
Sep 29, 2011

MSC Software Assists Knud E. Hansen A/S with Largest Ship Lengthening in the History of Vessel Conversion

MSC Software Corporation, the leader in multidiscipline simulation solutions that accelerate product innovation, today announced that it assisted Knud E. Hansen A/S in executing a feasibility study for the most extensive lengthening project in the history of ship conversions. The study was submitted to the Marine Classification Society by Danish Naval Architectural firm Knud E. Hansen A/S on behalf of a European ship owner, and was carried out using MSC's Finite Element Analysis (FEA) software solutions.

Building a new 240m long vessel to transport cars and passengers (RO-PAX vessel) takes two years' work in the shipyard and is a tremendous investment of about 120 million Euros. Conversion, and more specifically lengthening, of a vessel can efficiently tackle the problem that some operators face with increased traffic demand. It is possible to do a lengthening within three months once the vessel is taken temporarily out of service for shipyard work. In this particular case, Knud E. Hansen's goal was to add an additional 65 meters (from 175m to 240m) to the length of an existing vessel. This can be done by cutting the vessel into two parts and including an additional 65 meters as its middle section.

In order to identify the most critical areas for this exceptional vessel lengthening and propose the required structural design solutions, a global finite element modeling (FEM) and analysis was carried out on the entire vessel. The lengthened model was investigated for the two operational loading conditions that produce the maximum hogging and sagging conditions as required by the Marine Classification Society. The most stressed areas of the vessel were then highlighted and shown by plot diagrams to identify the most crucial parts of the design.

MSC's Nastran and Patran capabilities helped produce high quality results in a short timeframe. The creation of the FEM model and the first global strength analysis of the vessel took about two months. The software also helped investigate the necessary modifications to reinforce the ship structure, for the design approval of the Marine Classification Society.

"MSC's Patran and Nastran allowed easy creation of the FEM model by importing the geometry from the CAD model, and provided a quick analytical solution for such a complex task," said Mirco Zoia, Naval Architect and Offshore Engineer at Knud E. Hansen A/S. "Thanks to the reliability of the software and to Knud E. Hansen's experience, the submission for approval of the calculation to the Classification Society has been quite straight forward and very successful."

Dassault Systèmes:"Staying Alive": 3D Experience Helps Save Lives

Teaching People How to Administer First Aid Using 3D Online Experience Platform from Dassault Systèmes.

Dassault Systèmes today announced the launch of a 3D lifelike experience online called “Staying Alive”, developed in partnership with iLUMENS, a medical laboratory from Paris Descartes University, that uses simulation technologies for medical training. On the Staying Alive web site, both healthcare professionals and the public are able to learn appropriate behavior, movements and techniques that can contribute to saving the life of a person who has experienced sudden cardiac arrest.

Through this project, Dassault Systèmes illustrates its commitment to combating the issue of heart attacks, one of the public health sector’s biggest concerns, and explores new horizons for its digital solutions. In a virtual 3D world, anyone can train and practice the potentially lifesaving techniques. Healthcare professionals, as well as the public, can visualize and train to administer first aid, in a collaborative 3D environment using the Web. They can evaluate their results, and even have training sessions with friends, thanks to a Facebook application. This experience is aiming at helping to reduce the number of deaths related to cardiac arrest which kills more than 250,000 and 40,000 people each year in the United States and France, respectively.

”These realistic 3D virtual applications are much more than serious gaming. Anyone can rapidly learn by doing. Information is more easily retained,” explained Alexandre Mignon, MD, PhD, MBA, professor of Anesthesiology & Intensive Care Medicine, head of the iLUMENS, AP-HP. “Staying Alive is the first medical initiative of its kind whose objective is to provide the optimal training of the techniques, which can be repeated as often as necessary, before applying them to a real patient. This project, based on a realistic experience, enables anyone to learn the reflexes they need to adopt after having called for professional emergency help.”

Many medical equipment companies already use Dassault Systèmes solutions to design their products in 3D. One such company is Philips, whose HearthStart (HS1) defibrillator was especially conceived for use by non-professionals and is featured in the Staying Alive project in a virtual environment. People can manipulate this defibrillator in various situations, for training, simulation, communication and maintenance.

“We believe the virtual world can help improve the real world we live in,” said Frédéric Vacher, director, Content & Media Strategy Marketing, Dassault Systèmes. “We are providing the medical profession with the same technologies that have proven invaluable to so many other industries. With this new innovative and lifelike experience, we are opening the door to new types of uses for 3D simulation and for a new type of audience.”

There will be a series of similar medical experiences called MEDUSIMS™, to be launched shortly.

