc.

* Automatic torsor calculation by levels or by group of load bearing walls

* New model synchronization features with Advance Concrete and Advance Steel.

Parametric composed cross sections
3. Productivity and calculation performances

Since the first versions, Advance Design provides significant innovations to the automation in the structural simulation field. In particular, the "Result Memory" technology allows for the automatic replay of the entire results post-processing scenario, from the production of graphical results to the creation of the final calculation report.
Advance Design 2009: Dynamic Temporal Analysis

The 2009 release has several new improvements in this module:

* A new version of the solver application, which takes into account the semi-rigid connections during the finite elements analysis
* Dynamic Temporal Analysis
* The use of a Microsoft SQL Server database for saving the Advance Design project data. The user benefits from safe data management for large projects. The Advance Design project database is also interoperable.
* 64-bit version (application and solver): the program is able to process large models using internal memory swap, and thus to significantly reduce the calculation time.

> Version release date : May 18th, 2009
> Compatibility : Windows Vista, Windows XP Pro and Windows 2000 Pro

Dassault Reports First Quarter 2009 Financial Results

DS Reports First Quarter 2009 Financial Results In Line With Preliminary Announcement.

PARIS - Dassault Systemes (DS) (Paris:DSY) (NASDAQ:DASTY) reports IFRS unaudited financial results for the first quarter ended March 31, 2009, in accordance with Article L.451-1-2 IV of the French Monetary and Financial Code (Code Monétaire et Financier). These results have been reviewed by the Company’s Board of Directors.

Summary Financial Highlights

* First Quarter 2009 non-IFRS financial results in line with preliminary announcement
* Net operating cash flow of €96 million for Q1 and net cash position of €702 million
* DS updates 2009 financial objectives

First Quarter 2009 Financial Summary

In millions of Euros, except per share data IFRS Non-IFRS
Growth Growth in cc* Growth Growth in cc*
Q1 Total Revenue 309.7 1% (6%) 310.7 1% (6%)
Q1 Software Revenue 271.8 1% (5%) 272.8 1% (5%)
Q1 EPS 0.24 (50%)** 0.37 (10%)
Q1 Operating Margin 13.0% 19.4%

*In constant currencies.

** In the 2008 first quarter, DS recorded a €17 million (€0.13 per share) gain on sale for its prior corporate headquarters facility in other operating income and expense, net.

Bernard Charlès, Dassault Systemes President and Chief Executive Officer, commented, “As previously announced, the first quarter brought further deterioration of the economic environment which led to a significant decrease in our new license activity across brands and geographic regions. Despite this, first quarter earnings and margin results were well in line with our objectives, thanks to our cost savings.

“Notwithstanding the environment, we made solid progress in strengthening our market leadership. In Mainstream 3D we reached a major milestone with SolidWorks recently crossing the millionth user mark. This is no surprise given its unsurpassed focus on its community of SolidWorks users and value-added resellers.

“During the period we continued to advance our diversification strategy, bringing PLM to a broad range of industries. Recent ENOVIA wins in apparel, consumer goods and pharmaceuticals illustrate this quite well. Additionally, these wins demonstrate the importance of our software solutions in bridging customers’ business process initiatives in compliance, eco-design and sourcing, among others, with product development.”

First Quarter 2009 Financial Review

* IFRS and non-IFRS total revenue increased 1% on a reported basis. In constant currencies, IFRS and non-IFRS total revenue decreased 6%.
* IFRS and non-IFRS software revenue increased 1% on a reported basis. In constant currencies, IFRS software revenue decreased 5%. Non-IFRS software revenue also decreased 5% due to a decrease in new licenses revenue of 40% which more than offset non-IFRS recurring software revenue growth of 15% (all figures are in constant currencies).
* Both PLM and Mainstream 3D software results reflected the impact of the current global economic downturn with lower new licenses revenue offsetting growth in recurring software revenue. IFRS PLM software revenue decreased 7% in constant currencies. Non-IFRS PLM software revenue decreased 6% with CATIA software revenue lower by 11% and ENOVIA software revenue lower by 18% offset in part by double-digits software revenue growth from SIMULIA (all figures in constant currencies). Mainstream 3D IFRS and non-IFRS software revenue decreased 2% in constant currencies.
* Services and other revenue decreased 7% in constant currencies, in part reflecting the DSF divestiture during 2008 offset to some extent by growth in consulting during the first quarter.
* IFRS operating margin was 13.0%. In the year-ago quarter, the IFRS operating margin of 23.5% benefited from a one-time gain on sale of real estate. Non-IFRS operating margin decreased to 19.4% compared to 22.8% in the year-ago quarter reflecting the downturn in the economy, but was in line with the Company’s objective on good execution of its cost savings program.
* Financial revenue and other, net, totaled €0.3 million compared to €0.2 million in the 2008 first quarter.
* IFRS earnings per diluted share decreased 50% to €0.24. Non-IFRS earnings per diluted share were in line with the Company’s objective, decreasing 10% to €0.37 primarily reflecting a decrease in non-IFRS operating income of 14%.

Cash Flow and Other Financial Highlights

IFRS net operating cash flow was €96 million for the first quarter ended March 31, 2009.

At March 31, 2009, cash and cash equivalents totaled €902.6 million and long-term debt was €200.3 million.

Annual Shareholders’ Meeting Date and Cash Dividend Recommendation

The Annual Shareholders’ Meeting has been scheduled for June 9, 2009. The Board of Directors has recommended an annual cash dividend equivalent to €0.46 per share, representing about €55 million in the aggregate, for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2008, stable with last year’s dividend per share. The dividend is subject to approval by shareholders at the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting.

Business Outlook

Thibault de Tersant, Senior Executive Vice President and CFO, commented, “Looking ahead, we believe the environment will continue to be difficult.

“With respect to the second quarter and full year outlook, we are taking into account the sharp decline in new licenses experienced during the first quarter and assuming that market conditions remain unchanged throughout the rest of 2009. This leads us to lower our new licenses revenue expectations as well as our recurring software growth assumptions, reflecting the flow-through impact on recurring revenue as the installed base grows at a lower rate. We also think it is prudent to assume that consulting activity will be more subdued given the macroeconomic environment.

“Thanks to our initial cost savings program and additional annual savings target of €80 to €90 million recently announced, we believe the impact to the 2009 operating margin can be largely offset and so we continue to target a full year operating margin of about 25%, the mid-point of our objective. We are lowering our 2009 EPS objective to reflect the revenue objective adjustment as well as the impact of the decline in interest rates on financial revenue. Given the current economic environment we have decided to widen our objective ranges for revenue, operating margin and earnings per share.”

The Company’s objectives are prepared and communicated only on a non-IFRS basis and are subject to the cautionary statement set forth below. The Company’s current objectives are the following:

* Second quarter 2009 non-IFRS total revenue objective of about €295 to €310 million and non-IFRS EPS of about €0.32 to €0.38;
* 2009 non-IFRS revenue growth objective range of about -9% to -5% in constant currencies; (€1.260 to €1.310 billion based upon the 2009 currency exchange rate assumptions below.)
* 2009 non-IFRS operating margin of about 24% to 26%;
* 2009 non-IFRS EPS range of about €1.78 to €2.00;
* Objectives are based upon exchange rate assumptions for the 2009 second quarter of US$1.40 per €1.00 and JPY130 per €1.00 and a full year average of US$1.38 per €1.00 and JPY128 per €1.00.

The non-IFRS objectives set forth above do not take into account the following accounting elements and are estimated based upon the 2009 currency exchange rates above: deferred revenue write-downs estimated at approximately €1.4 million for 2009; share-based compensation expense estimated at approximately €22 million for 2009 and amortization of acquired intangibles estimated at approximately €40 million for 2009. The above objectives do not include any impact from other operating income and expense, net principally comprised of restructuring expenses. These estimates also do not include any new stock option or share grants, or any new acquisitions or restructurings completed after April 30, 2009.

