
Oct 26, 2011

Newest Version of 3D BIM Software Tool for Real-Time Mark-up and Co-viewing of AEC Models Now Available from CadFaster

CadFaster|Collaborate for Autodesk Revit® provides additional options; helping architecture, engineering and construction (AEC) professionals save both time and money.

CadFaster, Inc today released the newest revision of its CadFaster|Collaborate™ Autodesk Revit® plug-in software that provides design and engineering professional teams with the power to share 3D CAD and BIM models effortlessly with anyone, anywhere, anytime and collect immediate feedback.

With this innovative, easy-to-use software, CadFaster has made it possible for designers to invite multiple people to view models remotely and make multiple detailed mark-ups in real time. The ability to instantly collaborate during the design process is unique to the CadFaster software and has the effect of increasing efficiency while boosting time-to-market of completed models. For maximum mobility, CadFaster previously released a free iPad app that can be downloaded from iTunes at http://bit.ly/pTzM43.

“Addressing real world difficulties is what we had in mind when we first started developing CadFaster|Collaborate,” said Raimo Kuismin, chairman, CadFaster. “We continually listen to our users and are committed to making the tool even better based on their inputs. Our latest version for Revit provides additional options for exporting, viewing and marking-up files and, in turn, helps AEC professionals save both time and money.”

Once CadFaster|Collaborate is installed, the CadFaster tool is visible in the Revit “add-ins” tab and can be used to convert a CAD or BIM model into an executable (EXE) file — a lightweight 3D file embedded with a powerful 3D viewer. CadFaster|Collaborate compresses the original data so that huge files can be shrunk to a size that can be emailed or downloaded from a link. These compressed files are small enough to run on low-powered laptops. Users do not need a desktop client to view the exported file; a simple double-click will launch the file, along with its own interface for viewing and annotation.

CadFaster|Collaborate provides full Revit 2012 export support for both EXE Files and Cloud and the ability to control results with visibility filters, phase filters, design option filters, or by using the Revit section box. Revit users will also love the new features including turntable mode navigation, selection of rotation center, standard views, and measurement/markup in section view that will improve their productivity and ability to complete projects on time within budget.

CadFaster|Collaborate can be purchased through online resellers Novedge.com (http://bit.ly/frCQWP) in the U.S., or for European customers Jigsaw (http://bit.ly/ewjlDZ) or from CadFaster’s online store. To download a free trial, please visit http://www.cadfaster.com/.