
Dec 17, 2008

Invention Machine Adds S&T Croatia to its Growing Reseller Network

BOSTON : Invention Machine, a leading provider of innovation software, today announced that it has signed a reseller agreement with S&T Croatia to market Invention Machine Goldfire ® Innovator in Croatia. S&T joins Invention Machine’s growing list of resellers to help meet the escalating demand for its innovation software, worldwide. S&T Croatia is part of S&T Group, the leading provider of IT consulting, solutions and services to customers in Central and Eastern Europe as well as Japan and China.

S&T’s first Goldfire Innovator customer is the University of Zagreb. The university’s Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture will adopt the innovation software to train students so they are well prepared to participate in different aspects of planning, designing, implementing and operating systems, including products, processes, and projects.

“The task of modern engineering education is to help students adopt state-of-the-art technology, be socially responsible and innovative,” said, Dorian Marjanovic, vice dean, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture University of Zagreb. “Therefore extending our engineering education with new computer aided innovation tools like Goldfire Innovator should enable our students to become better innovators as they join the workforce.”

Under the terms of the agreement, S&T will promote and sell Goldfire Innovator in Croatia and provide ongoing technical support to customers, from pre-sales to implementation and beyond.

“This collaboration between Invention Machine and S&T will set the standard for sustainable product innovation in Croatia, increasing our value-add to customers,” said Krešo Galić, director, Information Systems, S&T. “Together we will help companies create a more efficient innovation infrastructure that will accelerate product development as well as support universities to develop world-class innovators.”

Invention Machine’s innovation software helps enterprises innovate repeatedly, accelerating and sustaining product innovation. Its unique semantic technology translate ideas into commercialized products by generating and validating the right ideas the first time — whether it's creating a folding box spring, an engine for NASA or a new printer. Today, Invention Machine helps manufacturing organizations worldwide deliver innovative products that positively impact society and save lives.

“In today’s economy, best-in-class companies and Invention Machine customers continue to invest in innovation to maintain profitability and competitive-edge,” said Mark Atkins, CEO & chairman, Invention Machine. “This collaboration with S&T will empower Croatian companies to drive sustainable innovation and increase top line growth by delivering the right products to market quickly and consistently.”