Key Business and Corporate Highlights

Guess, Inc. Expands Deployment of Dassault Systemes’ PLM Solutions to Manage Its Global Sourcing Operation. Jointly developed with Zymmetry Group – the leading manufacturing and sourcing solutions provider focusing on the apparel industry – the ENOVIA solution integrates sourcing within the design and development process, allowing companies such as Guess, Inc. to seamlessly manage collaboration with production offices and retailers. The ENOVIA solution supports costing and pre-production processes, and offers visibility and process control for brand and retail global operations.

Trent Ltd. Selects Dassault Systemes PLM for Fast Fashion. Trent Ltd., a Tata Group company and operator of Trent Westside, one of India’s largest and fastest growing retailers, will deploy the ENOVIA Apparel Accelerator™ for Design & Development. The ENOVIA Accelerator, which will take just nine weeks to implement, will integrate with their existing ERP systems to provide Trent Ltd. with greater visibility into the new product development process. This approach will enable the company to reduce sample development time and increase seasonal options by leveraging the market knowledge and design capabilities of key suppliers while also tracking commodity prices to negotiate better costs with them.

Great Wall Motor Selects Dassault Systemes’ PLM Solutions for Eco-Design. Great Wall Motor Company Limited (GWM), the largest commercial pickup and SUV manufacturer in China, has chosen Dassault Systemes’ ENOVIA Materials Compliance Central™ to establish an enterprise-wide compliance platform to promote eco-design. The solution, which is being deployed in partnership with D&A Technology (Shanghai) Co. Ltd., a Dassault Systemes’ partner in China, will significantly improve GWM’s competitiveness in a new era where environmental compliance is a basic requirement and a key strategy in GWM successfully expanding its global presence.

Based on the ENOVIA V6 platform, ENOVIA Materials Compliance Central is a business-process application, designed to empower companies to adopt proactive environmental compliance strategies throughout a product’s lifecycle, from design to disposal.

Procter & Gamble Selects Dassault Systemes as Enterprise Simulation Partner. Procter & Gamble Company (P&G), the world’s largest consumer goods company, has selected SIMULIA SLM as their simulation lifecycle management solution to support P&G’s modeling & simulation strategy. Based on Dassault Systemes’ V6 platform, the online collaborative environment for PLM 2.0, SIMULIA SLM enables P&G to capture, share and automate the execution of approved simulation methods, improve traceability of simulation data, and accelerate decision-making while securing valuable intellectual property.

BMW selects Dassault Systemes Digital Design Infrastructure to Speed Up Delivery of Fuel Efficient Cars. BMW will use CATIA to have a single digital software environment for the design of all BMW engines across its fuel and diesel-powered cars, motorcycles, and its newest line of eco-friendly, hybrid cars including the industry’s first hydrogen-powered vehicle.

With the use of CATIA software, a 3D virtual design platform, engineers can consolidate design environments and create a single reference model for the design of all future BMW engines. IBM and Dassault Systemes PLM experts have helped the automaker to harmonize and consolidate all design initiatives into a single digital infrastructure that provides the latest technologies to aid in the software simulation, calculation and testing of new engine models.

DS SolidWorks Unveils Software to Gauge Any Design’s Environmental Impact. SolidWorks introduced software that details, in real time, the environmental impact of parts, assemblies, and the design decisions that go into them. DS SolidWorks demonstrated an early version of the software at SolidWorks World 2009.

Additional investor information can be accessed at http://www.3ds.com/company/finance/ or by calling Dassault Systemes’ Investor Relations at

Delcam to preview new PowerINSPECT at Control

Delcam will preview the forthcoming version of its PowerINSPECT inspection software at the Control exhibition to be held in Stuttgart from 5th to 8th May. This new release of the world’s leading hardware-independent inspection software is scheduled for release in the summer and will include a range of enhancements to make it easier and more flexible to use.

The most obvious change will be a completely new interface for undertaking "simple” measurements. This will make it much easier to undertake basic tasks, such as measuring the distance between two points or two planes, or the centres of two circles, or checking the thickness of a section.

It has also been made easier to add or delete points during an inspection from a set of measurements defining any feature. Points might need to be added to collect extra data from a suspect area, while "rogue” measurements can be deleted to prevent them affecting the overall inspection.

A number of improvements have been made to the ways in which data within geometric features can be handled. The attributes of each point making up the sequence will be able to be displayed separately, either as the renowned PowerINSPECT dots or as needles proportionate in length to the extent of the deviation. This will make it easier to see where the problems areas are, especially in bigger parts with large numbers of measurements.

It will also be possible to use individual points within multiple features. For example, two sets of points could be used to check the circles at the top and bottom of a cylinder and then combined to produce the inspection report for the cylinder itself.

Increased flexibility will also come from the new ability to display feature measurements as surface points for comparison with the CAD model. This will make it easier to spot errors when, for example, a circle is perfect in its own dimensions but is not in exactly the correct position on the part.

One simple enhancement that could save considerable time will be the ability to halt an inspection during the measurement sequence. This will allow the operator to produce a report as soon as the part is found to be out of tolerance rather than having to complete the full sequence. It will be particularly helpful when inspecting more complex components in a production environment.

PowerINSPECT’s easy-to-understand reporting has always been one of its most popular attributes. This has been further improved with the ability to display an image of the part on each page of the report showing just the measurements listed on that page. This will make it easier to analyse the results from large sets of data, for example, results collected with laser scanners.

Apr 29, 2009

ANSYS 12.0 Launches New Era of Smart Engineering Simulation™

SOUTHPOINTE, Pa : ANSYS, Inc. (NASDAQ: ANSS), a global innovator of simulation software and technologies designed to optimize product development processes, today announced the availability of ANSYS® 12.0, its engineering simulation platform and integrated technology that support Simulation Driven Product Development™. In nearly every industry, driving product development with engineering simulation has become a key strategy to develop more innovative products, to lower development and manufacturing costs, and to accelerate time to market. Forward-looking companies are now embarking on new strategies to gain more from their investment in simulation. Smart Engineering Simulation™ from ANSYS 12.0 enables this progression by dramatically compressing design and analysis cycles, enabling parametric studies and design optimization across multiple physics, increasing the accuracy and completeness of virtual prototypes, and capturing and reusing simulation processes and data.

The most comprehensive engineering simulation solution available, the ANSYS 12.0 software suite supports fast product design and validation in a complete, highly usable virtual environment that captures complex and coupled physical phenomena — providing a high degree of confidence in product designs. ANSYS 12.0 allows engineers to access an unequalled depth and breadth of technology to compress their design processes, and to create innovative products both rapidly and cost effectively — while reducing the time and money invested in physical prototype development and testing.

“In today’s highly competitive markets and challenging economic climate, using virtual prototyping to reduce development costs and time to market is not a choice — it’s a requirement,” said Jim Cashman, president and CEO of ANSYS, Inc. “The pressures of global competition, complex customer requirements and shorter development schedules are forcing engineering organizations to rely on virtual prototyping to ‘get it right the first time’ — and launch products with a higher probability of market success.”

At the foundation of ANSYS 12.0 is the ANSYS® Workbench™ 2.0 platform, a flexible simulation environment that allows engineers to easily set up, visualize and manage simulations. The ANSYS Workbench environment captures and automates repeatable processes, providing dramatic productivity gains and enabling engineers to arrive at better designs faster. Engineers can easily investigate multiple what-if scenarios, optimize their designs across multiple physical phenomena and design for six sigma.

