
Apr 14, 2009

Latest GibbsCAM MTM Multi-Task Machining Enhancements Featured at PMTS 2009

Moorpark, CA - Gibbs and Associates, developer of GibbsCAM® software for programming CNC machine tools and a Cimatron company, announced today that it will demonstrate the latest version of GibbsCAM MTM (Multi-Task Machining) in booth #847, at PMTS 2009 (Precision Machining Technology Show), to be held at the Greater Columbus Convention Center, in Columbus, Ohio, from April 28–30, 2009.“We look forward to demonstrating the numerous advancements we have made with GibbsCAM,” says Bill Gibbs, founder and president of Gibbs and Associates. “We added extensive lathe features that provide greater efficiency through tool control, and take advantage of newer high-tech cutting tools to turn harder materials and machine smoother surfaces. Perhaps most important to many customers are the results of our continued collaboration with partners and builders of advanced turning and multi-tasking machining centers.”

Among the recently released GibbsCAM MTM features is a new ProAXYZ module which enables GibbsCAM MTM users to program thread whirling attachments on Swiss style machines, thereby eliminating the complexity of time consuming, manual code modification at the machine control.

Also, as a result of Gibbs collaboration with Mazak, Mori Seiki and Tornos, the GibbsCAM MTM module now includes features to support the most advanced machines from these partners.

Thread Whirling Module for GibbsCAM MTM Eliminates Difficulty Sliding Headstock machines with thread-whirling heads provide faster, more productive machining of screws requiring high length-to-diameter ratios, high tapers from root to head, tight tolerances, and burr-free finish, typical of bone screws used in the medical industry. However, thread whirling requires synchronizing the tilting head with the spindle and entering custom thread parameters, easy and efficient to program with this new module, but very complex and time consuming to achieve by modifying code at the control. Because of the productivity and flexibility of thread whirling heads, these attachments are rapidly becoming popular among makers of ball screws, worm shafts and feed screws for other industries. Initial deliveries of the thread whirling module have been made to select customers using Tornos TB-DECO and Marubeni Citizen machines.

MTM Enhancements for Mazak and Mori Seiki
To take advantage of the capabilities offered by the latest machines from these manufacturers, new GibbsCAM MTM features include:

* Synchronization with MTM Synch Manager to optimize turret utilization and cycle times,

* Pinch or balanced turning, to work simultaneously with upper and lower turrets on the same spindle,

* Double or synchronized milling, for simultaneous milling and drilling with upper and lower turrets on the same spindle,

* Y-axis support on all turrets,

Latest GibbsCAM MTM Multi-Task Machining Enhancements Featured at PMTS 2009

* Simultaneous 4- and 5-axis machining,

* Machine simulation for visual verification and collision detection and avoidance, and

* Gang style tool-holder-block support for fixed and live tools in machine simulation.

A GibbsCAM MTM feature added specifically for Mori Seiki machines is the spinning tool, which supports Mori Seiki’s simultaneous spinning of part and cutting tool during material removal. In addition to post processors for Mazak machine tools and Mori Seiki machining centers, GibbsCAM post processors now support the Mori Seiki NZ, NT, NL, ZL, DL, SL, and ZT series of turning and MTM centers. Enhancements made specifically for Mazak machines are Flash Tool support and multiple tools in single tool for fast indexing.

GibbsCAM MTM Features Specifically for Tornos TB-DECO Machines
Through a special plug-in developed by Productec S.A. and Tornos S.A., in Switzerland, GibbsCAM MTM now programs all Tornos TB-DECO Swiss style machines. The plug-in enables programming within GibbsCAM MTM, as one would program any part. The GibbsCAM TB-DECO post processor then generates TTFT code, the machine-ready Tornos text file format required by all Tornos TB-DECO. These new capabilities have been certified by Tornos.

General GibbsCAM MTM Enhancements
Among the many new turning features are advanced entries and exits, entry feed rates, enhanced no-drag, clean-up pass, multi-pass plunge roughing, notch ramp roughing, offset contour and tool edge path contour, threading entry and tapping tools, and groove-tool deflection compensation. New additions to Sync Mgr and Op List, and new Op Mgr associativity, make multi-task machining easier and more efficient with the added flexibility.