
Apr 27, 2010

ECE Design to Conduct an Intergraph CADWorx(R) Plant Webinar on May 14 Discussing 2D Isometric Drawings and PLANTMO-CAD

HOUSTON, TX - Intergraph dealer ECE Design will conduct an Intergraph CADWorx Plant webinar on May 14, 2010, at 11:30 a.m. CDT, during which the leader will demonstrate how to produce 2D isometric drawings with CADWorx Plant and how to use the PLANTMO-CAD utility to produce 2D isometric drawings with standard attributed title blocks.

The webinar will cover how to renumber drawings automatically, how to set up a title block with attributes, how to generate isometric drawings using ISOGENOUT and ISOBATCH, and how to perform batch revision and title block updates from PLANTMO-CAD.

For information about the webinar and a link to the registration form, visit http://coade.typepad.com/coadeinsider/2010/03/cadworx-plant-webinar-series.html.

With the January 2010 acquisition of COADE, Inc., Intergraph has extended its offerings with plant design solutions for AutoCAD-based projects and design groups and for the broader engineering community.

The aims of the Intergraph CADWorx and Analysis Solutions group are that design and engineering share relevant information seamlessly, thereby maintaining accuracy and improving efficiency.