ANSYS 12.0 software offers unequalled technical breadth that allows customers to explore a complete range of dynamic behavior, from frequency response to large overall motion of nonlinear, flexible multibody systems. The suite encompasses a broad solver portfolio that spans a full range of functionality, from structural mechanics to fluid dynamics to thermal analysis to electromagnetics. Not only do the individual capabilities of ANSYS 12.0 represent the best in class, but they are also virtually seamless in their connectivity to one another. This connectivity enables ANSYS 12.0 software to deliver an unmatched multiphysics capability that supports the most accurate and realistic simulations of product performance in the real world — assessing compound physical effects. ANSYS 12.0 technology allows users to set up and manage coupled physics simulations with drag-and-drop ease. Together with its existing, industry-leading coupled physics technology, ANSYS 12.0 establishes a smarter approach to comprehensive multiphysics simulations.

With the introduction of the world-class fluid flow solver ANSYS® FLUENT® into the ANSYS Workbench platform, CFD practitioners can now leverage a parametric and persistent modeling environment and gain access to key enabling technologies such as bi-directional CAD integration, advanced meshing and powerful post-processing.

A highly scalable and customizable solution, ANSYS 12.0 software allows individual customers to implement best-in-class technologies at levels appropriate for their own simulation needs. ANSYS 12.0 can be configured for advanced or professional users, deployed to a single user or enterprise, and executed on laptops or massively parallel computer clusters.

Designed for dynamic CAE collaboration, ANSYS 12.0 allows engineering teams to collaborate more efficiently on product design and development. Within a single project, several engineers can assess their designs within individual disciplines or easily coordinate multiphysics simulations. To manage the workflow of a group of engineers and a myriad of projects, ANSYS® Engineering Knowledge Manager™ (EKM) provides process and data management tools that allow engineers to easily archive, search, retrieve and report their simulation data. With release 12.0, ANSYS Workbench users can now connect directly to an installed ANSYS EKM data repository designed for enterprise or workgroup requirements, or deploy a single-user version of ANSYS EKM from ANSYS Workbench to manage simulation data on a local machine.

“ANSYS has a long history of investment in R&D, coupled with strategic technology acquisitions, to ensure that its engineering simulation capabilities lead the industry — and ANSYS 12.0 represents the fullest expression of that technology leadership,” said Cashman. “As the only simulation technology that brings together all key engineering disciplines in an integrated and flexible platform, ANSYS 12.0 is a full generation ahead of other solutions available today. This platform, which enables Smart Engineering Simulation, will provide a tremendous opportunity for engineers to design higher-quality, more-innovative products that are manufactured faster, and at a lower cost. For business executives and managers, it undoubtedly makes an even more compelling case for engineering simulation as a competitive strategy in the current business environment.”

Cornell Pump Company Experiences 100x Speed Up Generating Performance Curves Using CFdesign Simulation Software

New CFdesign Motion Module Helps Engineers Reduce Turbomachinery Design and Validation Process Time from 200 hours to 2 Hours.

CHARLOTTESVILLE, Va. – Blue Ridge Numerics, Inc. today announced that Cornell Pump Company experienced a 100x speed up of a full transient system-level simulation and performance curve generation using the new CFdesign Motion and high performance computing (HPC) Modules, released earlier this month. Cornell design engineers were able to perform a series of transient simulations to develop a complete performance curve, enabling evaluation of a centrifugal pump design in only two hours, down from 200 hours, resulting in a significant reduction in product development time. Similar to the Cornell team, multitasking engineers designing high performance fans, blowers, turbomachinery, and many other products can now benefit from the upgraded Motion Module, allowing for more iterations upfront in the design process.

“In the past design teams have typically had to choose between a slower simulation time for a full system-level transient model simulation or a less accurate fixed-rotor approach,” said Derrek Cooper, product manager, Blue Ridge Numerics. “With the new capabilities in the Motion Module, CFdesign now offers a more complete and reliable solution that is faster than any other options out there, so design teams no longer have to sacrifice accuracy for speed.”

The significant performance increases the Cornell team experienced using CFdesign will have major implications for development of new pumps. Beyond cutting computer simulation time from weeks to hours, it is expected to reduce the number of pump castings that have to be made for physical testing. Eliminating just one of the physical tests could save the Cornell team as much as three months of development time.

“With much faster running speeds, we will be able to do many more simulation runs in less time,” said Andrew Enterline, design engineer, Cornell Pump Company. “We’ll spend more time designing the product and less time and money in pattern rework, re-pouring castings, and physical development testing, helping us create more optimized product designs from the start.”

In the past, generating a typical pump curve for the Cornell design team required 300 iterations at 1.5 iterations per hour to evaluate a single design, so the team explored options to speed up the development cycle. New rotational algorithms for transient rotating modeling included in the latest release of the Motion Module help speed up simulation time by 20x on a standard desktop computer, allowing Cornell and other design teams to more quickly and accurately evaluate performance curves. In addition, the Motion Module can be combined with the new CFdesign HPC Module to provide an overall 100x speed up. Cornell leveraged the power of the Motion and HPC Modules to speed up their design process by partnering with R Systems, a provider of high-end computing resources for research, to conduct their simulations on an 8 node HPC cluster setup, allowing them to complete 300 iterations now in only two hours.

The CFdesign Motion Module

Several mechanical engineering applications require understanding of the behavior of liquid and gas flows as they interact with solid objects. The CFdesign Motion Module allows users to create a virtual prototyping environment to better understand these behaviors by simulating the way components interact and respond to prescribed flows. All the physical effects of the motion as well as the time-history are output for data review and to create animations for visual studies. In addition to the simulation of rotating turbomachinery described, CFdesign also helps engineers model:
• Flow-Driven Motion
• Orbital Motion
• Nutating Disk Motion
• Combined Linear and Angular Motion
• Sliding Vane Pump Motion
• Automatic and Adaptive Time Step Determination
• External Driving and Spring Resistance Models

The CFdesign HPC Module
The CFdesign HPC Module allows CFdesign users to harness the power and investment of Windows HPC Server 2008, enabling more design studies in less time and reducing the time it takes to achieve solutions for large complex models. The Module can be used with a small cluster, a data center, or service providers, such as R Systems to gain access to HPC resources.

CFdesign, Motion Module, and HPC Module Availability
CFdesign v10, the Motion Module and the HPC Module are all available immediately as an integrated, associative solution for Autodesk Inventor, CATIA, CoCreate, NX, Pro/ENGINEER, SolidWorks, Solid Edge, and SpaceClaim.

MEDUSA4 Personal achieves record numbers

The FREE 2D/3D CAD system already has over 30,000 users in 109 countries. Linux users are delighted by professional-grade CAD on their platform.

Moers, Germany – 29 April 2009: CAD Schroer, the global engineering solutions provider, today announced record growth in the user base for MEDUSA4 Personal, the 2D/3D CAD product suite for private use. The company logged twice as many new users in the first quarter of 2009 as in the same period last year. Linux users outnumber Windows users in over half of the 109 countries of origin. They are voicing their appreciation of a fully featured CAD product that runs on their platform of choice.

"Finally a Good CAD Solution for Linux Users"

MEDUSA4 Personal is a fully featured advanced drafting system with smart editing and drafting power tools, basic 3D, parametrics, and even a Sheet Metal Design module. It supports Windows as well as six different Linux distributions (CentOS, Fedora, Mandriva, RedHat, SuSE and Ubuntu) .