Staying Alive supports the World Heart Day, on September 29, 2011: www.world-heart-federation.org.

Staying Alive has received the support of the SFAR (Société Française d’Anesthésie et de Réanimation - www.sfar.org) and the CFRC (Conseil Français de Réanimation Cardio-pulmonaire – www.cfrc.fr).

The lifelike experience developed with Dassault Systèmes’ 3DVIA Studio, is available on www.stayingalive.fr/en and www.3dvia.com.

Eco Materials Adviser Full Version Available for Autodesk Inventor

Granta Design today announced the release of Eco Materials Adviser Full Version. This new sustainable design tool can now be purchased online by users of Autodesk Inventor software. It extends the functionality of Eco Materials Adviser Base Version, which is available as standard within Autodesk Inventor 2012.

Eco Materials Adviser enables designers to quickly generate eco impact analyses of their product parts or assemblies as they evolve their designs in Autodesk Inventor. An easy-to-read dashboard display shows key indicators such as CO2 footprint, energy usage, materials cost, water usage, and compatibility with legislation on hazardous substances. Users can interactively explore the sustainability impact of changes in materials choice or the design of their digital prototype.

The new Full Version builds on the capabilities provided in the Base Version by enabling users to study assemblies of any size, to investigate materials options in greater depth using Granta's comprehensive database of around 3,000 materials, and to account for a wider range of contributions to environmental impact. These include finishing processes and the transport and use of the finished product. Users can purchase the Full Version by following in-product links to the product website or by going directly to inventor.grantadesign.com.

The software works by connecting over the Internet to a Cloud-hosted database that provides the necessary materials, process, and environmental data. Access is available by annual subscription. The list price is US$995, but a launch price of US$795 is available until November 30, 2011.

"You can improve what you measure," says Dr Patrick Coulter, chief operating officer at Granta. "Building on our Eco Audit technology, Eco Materials Adviser enables designers to estimate the environmental sustainability of a product while it is still 'on the drawing board'. Designers and engineering teams can then make informed choices. We are delighted to be working with Autodesk to bring these methods directly into 3D design. Eco Materials Adviser Full Version completes the first phase of this work."

"With Eco Materials Adviser, Autodesk Inventor software users can make informed materials choices in the design phase, where it can be most critical," said Carl White, director of digital design product management at Autodesk. "We're pleased to have the Full Version available to help designers create unique products while factoring in the environmental impacts of the materials they use."

Apriso Joins Panel Discussion at PLM Road Map 2011

Session will focus on reducing the complexity of aligning today’s development and production processes by integrating manufacturing operations with engineering design.

Who: Frederick L. Thomas, Industry Director at Apriso, will offer a manufacturing perspective on how to think globally when integrating manufacturing operations with engineering design.

What: The theme for this year’s conference is the escalating complexity of PLM and the challenge of achieving cross-disciplinary integration across multiple functional domains at all levels of detail. The growing use of digital manufacturing processes, whereby physical parts are created directly from 3D CAD files or data, is a topic gaining great interest. The need to accelerate new product introductions by streamlining every point in your manufacturing operations is another. Supporting this effort is the strategy of effectively connecting Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) solutions to the global shop floor via modern, enterprise Manufacturing Execution Systems.

Where: Product Lifecycle Management Road Map™ 2011 conference, to be held at The Inn at St. John’s, 44045 Five Mile Road, Plymouth, Michigan. Mr. Thomas will be part of “The Payoff and Challenges of Mechatronics and Digital Manufacturing” discussion panel. Register for this event by telephone (800) 573-4756 or online. See a detailed agenda here.

When: Panel discussion occurs on Wednesday October 5, 2011 at 11:00AM EDT.

Apriso is a software company dedicated to helping its customers transform their global manufacturing operations. It does so by enabling manufacturers to achieve and sustain manufacturing excellence while adapting quickly and easily to market changes. Apriso's FlexNet is a BPM platform-based software solution for global manufacturing operations management. Apriso supports global continuous improvement by delivering visibility into, control over and synchronization across manufacturing and the product supply network. Apriso serves nearly 200 customers in 40+ countries across the Americas, Europe, Asia and Africa. Customers include GM, Volvo CE, Honeywell, L'Oréal, Trixell, Lockheed Martin, Bombardier, Textron Systems, MBDA, Saint-Gobain and Essilor.

Paragon to Present on Knowledge Communities at 2011 Microsoft SharePoint Conference

Paragon Solutions, an advisory consulting and systems integration firm and Microsoft Partner announced today that Collaboration and Knowledge Management Practice lead, Jim Kane will be presenting on knowledge communities at the 2011 Microsoft SharePoint Conference in Anaheim, California (SP2011) October 3 -- 6, 2011.

