
Oct 27, 2010

Delcam India celebrates 10th anniversary at Technical Summit

Delcam held its annual Asian Technical Summit in Pune, India, from 19th to 21st October as part of the celebrations to mark the tenth anniversary of the founding of its Delcam India subsidiary. The Summit is held each year to present the latest developments from the company to its leading customers, academicians and the technical media in the region. This year’s meeting, which was sponsored by HP and DMG/Mori Seiki, and supported by Haas, was the tenth in the series and the first to be held in India. Close to 100 delegates attended from 11 countries.

In the last ten years, Delcam India has grown from its initial staff of three to more than 125 employees. The company is based in new, purpose-built headquarters in Pune that cost around $1 million when it was constructed in 2006. It also operates 14 regional offices spread across the country, to support a growing customer base of over 1,200 customers.

The Summit comes at a time when Delcam is on target to achieve record sales this year, having staged a strong recovery from last year’s downturn. 2009 was the worst year in the CAM industry’s history, with overall sales down by 15% according to the latest report from US analysts CIMdata. This sharp decline caused many of Delcam’s competitors to suffer heavy losses, and to reduce their investments in research and development and customer support.

In contrast, Delcam increased its expenditure in both areas and is now reaping the rewards as the business climate improves. As might be expected, Delcam’s sales in Asia are showing the fastest growth in 2010, but the company’s Sales Partners in many other countries are also confident of seeing their best-ever results this year.

The Summit included a presentation by Peter Beckingham, British Deputy High Commissioner in Mumbai, to Delcam’s 35,000th global customer, Southern Spars, a specialist in the design and construction of carbon fibre spars and components from New Zealand.

Other highlights of 2010 reported at the Summit included the receipt of the company’s third Queen’s Award for Enterprise in the Innovation category for the development of design and manufacturing software for dental restorations, and the confirmation from CIMdata that Delcam remains the world’s leading specialist supplier of CAM software, with the largest development team in the industry. Indeed, Delcam continues to increase its investment in research and development, which grew to £5.0 million in the first half of this year from £4.7 million during the same period of last year.

With this increased level of investment, there are always a large number of new products and enhancements to cover during the Summit. This year’s meeting included demonstrations of new versions of all of Delcam’s main software products for design, machining and inspection, together with details on newer products for the healthcare industry, such as the OrthoModel software for orthotics manufacture, and the DentCAD and DentMILL systems for the dental industry.