Dr. Eduardo N. Hering, who works at the Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas Físicas (Brazilian Centre for Research in Physics) in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, is one of many Linux users in 109 countries who have downloaded MEDUSA4 Personal for home use. He recently wrote, "I'd like to congratulate your company for the excellent product you have developed. Even my brother, who uses one of the world's best known CAD products on Windows, is considering migrating to linux after browsing your product. Before MEDUSA4 there were no really good CAD solutions available for linux users."

Windows or Linux
"Our developers really appreciate the positive feedback from MEDUSA4 Personal users," says Michael Schroer, the company's Managing Director, "Windows or Linux, there are clearly a lot of hobby engineers out there who are keen to use a professional-grade drafting system. In the first three months of 2009 we have once again managed to nearly double the download figures achieved during the same period last year. "

The percentage of Linux users among the MEDUSA4 Personal audience varies significantly from country to country, and totals approximately 35%. While in Germany, the top download location, about 13% of users work with Linux, in Italy, the second largest download group, Linux users outnumber Windows users by nearly three to one.

To run MEDUSA4 Personal, users register to receive their free 6-month license by e-mail. This can easily be renewed via the CAD Schroer Website, giving designers the opportunity to download the latest release. MEDUSA4 Personal is regularly updated in line with the professional MEDUSA4 software releases.

Geomagic Studio 11 Introduces Parametric Exchange

RESEARCH TRIANGLE PARK, N.C. : Geomagic announces Geomagic Studio 11, featuring Parametric Exchange that establishes an intelligent connection between scanning and CAD, and a range of enhancements that streamline every aspect of the 3D modeling process. Geomagic Studio 11 will begin shipping on May 4 and is making its public debut next week in the Geomagic booth at Control 2009 in Stuttgart, Germany.

Geomagic Studio is the world’s leading software for creating accurate 3D digital models from scan data of physical objects for reverse engineering, product design, medical applications, digital archiving, and rapid prototyping and manufacturing.

Parametric Exchange in Geomagic Studio 11 provides an intelligent connection with CAD to enable automatic native reconstruction of geometry, speeding product development time and increasing quality of the final model. Specific benefits include:

* Reduced development time by capturing design intent and automatically producing truly parametric models.
* Faster turnaround time and reduced cost for reverse engineering of complex designs.
* Improved work efficiency by enabling seamless workflow from scan data to CAD.
* Ability to create true native CAD files, eliminating the need for intermediate neutral file formats such as IGES and STEP.
* Short learning curve by complementing user’s CAD system rather than introducing a duplicate set of tools to learn.

Saving “countless hours”

“I’ve been using Parametric Exchange for SolidWorks ever since it became available as a technology preview at Geomagic Labs and it has saved me and my design team countless hours of work,” says Jeremy Smith, a scanning specialist for Dienamic Tooling Systems, an automotive tooling company based in Lenoir City, Tenn.

“Parametric Exchange also improves accuracy because all datums, features and holes are lined up properly,” says Smith. “Before, we had to transfer planes and features in several IGES files and manually match them up in SolidWorks. Now, Parametric Exchange makes it easy to transfer parametric surfaces, solids, datums and curves from Geomagic Studio directly into SolidWorks.”

Parametric Exchange is currently available for SolidWorks, Autodesk Inventor and Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire.

Impacting entire process

In addition to Parametric Exchange, Geomagic Studio 11 includes new developments that improve the entire digital reconstruction process, from point and polygon processing to surfacing to construction of full parametric models. New features include:

* Interactive polygon sculpting tools for editing and reshaping models in early design stages, speeding development of high-quality models.
* Mesh Doctor, a new feature that automatically detects and corrects errors in the polygon mesh, yielding higher-quality, surface-ready polygon models.
* Mesh radius analysis to further automate the process of reconstructing native geometry from scan data for faster reverse engineering and new design.
* Curvature-sensitive smoothing that increases polygon mesh quality by polishing noisy data in flatter areas while preserving highly curved areas and details.
* New tangent hole fill option for filling extremely complex holes quickly.

New releases of Maple and MapleSim announced

WATERLOO, Canada - Today, Maplesoft™ announced new releases of its core products – MapleSim™, the high-performance, multi-domain modeling and simulation tool, and Maple™, the technical computing software for engineers, mathematicians, and scientists. These products are based on Maplesoft’s core technologies, which include the world’s most advanced symbolic computation engine and revolutionary physical modeling techniques. Together, they provide cutting-edge tools for design, modeling, and high-performance simulation that can lower costs and reduce product cycle time by weeks and months.

MapleSim 2 combines an intuitive physical modeling environment with powerful symbolic techniques to drastically reduce the time and effort required to create highly efficient models. The new release introduces extraordinary 3-D visualization and animation tools which easily transform multibody models into realistic animations, providing greater insight into the system behavior. It also provides tools for managing results from multiple simulations, simplifying a notoriously tedious and confusing task.

At the core of MapleSim lies Maple, the technical computing software that contains a highly advanced symbolic computation engine, powerful numeric solvers, and an intuitive technical document interface. Enhancements to Maple automatically benefit MapleSim users, as well as the many engineers who use Maple directly.

Maple 13 provides enhanced tools that support every stage of the solution development process, completely new 3-D plotting facilities, and leading-edge solvers that push the frontiers of technical computation. It offers a convenient starting point for engineering calculations with the Maple Portal for Engineers, point-and-click access to powerful control systems analysis tools, and expanded CAD connectivity that adds NX to the list of supported CAD systems. New plotting facilities include extensive annotation tools and fly-through animations, making 3-D plots more meaningful and easier to interpret. Maple 13’s leading-edge solvers expand the problem-solving abilities of engineers. They include revolutionary techniques for finding solutions to differential equations that are beyond the scope of standard methods.

“Ever-increasing system complexities make the task of model development much more difficult and time consuming than ever before,” said Jim Cooper, President and CEO of Maplesoft. “The combination of the two core Maplesoft technologies presents an opportunity to modernize the process and make significant savings in cost and time, a big bonus in the current challenging times. Because of their strong symbolic computation capabilities, MapleSim 2 and Maple 13 can find solutions that no other system can, allowing engineers to solve harder problems and achieve better performance.”

Pricing and Availability

Single-user professional licenses of MapleSim 2 are available for US $2,995 and Maple 13 for US $1,895. Volume, upgrade, and academic discounts apply. Both products are available directly from the Maplesoft Web Store or by contacting Maplesoft Sales at 1-800-267-6583. Outside of the US and Canada, the products are available from a local Maplesoft reseller.

CEDREM Engineering Services Company Expands Use of HyperWorks

Altair’s open architecture CAE suite improves customer relations and development processes at aerospace, offshore oil and defense engineering services provider

TROY, Mich – Altair Engineering, Inc., a leading global provider of technology and services that empower client innovation and decision-making, announced today that the French-based engineering services provider, CEDREM, has expanded their use of HyperWorks to support projects in the aerospace, offshore oil and defense industries. Being a longtime RADIOSS customer, CEDREM has expanded their adoption of HyperWorks CAE suite technologies to include HyperMesh, HyperView, MotionView and HyperGraph. RADIOSS and these products will be used in combination with other CAD and CAE tools within projects for the defense industry, to simulate explosions and ballistic impact. In addition, CEDREM will use HyperWorks to develop finite element models and perform research studies on composite material structures.

“The main reason we chose HyperWorks is that the suite offers a complete package for all types of simulation,” said Karine Thoral Pierre, Manager and Research Engineer at CEDREM France. “The open architecture allows easy data exchange with other CAE products, which is necessary for our customers and partners. As far as I am concerned, HyperMesh is the best pre-processing software available. After using it for some time, I believe the time savings in modeling alone is almost 50%, compared to many other tools. In addition, Altair’s support is very helpful and competent and the flexible licensing system is cost-effective also for smaller companies. Altair and its products help me to save time during the modeling phase and therefore allow for more time for intellectual and scientific research tasks to find the best possible design.”