Kane will present as part of a breakout session titled, "Knowledge Communities: Unlocking SharePoint 2010's Hidden Value" on October 3, 2011 at 11:00 am. The presentation will define knowledge communities for business use and outline the advantages for organizations when they implement this technology into their business processes.

"In this session, we will discuss how knowledge communities can have a positive impact across global teams and how to start, grow and sustain a knowledge community with SharePoint 2010. We will focus on how to enable knowledge communities as well as adoption and sustaining strategies, and how SharePoint 2010 provides key capabilities that make knowledge communities successful," says Kane.

Paragon will also be showcasing its solution offerings in the exhibit hall at booth 735, where it will highlight its cross-vertical capabilities in two areas:

-- Building advanced knowledge repository solutions and applying governance, compliance and records management to these solutions using SharePoint 2010

-- Applying Paragon's framework for enabling knowledge communities within organizations using SharePoint 2010's new collaboration and social networking features

KOMPAS-3D Highly Appreciated by Attendees at Germany's EMO Fair

ASCON Group, developer and integrator of professional CAD/AEC/PLM software solutions, hosted its award-winning KOMPAS-3D mechanical CAD software at EMO Hannover earlier this month. At the show, the company's preview of the next release of its software, KOMPAS-3D V13, was met with high interest by attendees.

From 19 through 24 September, the ASCON stand at the flagship fair was popular with designers, engineers, industrial company executives, students, and others interested in high-performance 3D design. International visitors from the metalworking industry paid special attention to the broad collaboration capabilities of KOMPAS-3D, its advanced surface modeling functions, add-on for steel structure design, and FEM capabilities — as well as its intuitive and user-friendly interface, and very reasonable price for a system that operates at such a high level.

KOMPAS-3D V13 is due to be released a month's time. The new version of KOMPAS-3D includes more than 100 updates and improvements. Among them are:

Usability improvements;
Solid modeling and drawing improvement;
Surface modeling;
BOM reports of 2D geometry elements;
New Add-Ons.

"We trays to take part in the main important international industrial fairs, including Hannover Messe, Euromold, AMB, and EMO," explained Maxim Bogdanov, CEO of ASCON Group. "It provide us with a great opportunity to present our professional solutions in 3D solid modeling, KOMPAS-3D, and 2D design, KOMPAS-Graphic, to potential customers. "The time we spend with show attendees gives us the opportunity to better to understand their needs," he continued. "When we attend the same exhibitions as our customers, we are showing our support for them. Exhibitions also provides us with an effective way to demonstrate new features in the upcoming software, which we will be shipping very soon. The time I spent at EMO enabled me to make many contacts with potential and current partners, our interesting customers and to meet prospective ones".

During the course of the six days at EMO 2011, ASCON distributed many free demo and trial versions of KOMPAS-3D V12, allowing fair goers to further familiarize themselves with the software. The trial version is also available online at http://ascon.net/download/kompas.

ArchiCAD 15 Japanese Version Released

Graphisoft announced today that the Japanese version of ArchiCAD 15 has been released.

The Japanese version is the fourteenth of 26 localized versions in ArchiCAD 15’s global release schedule, and follows the release of the International, German, US, New Zealand, Australian, Austrian, French, Italian, Polish, Hungarian, Dutch, Russian, and Finnish versions. All local versions are planned to reach the market by late 2011.

For more information about the Japanese version, please visit www.graphisoft.co.jp.

Shipping starts September 29.

AVEVA releases major enhancements to AVEVA Plant

Cambridge, UK: AVEVA (LSE:AVV), a leader in engineering design and information management solutions for the plant, power and marine industries, today announced the 12.1 release of its AVEVA Plant solution with enhanced reporting options, improved productivity and extended language support features. In addition, the enhancements enable effective project workflows, consistent change management and error-free deliverables designed to improve efficiency and save time.

The enhanced reporting options offer an efficient tool, with an enriched User Interface, enabling sharing across many of the AVEVA Plant modules and other AVEVA products. The new and improved capability means that users are able to create report templates via a wizard and can inserts images and charts, making it easier to use with a more professional presentation. Users benefit through the standard model library with the ability to reuse designs from existing built-in complex components, reducing the man-hours spent on the design.

Extended language support features and extended data exchange capabilities meet the requirements of AVEVA’s global customer base, offering greater flexibility in multi-location projects involving different simultaneous languages. There is greater flexibility when working within an Integrated Engineering & Design environment due to the automatic creation of symbolic-type marine drawings from the model database, as well as general 2D drafting functions.

