
Apr 26, 2010

Carlson Software & Transtronic AB Reach Mutual Development & Distribution Agreement for 3D GNSS Drilling Solutions

KÖPING, Sweden – Carlson Software Inc. and Transtronic AB recently reached an agreement for international distribution of Carlson’s Drill Grade 4.0 software with Transtronic’s hardware and sensor technology.

Working together, Carlson’s Drill Grade software and Transtronic AB hardware, which includes sensors for length, angle and azimuth measurement, provide a complete 3D Drill solution for all types of drill rigs for OEM considerations or retrofit.

In addition, the system is compatible with Carlson’s Fleet Manager office software providing real time monitoring and connectivity. Carlson Drill Grade utilizes the latest in Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) technology and increases accuracy, efficiency and safety. Transtronic is a leader in providing systems and sensors for heavy equipment environments.

“Transtronic AB is an expert in all types of drilling applications, both developing and manufacturing angle indicators, hole length and hole deviation measurement instruments,” says Randy Noland, V.P. of Business Development for Carlson Positioning and Machine Control. “Our development and sales partnership will focus on powerful, yet easy-to-use 3D drilling systems for mining and construction drilling and blasting applications.”

All of Transtronic AB systems are designed to withstand rough handling such as shock, water and vibrations.

“In drilling today, quality is the goal,” says Mats Birkestål of Marketing and Design for Transtronic AB of Sweden. “Position and drilling to correct depth has always been a challenge. GPS positioning greatly assists with this issue. Many companies,” he adds, “are already using GPS on other machines so they are asking for a GPS drilling system. It is the obvious next step and we are excited to provide robust yet easy-to-use drilling solutions as a result of our partnership with Carlson Software.”

Transtronic AB was founded in 1972 and develops and manufactures angle indicators, hole length measurement instruments, hole deviation measurement systems, logging equipment systems, advanced measurement and control systems for heavy environments and canopen sensors.

Carlson Software produces technically advanced software solutions for the civil engineering, land surveying, machine control/positioning, solid waste landfill, mining, and law enforcement investigative industries. The independent company was founded in 1983.