“HyperWorks is not just for the large enterprise,” said Mauro Guglielminotti, Managing Director, Altair Engineering, France. “Our flexible licensing system allows small and medium size businesses to cost-effectively take full advantage of the entire HyperWorks suite to improve their overall development process and products. We have enjoyed our long-standing business relationship with CEDREM and will continue to offer them the best possible solutions and support in the market.”

CEDREM is a French based provider of engineering services, specialized in numerical simulation for finite element analysis, dynamic rapid, explosion and multi physics simulation. CEDREM offers the following services:

* Development of concepts
* Validation and specification services
* New material research

PTC registers Q2 revenue of $225.3 million

NEEDHAM, Mass : PTC (Nasdaq: PMTC), The Product Development Company®, today reported results for its second fiscal quarter ended April 4, 2009.


* Q2 Results: Revenue of $225.3 million and non-GAAP EPS of $0.15
o Currency was a $3 million headwind relative to Q2 revenue guidance
o Non-GAAP operating margin of 10.5%; GAAP operating margin of (0.6%)
o GAAP EPS of $0.06, including $10 million restructuring charge to reduce operating expenses
* Q3 Guidance: Revenue of $220 to $230 million and non-GAAP EPS of $0.12 to $0.18
o GAAP loss per share of $0.03 to EPS of $0.03
* FY 2009 Targets: Revenue of $940 million and non-GAAP EPS of approximately $0.80
o Non-GAAP operating margin of 13% to 14%; GAAP operating margin of 3% to 4%
o GAAP EPS of approximately $0.34
o Assumes $1.30 EURO / USD, down from $1.35 EURO / USD in prior guidance
o Approximately 17% non-GAAP and 8% GAAP operating margin for H2’09

The Q2 non-GAAP results exclude a $10 million restructuring charge, $7 million of stock-based compensation expense, $9 million of acquisition-related intangible asset amortization expenses and $15 million of income tax adjustments. The Q2 results include a non-GAAP tax rate of 25% and a GAAP tax benefit rate of 529%.

Q2 Results Commentary & Outlook

C. Richard Harrison, chairman and chief executive officer, commented, “On a constant currency and non-GAAP basis, our total Q2 revenue was down 10%, or approximately $25 million, compared to last year. While constant currency license revenue was down 44% in Q2, as expected, our results highlight our maintenance and services businesses, which both grew on a constant currency basis in Q2 and currently represent approximately 80% of our revenue base.”

“Not surprisingly, we are continuing to experience longer lead times and reduced spending on large deals and our reseller channel continues to be impacted by soft end-market demand,” continued Harrison. “On the positive side, our pipeline for new business opportunities remains strong and our products continue to perform well in competitive benchmarks for strategically significant PLM programs. For example, we won an important benchmark with Nokia during the quarter and received major orders from other leading organizations such as AGCO, BAE Systems, EADS, Force Protection, Lockheed Martin, ITT Corporation, Toyota Motor Corporation and the US Navy.”

James Heppelmann, president and chief operating officer added, “We remain very optimistic about the long-term opportunity for PTC. We intend to continue to make strategic investments that we believe are critical to gaining market share and improving operating profitability over the longer-term, including investing in the breadth and competitiveness of our product portfolio, expanding our reseller channel and developing an ecosystem of enterprise reseller partners and strategic services partners.”

Neil Moses, chief financial officer, commented, “Our Q2 operating margins and EPS were stronger than expected primarily due to revised bonus plans, earlier than anticipated execution on the restructuring activities we acted on during the quarter, as well as some favorable impact from currency movements.”

“Looking forward, we are adjusting our FY’09 revenue target to $940 million as currency and macroeconomic factors continue to move against us,” Moses continued. “Consequently, we are now expecting FY’09 non-GAAP operating margins of 13% to 14% and non-GAAP EPS of approximately $0.80. For Q3, we are initiating guidance of $220 to $230 million in revenue with non-GAAP EPS of $0.12 to $0.18.”

Moses concluded, “We continue to generate significant cash flow from operations which we can use to pay down our outstanding debt of $53 million, fund acquisitions and to buy back our stock. Our balance sheet remains strong with $268 million of cash and an additional $177 million available on our revolving credit facility. We remain committed to accelerating our organic growth rate and expanding our non-GAAP operating margins over the longer-term.”

The Q3 guidance assumes a non-GAAP tax rate of 25% and a GAAP tax rate of 8%. The Q3 non-GAAP guidance excludes approximately $12 million of stock-based compensation expense, $9 million of acquisition-related intangible asset amortization expense, $3 million of restructuring related expense and the related income tax effects.

The FY’09 guidance assumes a non-GAAP tax rate of 25% and a GAAP tax rate of -21%. The FY’09 non-GAAP guidance excludes approximately $43 million of stock-based compensation expense, $35 million of acquisition-related intangible asset amortization expense, $13 million of restructuring related expense and the related income tax effects.

Q2 Earnings Conference Call and Webcast

Supplemental financial and operating metric information and prepared remarks for the conference call will be posted to the investor relations section of our website simultaneously with this press release. The prepared remarks will not be read live; the call will be primarily Q&A.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009 at 8:30 a.m. Eastern Time

1-888-566-8560 or 1-517-623-4768
Call Leader: Richard Harrison with Passcode: PTC




The audio replay of this event will be archived for public replay until 4:00 p.m. on May 4, 2009 at 1-888-568-0858 or 1-402-998-0243. To access the replay via webcast, please visit http://www.ptc.com/for/investors.htm.

New Automation Designer in Geomagic Qualify 11 Enables Users to Create New Inspections in Minutes

Innovative V11 Features “Set New Standard for Ease of Use and Productivity”.

RESEARCH TRIANGLE PARK, N.C - Geomagic announces Geomagic Qualify 11, the latest version of its computer-aided inspection (CAI) software with a new Automation Designer that dramatically reduces the time it takes to create new inspections. Geomagic Qualify 11 will begin shipping on May 4 and is making its public debut next week in the Geomagic booth at Control 2009 in Stuttgart, Germany.

“The most demanding inspections can be designed and automated within minutes using Automation Designer, thanks to its drag-and-drop visual interface,” says John Lockhart, Geomagic Qualify product manager. “There’s no need for macros or any special programming. When something changes in your inspection workflow, be it the reference model or additional analysis that you want to perform, you can easily edit the process you have already designed.”

Easily migrate and test different inspection processes

With Automation Designer in Geomagic Qualify 11, users can define multiple reference models and inspections in a single file. This makes it easy to switch between different as-designed models and inspection routines to visualize “what-if” scenarios and to experiment with different nominal geometry.

Using the new Migrate Automation Wizard, existing inspection processes can be easily transferred between reference models for re-use when part designs change. Users simply load the new part and transfer their inspection steps, then Migrate Automation Wizard guides them in resolving areas of the inspection process that need further attention.

Geomagic Qualify 11 also includes options for constructing new features that enable users to simulate tab and slot alignment and define midpoints. With version 11, Geomagic Qualify and Studio are built from the same core technology, ensuring consistency among shared functions and file compatibility between the two applications.

Setting a new standard

“Geomagic Qualify 11 sets a new standard for ease-of-use and productivity in high-precision manufacturing inspection and design analysis,” says Scott McAfee, vice president of engineering at Level 3 Inspection, a leading provider of CAI services and systems for the aerospace industry. “The new automation features will save us time and enable us to quickly adapt inspection routines to new parts and applications, allowing us to deliver higher value to our clientele.”