“The benefits offered by AVEVA’s Integrated Engineering & Design applications lead to an efficient overall project, with minimum elapsed time and cost,” said Thierry Vermeersch, Product Strategy Manager – Plant at AVEVA. “The enhancements offered by the latest release of AVEVA Plant shows continual progression to meet the functionality requirements of our customers and deliver major innovations to the engineering and design community”.

Product releases to follow include AVEVA Engineering, an application enabling multi-discipline engineering teams to concurrently create and maintain engineering objects and their attributes as a project is developed.

AVEVA’s Integrated Engineering & Design approach offers users’ entry points to a wealth of other products. AVEVA Engineer products create schematics, diagrams, datasheets, engineering lists and indexes. The AVEVA Design products create 3D models for detailed design and produce all associated deliverables. AVEVA’s Manage products enable global work share, clash management and design review.

AVEVA releases major enhancements to AVEVA Marine

Cambridge, UK: AVEVA (LSE:AVV), a leader in engineering design and information management solutions for the plant, power and marine industries, today announced the 12.1 release of its AVEVA Marine solution which offers enhanced reporting options, improved productivity and extended language support features.

The enhanced reporting options offer an efficient tool, with an enriched User Interface, enabling sharing across many of the AVEVA Marine modules and other AVEVA products. The new and improved capability means that users are able to create report templates via a wizard and can inserts images and charts, making it easier to use with a more professional presentation. Users benefit through the standard model library allowing the ability to reuse designs from existing built-in complex components, reducing the man-hours spent on the design.

Extended language support features and extended data exchange capabilities meet the requirements of AVEVA’s global customer base, offering greater flexibility in multi-location projects involving different simultaneous languages. There is also greater flexibility when working within an Integrated Engineering & Design environment due to the automatic creation of symbolic-type marine drawings from the model database, as well as general 2D drafting functions.

AVEVA Marine Drafting provides improved productivity through the automatic creation of Marine drawings.

Further new products, available in this release, include:

AVEVA Design Reuse - enables the intelligent and adaptive copying of ship’s data between projects.
AVEVA Surface Manager - allows the transfer of surfaces to and from external systems
AVEVA Space Management – a tool to create and manage the automatic subdivision of the ship into spaces.

“The latest version of AVEVA Marine has created a technological breakthrough. It brings shipbuilders and ship designers to a new level of efficiency in marine design”, said Stéphane Neuvéglise, Head of Business Management – Marine Systems, AVEVA. “The AVEVA Marine technology makes possible the fully integrated, concurrent development of engineering and 3D design data. This allows naval architects, engineers and designers working together on a marine design project to deliver savings of up to 30% compared to alternative solutions”.

Additional product releases to follow include:

AVEVA Engineering - an application enabling multi-discipline engineering teams to concurrently create and maintain engineering objects and their attributes as a project is developed.
AVEVA Pipe Supports – Marine - enables easy and efficient design of support for pipes.

AVEVA’s Integrated Engineering & Design approach offers users entry points to a wealth of other products. AVEVA Engineer products create schematics, diagrams, datasheets, naval architecture, engineering lists and indexes. The AVEVA Design products create 3D models for detailed design and produce all associated deliverables. AVEVA’s Manage products enable global work share, clash management and design review.

Sep 28, 2011

Solibri Introduces Solibri Model Checker v7

Solibri Introduces Solibri Model Checker v7, Delivering Superior Performance and Adding Innovative QA/QC Capabilities for the AEC Community.

Solibri, Inc., the leader of Model Checking technology for BIM QA/QC (Quality Assurance/Quality Control) and BIM analysis, announces the immediate availability of a new major version, Solibri Model Checker v7. This version includes significant enhancements to our already friendly user environment, new and innovative capabilities for the BIM QA/QC process and workflow, as well as remarkable gains in processing power and performance.
Improved QA/QC Process, Workflow and Effectiveness – Model Checking for Quality

Innovation and new QA/QC capabilities introduced in Solibri Model Checker v7 address two central aspects of BIM Quality control: support for implementing organization level QA/QC processes and best practices for consistent quality, and unsurpassed QA/QC process performance.

Solibri Model Checker v7 supports the implementation and enforcement of organization level QA/QC processes by introducing role definition and centrally managed (or shared) resources. These include Rulesets, ITOs, and classifications enabling design and construction professionals to effectively carry out their day-to-day work based on their own organizations best practices to attain high and consistent BIM quality.

“Centrally managed resources and the introduction of roles elevate QA/QC to an entirely new level. These enhancements, combined with the highly improved performance and streamlined role-based user interface make Solibri Model Checker v7 very effective, and an easy to use QA/QC solution.” states Mr. Heikki Kulusjärvi, CEO of Solibri, Inc.

