
Oct 21, 2011

3D PDF Consortium names David Opsahl as Interim Executive Director

Today the 3D PDF Consortium announced that David Opsahl, the former CEO of Actify, Inc.,would become its Interim Executive Director. Dave Opsahl is a 25+-year high tech industry veteran and thought leader with extensive experience in visualization and collaboration in the CAD/CAM/PLM/SCM markets.

Greg Baker, President of Tetra 4D, a founding member of the Consortium explained, "I'm glad to have Dave at the helm of the 3D PDF Consortium during this crucial start-up phase. With his expertise as CEO of one of the top viewing companies in the CAD industry, Dave has the expertise required to work with software vendors and large enterprise companies who all share a vested interest in seeing 3D PDF continue to progress as an international standard for the exchange, archival, and retrieval of 3D data." The 3D PDF Consortium is a group of end-users, software vendors, systems integrators, developer and software toolkit providers whose charter mission is to encourage the continued development and adoption of 3D PDF as a truly open standard for visualization, collaboration, data exchange and the long-term archiving of engineering data.

"The formation of the 3D PDF Consortium is a major step towards informing the marketplace about the applicability of value of 3D PDF as a solution for the secure exchange of 3D data and 3D-based documentation, and will serve as the focal point for a rich ecosystem of 3D PDF stakeholders. With Dave's deep experience and sterling reputation, members can rest assured the Consortium has a leader capable of developing an organization that will serve the community and achieve its goals," said Ron Fritz, CEO of TechSoft 3D.

The 3D PDF Consortium is a community of companies interested in the use of dynamic 3D data contained in PDF files for the purpose of collaboration. Software providers, systems integrators, government agencies, and businesses that provide and consume3D data solutions look to the 3D PDF Consortium for demonstration of the successes in the market using these solutions, and evangelism of how 3D PDF can improve business results. The 3D PDF Consortium promotes the adoption of 3D PDF through the demonstration of best practices, and generating awareness of the power of 3D-enabled PDF to solve a multitude of communication and collaboration challenges, across various industries.