Available in multiple languages

Geomagic Qualify 11 ships with both 32- and 64-bit editions on the CD, and supports English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Chinese and Japanese languages. Customers with active maintenance can download the Qualify 11 upgrade from Geomagic’s portal: https://portal.geomagic.com.

About Geomagic Qualify

Geomagic Qualify takes advantage of digital shape sampling and processing (DSSP) to enable fast, easy-to-understand graphical comparisons between CAD models and as-built parts. It is used worldwide to save time and increase accuracy for first-article inspection, inline or shop-floor inspection, MRO, trend analysis, 2D and 3D dimensioning, and automated reporting. Geomagic Qualify is certified by PTB, ANFIA, and major customers such as Honeywell, Fiat, General Motors and Pratt & Whitney.

Canon U.S.A Starts New Era of Large Format Printers for the Technical Document and General Use Markets

Rapidly Growing imagePROGRAF Line Also Secures Number-Two Overall Market Share Position For Canon

PITTSBURGH : With the popularity and use of its award-winning large format printer line continuing to grow, Canon U.S.A., Inc., a leader in digital imaging and office solutions, today unveiled four new large format printers – the 36-inch imagePROGRAF iPF755 and iPF750, and the 24-inch imagePROGRAF iPF655 and iPF650 – at the International Reprographic Association (IRgA) Convention and Trade show (Booth # 825).

Specially designed to meet the demands of the Geographical Information System (GIS); Computer-Aided Design (CAD); Architecture, Engineering, and Construction (AEC); Reprographics; and other Technical Document markets, these new, space-saving printers produce a diverse range of outputs from complex technical documents to spectacular full-color posters, faster and easier than ever before.

“The introduction of these new models extends Canon’s ability to offer an effective, efficiently designed, top-tier, large format printing solution, while helping to increase productivity with many new, user-friendly features,” said Jim Rosetta, vice president and general manager, Imaging Systems Group, Canon U.S.A. “By offering versatile, compact models which maintain our highest image quality, we’re continuing to expand this highly successful and rapidly growing product line.”

Canon began offering innovative large format models in 2006 with the rollout of the imagePROGRAF iPF line. Since then, Canon has built its lineup of imagePROGRAF printers to include more than 20 versatile models that address the various large format printing needs of engineers, graphic art designers, photographers, and professional printing services. Canon has quickly established itself as a major player in the large format market, capturing the number-two market share position in the wide format aqueous inkjet market above 24-inches wide, in 2008, according to InfoTrends, a leading worldwide market research and strategic consulting firm for the digital imaging and document solutions industry.

“Capturing the number-two overall market share position is a testament to Canon’s commitment in the large format printing market,” said Tim Greene, director, Wide Format & Jetting Technologies, InfoTrends. “With its dedication to large format printing, Canon has developed some of the most advanced large format devices available.”

New Model Features

The new, ENERGY STAR-certified models were developed to maximize productivity with limited user intervention by incorporating features such as media loading and ink replacement from the front of the machine, a new sub-ink tank system which ensures uninterrupted printing, and a new stackable media catch basketI that enables users to print continuously without removing each output as they finish. Combined with the new space-saving design, the capability to load media from the top of the device enables flush wall installation in almost any type of working environment.

Prior to this release, Canon U.S.A. provided Bard, Rao + Athanas Consulting Engineers, LLC with one of the new imagePROGRAF models to test and sample the many new features included on the new devices. “The new imagePROGRAF models definitely raise the bar in terms of a well designed, user-friendly plotter,” said Rajen Patel, IS/CADD manager, Bard, Rao + Athanas Consulting Engineers, LLC. “The new compact design and fast print speeds make them an ideal upgrade for most large format printing environments.”

Recognizing image-quality and productivity are always among the highest concerns, the new, five-color imagePROGRAF iPF755, iPF750, iPF655, and iPF650 feature a new magenta ink for brighter reds and blues and utilize a new, super-high-density print head with redesigned nozzles that eject 4 picoliter droplets of ink, consistently producing up to 2400 x 1200 dots-per-inch (dpi) output with precise lines that are accurate to ±0.10%II and as fine as 0.02 mmIII. All new models are capable of printing a D/A1 color line drawing in approximately 28 secondsIV, thanks in part to a standard gigabit network interface and a new, independently-driven, dual-blade cutter. The imagePROGRAF iPF755 and the iPF655 also ship with a built in 80GB hard drive to streamline workflow for a medium-sized networked environment or for those printing larger sized files with complex images.

In addition to several new features that improve productivity and maximize space, the new models come bundled with enhanced accounting functions that collect printer job log information such as client ID, ink and media consumption, media type and output size. Users will now be able to obtain estimated printing costs from this technology as an easy way to track in-house usage or for billing customers. A Print Plug-in for Microsoft Office also ships with all new models, enabling users of any skill level to create large format printouts of documents, images or illustrations that were created by Microsoft Word, Excel or PowerPoint programs. Also included with the new imagePROGRAF iPF755, iPF750, iPF655 and iPF650 is a new version of the popular PosterArtist Lite, a simple poster creation software program. In addition to the features on the current version of PosterArtist Lite, the new version offers additional choices for basic design layout and WYSIWYG text editing that allows you see text at the correct size and font as you type.

Canon is also very focused on providing complete workflow solutions for the imagePROGRAF line. With this concept in mind, the imagePROGRAF Alliance Partner Program was designed to join forces with leading digital imaging and printing software developers to create workflows that enhance the capabilities of the imagePROGRAF devices and provide end-users more control. With the introduction of the new models, the following Alliance Partners have already completed software development and are compatible with the new devices:

* Onyx
* SA International
* Sepialine
* PLP Digital Systems
* Wasatch

These new printers represent a new era in large format printing. Now a typical workgroup environment can install a large format printer on their network without concern over space or technical knowledge of printing to one of these devices. They offer the compact design and ease of use that allows any type of user to produce beautiful and quality outputs at a fast speed.

The new Canon imagePROGRAF models will be available immediately through Authorized Canon dealers and will have a manufacturer's suggested retail price (MSRP) of $4,995 for the iPF755, $4,495 for the iPF750, $3,195 for the iPF655, and $2,495 for the iPF650. A full version of PosterArtist is also available for $795.

Nine Finalists Announced in Dimension 3D Printing Extreme Redesign Contest

Three winners announced May 19; Video introducing finalists at http://tinyurl.com/Dimfinalists

MINNEAPOLIS - Dimension 3D printing, a brand of Stratasys Inc. (Nasdaq: SSYS), today announced the nine finalists in its fifth annual “Extreme Redesign” challenge.

Extreme Redesign: The Ultimate 3D Printing Challenge, is a global design and 3D printing contest for high school and college students. The nine finalists were selected from an international pool of entries by a panel of experts from within the design and engineering fields. Designs fall into one of three categories: High School, University, and Art and Architecture. The three first place category winners will receive $2,500 scholarships. The remaining finalists will each receive $1,000 scholarships.

A short Web video featuring the nine finalists, photos and design descriptions are now available at http://tinyurl.com/Dimfinalists

High School Category Finalists/Designs

* Kenny Kenrick, Grand Haven H.S., Mich.: Cell Phone with Built-in Charger
* Jordan Berger, New Paltz H.S., N.Y.: Alphabet Blocks
* Chris Hatcher, Edgewater H.S., Orlando, Fla.: Laptop Cooling Fan

University Category Finalists/Designs

* Cory Behm / Matt Po, Nat’l Inst. of the Deaf, Rochester Inst. of Technology, N.Y.: PDA/Cell Pone Notification System
* Justin Yeung & Serena Mahabir, Ryerson University Toronto, Ontario: Lotion Dispenser
* Christopher Triska and Alexander Soloviev, Ryerson University, Toronto, Ontario: Light Switch Cover

Art and Architecture Category Finalists/Designs

* Daniel Abolafia, Bergen County Academies, Hillsdale, N.J.: Impossible Triangle
* Michael Schmelzel, Waubonsie Valley High School, Aurora, Ill.: Warrior Tailgating Pancake Mold
* John White, Metro Technology Centers, Oklahoma City, Okla.: Flower Faucet

Winners Announcement

The three winners will be announced on Tuesday, May 19. Web videos profiling the three winning students and their designs will accompany the announcement.