“We are committed to continuous performance gains and delivering the most versatile capabilities for the QA/QC process. We are excited and proud to introduce our latest version of Solibri Model Checker with many enhancements based on customer requests, as well as new innovations by Solibri” continues Mr. Kulusjärvi.

Beijing Normal University School of Mathematical Sciences Adopts MATLAB

MATLAB Supports Teaching Curriculum and Student Teams in National Mathematical Modeling Contest.

MathWorks today announced that Beijing Normal University (BNU) College of Mathematical Sciences has adopted the MATLAB product family for its course curriculum. BNU was recently cited in the Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) World University Rankings as being among the world’s premier educational institutions. BNU’s College of Mathematical Sciences is China’s first math school to provide faculty, staff, and students with school-wide access to the MATLAB product family.

The school-wide license includes MATLAB plus 20 additional products for parallel computing, test and measurement, data analysis, signal and image processing, symbolic math, and optimization. To support the adoption of MATLAB in the curriculum, the BNU faculty has developed a range of courses that incorporate MATLAB, including Math Modeling, Wavelet Analysis, and Image Processing with Computers. The math modeling course, for example, teaches students to solve practical problems using mathematical models and MATLAB.

“As part of our mission to deliver an internationally reputable mathematical program, we seek to include current technologies and industry best practices in our curriculum,” said Dean Bao Jiguang, BNU. “MATLAB based courses combined with easy access to MATLAB will strengthen our students’ abilities to solve real-world problems. Our curriculum will ensure our students are well-prepared in these tools upon graduation.”

The school-wide adoption of MATLAB also supports BNU’s participation in the Contemporary Undergraduate Mathematical Contest in Modeling (CUMCM), a national mathematical challenge held annually. CUMCM engages students in the study of mathematics as they solve problems and experiments with mathematical modeling. BNU is part of CUMCM’s organizing committee and sends 40 teams to the national competition. All BNU teams use MATLAB to improve their practical knowledge of mathematics, mathematical modeling, and math software used by mathematicians in academia and industry. Two BNU teams placed second nationally in 2010.

“Today’s job market in mathematics and engineering is highly competitive, and employers seek out job candidates who understand how to problem-solve using mathematical modeling tools and approaches,” said Jim Tung, MathWorks Fellow. “By adopting MATLAB into its curriculum and providing school-wide access to the MATLAB product family, BNU is empowering students with a significant advantage as they enter the job market after graduation.”

aPriori to Sponsor Aberdeen Product Development and Delivery Summit

aPriori, a provider of product cost management software solutions, will co-sponsor the 2011 Aberdeen Product Development and Delivery Summit, which takes place October 5th at the Seaport World Trade Center in Boston. The event will examine how companies can respond to both the challenges and opportunities of bringing new products to market - from selecting product ideas with the greatest customer appeal, to improving design efficiencies and managing engineering and design resources and suppliers across broad geographic areas. Other co-sponsors of the Summit include Microsoft, Siemens PLM Software and Kalypso.

Featured presenters at the event include senior executives from ARRIS Group, Inc., Cambridge Biomedical, Coty Inc., Enterasys Networks, Herman Miller Inc., Medtronic, NCR Corporation, and Performance Indicator. To view the full 2011 Product Development and Delivery Summit agenda, click here.

Aberdeen will also present its Industry Achievement Award in Product Development Excellence at the Summit. The award recognizes the enterprise that most effectively combines strategy, process execution and supporting technology investments to drive product development, performance improvement and superior commercial success. Nominees this year are John Deere, Medtronic, Autoliv Inc., Case New Holland and Array Accuseal. They were selected based on proprietary Aberdeen research conducted over the past year by Michelle Boucher, Senior Research Analyst for Aberdeen's Product Innovation and Engineering research practice.

To apply for complimentary registration for the Aberdeen Product Development and Delivery Summit, click here. Summit registration is complimentary for qualified end user executives and qualified members of the press. Vendors, service providers and consultants are not eligible to attend, except as Summit sponsors.

Rand Worldwide Reports Fiscal Year 2011 Results

Rand Worldwide, Inc, a global provider of technology solutions to organizations with engineering design and information technology requirements, announces its financial results for the fourth quarter and full year ended June 30, 2011.

For its fiscal year ended June 30, 2011, Rand Worldwide, Inc. reported revenues of $89.2 million and net income of $1.8 million, or $0.03 per fully diluted share. In addition, full year earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA) were $4.7 million. The Company noted that the results of its operations included approximately $1.9 million in one-time costs associated with the August 2010 merger of Avatech Solutions, Inc. and Rand Worldwide, Inc., and that due to the required accounting and reporting of the merged company, comparisons with prior periods are not very meaningful.

For its fourth fiscal quarter, the Company earned revenues of $23.3 million and net income of $661,000, or $0.01 per fully diluted share. For the three months ended June 30, 2011, the Company reported gross margin of $10.9 million, or 46.9% of revenues, and EBITDA of $1.4 million.

Lawrence Rychlak, president and chief financial officer, commented, “We are very pleased that during the past fiscal year, despite the challenges of integrating the operations of Avatech and Rand Worldwide, we were able to deliver solid financial results that exceeded our own lofty expectations which have laid a strong foundation for our future. Now that those merger efforts are complete, we are focusing on our ongoing strategic initiatives to increase shareholder value.”

“2011 was a great year for Rand Worldwide, capped by excellent year end results,” said Marc Dulude, chief executive officer. “In addition to the great results of the IMAGINiT Technologies operations, our core Autodesk business, our investments in the data archiving space through our Rand Secure Archive division continue to pay off as we add new customers in both our traditional markets as well as beyond.”

Conference call details

Rand Worldwide will hold a conference call to discuss its fourth quarter and full year 2011 results at 11:00 am ET on Wednesday September 28, 2011. The dial-in numbers for the conference call are 1 (866) 831-6267 (domestic) or 1 (617) 213-8857 (International), and enter the passcode (45208246). A live, listen-only Webcast of the conference call will be available to all investors in the Investor Relations section of the Company's Web site.

IES to Showcase Disruptive Design Technology at Greenbuild 2011

Integrated Environmental Solutions (IES), a provider of integrated performance analysis software and consulting services for sustainable building design, will showcase its disruptive design technology at the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) Greenbuild International Conference and Expo. Through various customer presentations at the booth, plus a pre-show training event and participation in the GreenTech@Greenbuild event and the USGBC’s LEED Automation presentation, IES will demonstrate how architects, engineers and many other building stakeholders can use modeling from the early stage of design to reduce building energy consumption and create sustainable, high performance buildings.

“The key to achieving a successful sustainable design is to understand how building simulation can change the conventional approach to building design by architects, engineers and even the building owner,” said Dr. Don McLean, founder and CEO of IES. “A “business as usual” approach is no longer justifiable and building analysis tools such as energy modeling can be a powerful tool to effect change. At Greenbuild, we look forward to demonstrating the importance of analysis in establishing more energy-efficient built environments.”

Pre-show training event

The next stop on the IES Training Road Show is Toronto! October 3 and 4, IES experts will be on-hand to teach simulation techniques and methods to enable more sustainable design practices. With two days of training, participants will receive first-hand knowledge on how to use IES’ precise, intelligent sustainability solutions to design more energy-efficient buildings and easily achieve LEED credits.

Those interested in reserving a spot should contact Kendra Milton at kendra.milton@iesve.com to register.

Customer Presentations

Joining executives from Halcrow, Doo Consulting, Perkowitz + Ruth Architects, Building Momentum Group and Ambient Energy, IES will share first-hand insight on integrated design in the following presentations located at its booth (#2325N):

Wednesday, October 5

o 1:15 p.m. – “Analyzing Double Skin Façades for Different Global Climate Regions” (Halcrow)

o 2:15 p.m. – “Early Conceptual Analysis of the Brickstainable Winning Design” (Doo Consulting, Perkowitz + Ruth Architects)

Thursday, October 6

o 1.00 p.m. – “LEED Energy & HVAC Modeling of Roosevelt University Vertical Campus” (Building Momentum Group)

o 1.45 p.m. – “Optimizing an Atrium – Daylight and Mixed Mode Ventilation on Colorado State University Engineering II Building” (Ambient Energy)


IES will participate in the GreenTech@Greenbuild event on Thursday, October 6 from 8:30 a.m. to noon in Salon B of the Fairmont Royal York Hotel. This new event is designed to increase awareness and adoption of emerging disruptive technologies that provide exceptional solutions for the building industry. IES was selected for the significant advances it contributes to green building with its early stage performance modeling technology.

LEED Automation Presentation

As a LEED Automation partner, IES will be featured in a presentation displayed throughout Greenbuild in the LEED Lounge. LEED Automation is a program developed by the USGBC to streamline and create increased capacity for the LEED building certification process by collaborating with leading technology companies that offer supporting functionality. LEED Automation is intended to enable automated access to data and capabilities of USGBC systems, including LEED Online, the certification platform for LEED.

The Greenbuild International Conference and Expo takes place October 4 to 7 in Toronto, Canada. For live updates from the show, follow @IESVE on Twitter.