“This year’s nine finalists showcase the kind of skill and ingenuity we hoped to encourage when we first launched the contest,” said Jon Cobb, Stratasys vice president of sales and marketing for the Americas. “We want to thank all of the students who entered the challenge. Their enthusiastic participation has made the fifth annual competition a compelling event to follow as we approach the final round.”

Dimension is a brand of 3D printers by Stratasys that offers CAD (computer-aided-design) users a low-cost, networked alternative for building functional 3D models from the desktop. The printers build models layer-by-layer using ABS plastic, one of the most widely used thermoplastics in today’s injection-molded products. Dimension 3D printers allow users to evaluate design concepts and test models for functionality, form and fit.

EskoArtwork to showcase HD Flexo plate imaging technology to achieve offset quality @ PacPrint 09

Melbourne (Australia) - HD Flexo is the next big step in flexo. EskoArtwork , the world leader in digital imaging of flexo plates and sleeves is revolutionizing flexo platemaking with the introduction of HD Flexo, a system that combines High Definition (HD) optics along with unique screening technologies to take advantage of sharper and more accurate imaging. The HD Flexo solution is being introduced to the market in Australia at PacPrint, May 26-30.

Exceptional plates deliver outstanding printing

With HD Flexo, printers can reproduce the full tonal range of offset, while maintaining easy set-up and implementation in production by reducing the need to edit images in prepress. Meanwhile, the plates produced with HD Flexo deliver consistent print quality compared to conventional plates and can be used in longer press runs, resulting in better press uptime.

The flexo converter will notice many significant advantages with HD Flexo. The sharp detail in plates will produce high quality text and line art. With an exceptional dot structure and extraordinary screening, tints are smoother and easier to print. Meanwhile, there is a smooth vignette transition throughout the highlights to ‘zero’ and a high contrast in highlights and shadows without visible, hard edges.

HD-Flexo can be applied on a wide variety of digital plates—all without compromising quality or having to adapt prepress specifically for the printing process. It does not require a significant capital equipment investment; just an upgrade of existing, installed equipment. This technology will be available on new Cyrel Digital Imagers (CDI) and can be upgraded on all existing CDI systems.

Sustainable advantages

HD Flexo brings some significant sustainability benefits as well. With HD Flexo direct digital platemaking, there is no manual lamination plate. Thus, there is no film to dispose of once the plates have been imaged. And because HD Flexo technology will work with thermal plate processing, there is no need for solvents that could be environmentally damaging. Printers who work with plates generated from HD Flexo typically reduce the makeready materials required to get to acceptable color, resulting in much less waste.

“HD Flexo makes life easy for brand owners and print buyers without compromising quality,” explains Jürgen Andresen, EskoArtwork Vice President, Flexo Business. “It also makes life easy for trade shops and converters because with a safe, high quality process, they can compete with offset or other printing techniques”.

Highlights at PacPrint

Along with HD Flexo, at stand F40 EskoArtwork will be showing the Cyrel Digital Imager (CDI) 4835 and the CDI 2120, live demonstrations of the latest Kongsberg i-XL series of digital cutting and finishing tables and EskoArtwork’s complete portfolio of Design & Prepress software solutions including the new SignUp software for intelligent nesting of Signage & POP.

Siemens PLM Software and PCO Innovation Expand Relationship to Include Global Go-to-Market Strategy

Alliance to Help Customers Use PLM to Accelerate Innovation and Improve Efficiency.

PARIS – Siemens PLM Software, a business unit of the Siemens Industry Automation Division and a leading global provider of product lifecycle management (PLM) software and services, and PCO Innovation, an international independent CAD and PLM consulting and services group, today announced the expansion of the existing 12 year relationship to include a global go-to-market strategy. PCO Innovation and Siemens PLM Software will provide software and services to help customers use PLM to accelerate innovation and improve efficiency.

Innovation, quality and global development of products and services are critical elements for manufacturers in the current competitive environment. This alliance will facilitate access to recognized and proven PLM solutions for customers.

As part of this agreement, PCO Innovation will provide full-range of services for CAD and PLM, to manufacturing industries worldwide, including automotive, aeronautics, defense, electronics, energy, pharmaceuticals, and food & beverage, among others. PCO Innovation’s experience and expertise in supporting Siemens PLM Software technology will enhance overall customer value.

“Expanding our relationship with PCO Innovation from a regional to a global engagement is the perfect next step for our long-standing collaboration,” said Pascal Zehren, vice-president and managing director, Siemens PLM Software, France. “PCO Innovation is well-known for its responsiveness and industrial business processes experience and is an ideal partner to offer consulting, integration and change management to our customers to help them turn more ideas into successful products.”

“Enhancing our relationship will give PCO Innovation access to up-to-the-minute software and training,” said Olivier Letard, co-president of PCO Innovation. "Previously limited in France, our partnership is multiplied tenfold by its internationalization. Furthermore, the PLM experts of our two companies will work in total synergy on projects thanks to the implementation of integrated PCO Innovation and Siemens PLM Software teams."

GRAITEC's latest release of Advance Steel receives Microsoft certification

Advance Steel : Professional Steel Detailing Software Solution for AutoCAD.

Los Angeles, USA: GRAITEC, a major worldwide developer for structural analysis and detailing software has announced, that Advance Steel 2009, its flagship product for steel detailing that automates the entire structural CAD process (fabrication, erection drawings, various reports) and creates NC fabrication data in AutoCAD®, has successfully passed the test criteria defined by the Microsoft Platform Test for ISV Software Solutions for the following components:

* Windows Client
* MS Office 2003
* SQL Server 2005

Testing was conducted by VeriTest, a testing service of Lionbridge Technologies.

With this certification, GRAITEC has received the recognition of efficiency in developing software solutions with Microsoft technologies. Furthermore, since version 2009 of Advance Steel is capable of running in a multi-user environment, the SQL Server 2005 certification gains more significance.

"We are very proud to have earned the ISV/Software Solutions Competency within the Microsoft Platform Test for ISV Solutions," said Manuel LIEDOT, GRAITEC Product Marketing and R&D Manager. "The ISV/Software Solutions Competency distinguishes our company from other CAD / CAE software providers and allows us to better promote our technical skills and expertise to our customers."

Apr 28, 2009

Current and future trends in product engineering, application development, technology consulting - KPIT Cummins

Prabhakar Bendre, Senior Vice President - Manufacturing Business IT, KPIT Cummins Infosystems Ltd., talks about the Current and future trends in PLM, The Market size for PLM and for CAD CAM software, How PLM and MES help organizations during the Slow down and the Growth and future operation plans of the company.

Could you please tell us about the services offered by KPIT Cummins? Which segment of the Industry do you focus on for your services? What are your core competencies in addressing this segment?

KPIT Cummins is a global IT consulting and specialist solutions partner to manufacturing corporations with focus on automotive, hi-tech and industrial verticals. We engage with our customers to combine technology and process expertise to help them bring products faster to their target markets. As leaders in our space we co-create domain-intensive technology solutions to help companies become efficient, integrated and innovative manufacturing enterprises. We currently partner with 100+ global Manufacturing corporations including 50+ OEMs (Original Equipment Manufacturers), Tier 1s and semiconductor companies.