Trimble Releases New Version of AutoBid SheetMetal Estimating Solution for Contractors

Trimble's QuickPen AutoBid SheetMetal Estimating Solution Enables HVAC Sheet Metal Contractors to Save Production Time and Increase Bid Accuracy.

Trimble announced the release of its QuickPen® AutoBid® SheetMetal 2011 v2 estimating solution for contractors. The release includes a number of time saving enhancements such as the ability to convert a rectangular duct to an equivalent round duct, the ability to compare on-screen drawings complete with Sticky Notes, as well as the ability to change item elevations in a single click.

The announcement was made at the Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors National Association (SMACNA) Annual Convention.

The new version introduces the unique ability to automatically convert rectangular duct to equivalent round duct—a scenario contractors often explore for cost saving opportunities. Since fittings are automatically converted, customers benefit from greater time savings in their value engineering exercises while creating a bid. This version also provides contractors with the ability to compare the differences between two On-Screen View (OSV) drawings. Users can then modify their takeoff as necessary without having to manually determine what changed between two similar drawings. In addition, drawings can also accept "Sticky Notes," which now puts the user's comments and notes directly onto the OSV drawing.

The current capabilities of AutoBid SheetMetal are expanded by offering increased functionality in its patented automatic fitting generation. The new time-saving Elevation Change feature also allows users to change the item elevation up or down 1 foot, generating up to 3 items with a single mouse click.

"With today's economic conditions, contractors are looking for a competitive edge," said Pat Bohle, general manager of Trimble's Building Construction Division. "AutoBid helps them more quickly and accurately find it. The shape conversion tool will save users from having to manually redline drawings to convert rectangular ductwork to round duct and then re-takeoff the drawing, ultimately resulting in time and money savings."

AutoBid SheetMetal is available through Trimble's QuickPen Division. AutoBid SheetMetal 2011 v2 is expected to be available in November 2011. Existing AutoBid Sheet Metal users who are current on their annual support agreement will receive the version at no charge. For more information, visit: www.quickpen.com or call 866-799-6673.

Turbomeca selects nCode Automation software

nCode Automation to bring productivity benefits to helicopter engine testing.

Turbomeca, which specializes in the design, production, sale and support of gas power turbine for small and medium helicopters, has selected nCode software - a leading brand of durability, test and analysis products by HBM - to ensure the storage, management, analysis and traceability of thousands of measurement channels of test data.

nCode Automation 7 software is especially suited for applications where large amounts of data are generated, for example, in the aerospace industry from test rigs or flight tests. nCode Automation is a unique engineering software that centralizes, secures, manages and analyzes all the data from a central server. Based on secure web technology, nCode Automation provides direct access to data, analysis and reports to all departments, sites and project partners through a web browser on a computer or mobile device.

The combination of security, data management and analysis on a central server available in nCode Automation was particularly appealing to Turbomeca. nCode Automation has the ability to automatically process thousands of records from multiple data acquisition units with hundreds of measurement channels. It also offers greater security and traceability for data and analysis. "All these reasons led us to choose nCode Automation software” says Jean-Claude Moussion, scientific IT manager from Technical Direction.

Productivity, however, is not the only advantage of using nCode Automation - it also has an intuitive interface that allows for quick software adoption.

Software Factory Presents PE-INSPECT

The Software to Automate the Capture of Inspection Characteristics and Documentation of Revision Changes for Creo™ or Pro/ENGINEER™.

PE-INSPECT is the software that makes the day-to-day work easier - for the engineering department, for the product division as well as for the quality assurance.The application automates the marking of drawings and models, the tracking of changes and the documenting of inspection characteristics in Creo or Pro/ENGINEER.

Well-known companies as ABB, Bauknecht, Bosch, Carl Zeiss, Liebherr-Aerospace, Volkswagen or Wabco trust in PE-INSPECT and use it very successfully.

The Key Benefits of PE-INSPECT at one Glance:

Save Time and Money – Up to 80% Time-Saving

At the push of a button all inspection characteristics are full-automatically determined from the 3D model with its geometry, dimensioning and the drawing information. Hence, a process capable and consistent preparation and use of design data for inspection is secured. The characteristics are documented across the complete life cycle with a unique number, and labelled in the drawing.

Eliminate Sources of Error – Accurate Inspection Drawings and Inspection Reports

After implementing PE-INSPECT errors as typos, read errors, comparison errors and outdated documents will be a thing of the past. The reason for this is simply that the inspection data does not have to be manually transferred from inspection drawings into inspection reports or CAQ systems any more, because PE-INSPECT will handle this process automatically for you.