Our services span across product engineering, application development, technology consulting, Enterprise IT, Business Intelligence and specialized BPO/KPO. We are SAP channel partners and we are consulting partners for Business Objects.

We are premium members of AUTOSAR and member of JASPAR. We are one of the very few SPICE® level 5 certified companies in India.

2. Which are the PLM platforms you work with?

The PLM practice at KPIT Cummins is fast emerging as a comprehensive provider of digital manufacturing solutions to companies in the area of automotive, hi-tech and industrials verticals. We deliver end-to-end PLM Implementation services that include Solution Architecting, Deployment, Integration, Data Migration (from ERP/ Legacy Systems), Maintenance and Support. These services are primarily offered on three platforms namely – Enovia, Windchill and Oracle Agile. We have also partnered with Dassault Systèmes to deliver pre-configured Enovia implementation templates for Indian automotive and Industrial manufacturers. We have a partnership with Oracle India to sale and implement Agile PLM tool

3. How will the PLM and MES help organizations during this Global Economic Slow down?

Today companies are facing pricing pressure from the customers. At the same time to maintain profitability they have to reduce costs and increase service levels. Manufacturers are thus exploring opportunities to run their people-intensive operations from countries that offer significant cost arbitrage. The design teams are distributed across geographies and they need a common information platform to collaborate on a real-time basis. PLM and MES address these challenges, ensuring the products get to the market faster – while complying with stringent quality norms.

PLM and MES represent the fast emerging manufacturing concept of Digital manufacturing, a process / tool to design, validate and establish the POC for a new product, the manufacturing process and equipment required. It does this by way of translating the design data into virtual manufacturing process. A process that includes a detailed plan, assembly definition, assembly line design, plan for manufacturing cells, workstations, associated quality measurement systems, operating instructions and necessary documentation.

This allows flexibility and adaptability to operations such that processes can be shifted / switched dynamically to respond to the market conditions and opportunity in real time.

To help realize the full benefits of digital manufacturing investments, manufacturers need to integrate production systems across the organization, from design to quality monitoring. This encompasses integration of enterprise resource planning (ERP), product lifecycle management (PLM), manufacturing execution systems (MES) and Shop Floor Control systems, to ensure seamless transmission of design information to the manufacturing line. This helps customers streamline and globalize their processes faster, facilitating them to become efficient, integrated and innovative enterprises.

4. What are the new services and market verticals on the radar of the Company?

Manufacturing Execution System (MES) is the next logical extension of our services portfolio. Faced with dynamic market changes and competitive threats, industrial manufacturers are broadening their focus from execution within a single facility/factory to manufacturing operations management across the supply network. As a result, Best-in-Class manufacturers are more likely to implement Manufacturing Execution System at their locations to:

1. Use automated data collection in conjunction with data historians and manufacturing analytics.
2. Standardize Key Performance Indicator measurement, optimization and exception handling across the enterprise.
3. Link operational metrics with financials and provide real time role based visibility to decision makers.
4. Use Plant floor automation (PFA), Quality Management Systems (QMS), Manufacturing Intelligence (MI), and Advanced Planning and Scheduling (APS).

At KPIT Cummins, we partner with global manufacturers of Construction & Farming equipment, Mining & Power machinery and Machine tools. With MES we address the customers’ operation issues thus enabling them to optimally plan, schedule, sequence, execute, and monitor all their manufacturing processes, achieve on time delivery, Increase Overall equipment effectiveness, institutionalize lean Six Sigma processes, monitor production to drive continuous improvement, reduce labor costs and to achieve higher profits and marketplace wins.

5. Who are your major clients in India and abroad?

We work with leading automotive OEMs, Tier 1s and semiconductor companies globally.

6. Continental India recently inaugurated its Technical Center in Bangalore. Could you please tell us about your alliance with the Continental Technical center?

We would not be able to comment on this.

7. What are your growth plans and future operation plans of the company?

Since we articulated our Go-to-Market strategy and indentified focus verticals we have experienced significant traction for our services and delivery models. We have acquired leading automotive OEMs, Tier 1s and semiconductor companies as customers. We would continue to deepen our engagement with these customers and would explore opportunities for joint project development and co-creation of IP.

Our growth has been encouraging and we have done 5 acquisitions in the last six years. We continue to look for opportunities that allow us to strengthen our positioning in delivering services to manufacturing companies in our focus verticals. But our focus of growth is largely organic and focused on higher value generating solutions for our customers.

8. How do you differentiate your company, compared to other players offering PLM products and services?

In the current economic scenario manufacturers are looking at making investments in solutions that ensure quicker Returns on Investment, reduced cost of ownership and long-term business benefits. Our PLM service delivery methodology ensures that customer imperatives are met with customized solutions. Following are the core differentiating factors between services by KPIT Cummins and other providers:

1. Domain expertise: we have deep domain knowledge and understanding of the three core verticals namely Automotive, Hi-tech and industrials.
2. Integration capability: we have the capability to offer solutions that integrate PLM with MES (Manufacturing Execution Systems) and ERP.
3. Well Defined PLM implementation Methodologies - Customers leverage PLM implementations based on methodical approach using pre-configured templates, that reduce implementation time and costs

9. Could you please tell us about the current and future trends in PLM?

There are few broad trends in PLM:

1. The use of PLM authoring tools such as CAD-based solid modeling – by domestic Indian companies - which is already widespread; the need now is more for collaborative product life management solutions.
2. In case of Global MNC companies, leading engineering companies such as ABB, Volvo, Chrysler, and GM are setting up engineering centers here in India and are looking at partnering with companies like KPIT to expand their design capacity. These companies are also looking at starting captive design capability.
3. The other trend seen is that domestic manufacturers who were earlier India focused are now going global. Take for instance Bharat Forge, which has emerged as the second largest forging company in the world. It has expanded aggressively overseas. Therefore the kind of solutions these companies need have to be of global standards and not just product-focused but also increasingly process-focused.
4. Most of the Customers are looking at pre-configured solutions that reduce implementation time and result in quicker Returns on Investments.
5. Integration with MES and ERP systems is emerging as a critical success factors for manufacturers.

10. What is the market size for PLM and for CAD CAM software globally and in India

1. The overall PLM market grew at a healthy clip of 10% CAGR, even amid global economic turmoil, thanks to emerging geographic and industry growth, increased need to better understand customer needs and manage portfolios of products, and global product development. We believe these trends will continue and that the market will expand at a 9% five-year CAGR, resulting in a $20B market by 2012
2. Globally, the market size for CAD-authoring tools is a bigger pie of approximately $20 billion, while collaborative product data management or process-oriented tools have a market size of close to $8-10 billion. PLM market size in India is estimated at around $100m to $250m and is growing rapidly.
3. However, the demand for collaborative tools is growing much faster at 15-20 percent per annum, while the growth of CAD-authoring tools is slower at 7 percent.
4. This is in keeping with the trend of increasing interest in Digital Manufacturing tools as more companies go global.

11. What is KPIT Cummins' market share for these services in India?

Digital Manufacturing is at a nascent stage in Indian industry. The companies over the last 2-3 years have been slow adopters of this technology. However with the current economic volatility has made it compelling for the companies to consider and adopt virtualization, PLM, cPDM (Collaborative Product Data Management) as tools to reduce costs, optimize processes and ensure zero-defect delivery.

We have been closely working with manufacturing companies and in the last 6-8 months we have observed a significant rise in demand for PLM, MES and similar collaborative technologies. Companies are exploring opportunities to leverage operational benefits of these tools for their business spread across multiple geographies. Thus we see significant increase in the companies’ acceptance for these tools however it would be too early to comment on the on the actual share of KPIT Cummins.