Simplify the Tracking and Documenting of Changes

Due to the characteristic number, all changes made to the 3D model and in the drawing can automatically be tracked and documented.

Check out FreeTools for Creo at www.sf.com

Software Factory (SF from Garching near Munich/Bavaria, Germany) was one of the first companies world-wide providing unique software solutions to PTC customers in the early nineties. SF creates innovative, leading-edge software solutions in the area of industrial product development and production. Over the last 15 years, Software Factory has developed an excellent reputation and established long-term relations to leading companies world-wide throughout the automotive industry, the semi-conductor industry, and other main industries. Software Factory supplies to customers all over Europe, the USA and Asia. The privately owned Software Factory was founded in 1992 as a spin-off from the Institute for Machine Tools and Industrial Management of the Technical University of Munich.

Creaform Publishes Technical Paper on its Technological Fundamentals

Creaform Publishes the technological fundamentals behind Handyscan 3D line-up of 3D laser scanners.

"As a developer of innovative metrology-grade measurement technologies, we have based our research and development work on well-defined and innovative technological principles, which has led to the release of several successful and highly accurate, reliable 3D optical measurement technologies over the years", said Marco St-Pierre, vice- president, Innovation & Technologies at Creaform.

In a nutshell
3D optical sensor technologies can capture a huge number of data observations at very high rates, on the surface of objects. Based on that huge number of data observations, Creaform has developed a new framework to generate very accurate points. Thanks to this technological advancement and based on the concept of intelligent measurement, it is now possible to deliver a very accurate high density set of points, in real time and without noise.

Intelligent measurement process, data framework, real-time processing, calibration and acquisition model are a few keys elements of Creaform's technological fundamentals that make for more accurate systems in 3D optical metrology.

Journal of the CMSC
Creaform's president Charles Mony first introduced our technological fundamentals in a presentation he made during the 2011 Coordinate Metrology Society Conference last July in the United States. We received great feedback from our fellow metrologists, and the related technical paper was eventually selected by the Journal of CMSC's editorial team to be published in the fall edition of the magazine - now available.

Delcam adds more clip-art to $149 engraving and woodworking software

Delcam has added 130 extra reliefs to the range of standard clip-art supplied with its ArtCAM Express software for engraving and woodworking, including architectural, floral, frame and texture examples. The price of this entry-level version of the company’s ArtCAM artistic CADCAM system remains at US$149, £99 or 125 Euros. For full details on ArtCAM Express and to download a trial version, please go to www.artcamexpress.com.

The extensive clip-art library is a key part in making ArtCAM Express the easiest to learn engraving and routing program currently available. New customers can use the library to create their first models simply by pasting items into their designs. All the clip-art items can be scaled, copied or combined to give complete designs.

Once the user has gained the confidence to create original designs, the software includes a range of 2D drawing tools for creating both geometric and free-form shapes, and also for editing and repairing imported 2D files. Designs can be imported in DXF, DWG, AI and EPS 2D formats, plus designs from Alias Wavefront, 3D Studio and other members of the ArtCAM family.

The options for text creation within ArtCAM Express support a wide range of standard fonts and also give complete control over spacing, kerning, and line and paragraph formatting.

To help visualise the designs, they can be rendered in numerous materials, including the most common metals and different types of wood, such as mahogany or maple, complete with wood-grain direction. If the final design requires external approval from the client, it can be emailed as a rotatable 3D PDF.

Once the design has been finalised, ArtCAM Express offers a variety of strategies for CNC machining. 2D strategies supported include area clearance, profiling, engraving, vector-based machining and drilling, plus V-bit carving on standard Windows fonts. In addition, a 3D raster toolpath can be created within a vector boundary. A tooling database is supplied with the software, which can be edited or added to by the user.

A simulation can be run of the pieces being machined using the chosen tools and the given material block dimensions. Users can compare the results obtained with different tools or machining strategies on the computer, potentially saving time and money. The optimum toolpaths can then be exported to more than 250 different types of routing and engraving machines, using Delcam’s proven range of post-processors.

To supplement the 2D drawing, and 2D and standard 3D machining functions within ArtCAM Express, a range of modules are available to add extra functionality as the user develops his skills and wishes to take on more complex projects.

Onward Technologies to recruit 350 Mechanical Engineers, plans to grow at 20% CAGR

Onward Technologies Ltd. (OTL), a leading global player of mechanical engineering design and information technology consulting services is hiring 350 Mechanical Engineers for its global Engineering Design Services division in FY 11-12. The company has already hired 150 engineers this financial year in Pune to support & expand its domestic and global operations.

Onward Technologies is looking to recruit multi skilled, quick responding talent who excel in Product engineering, Value engineering, Manufacturing engineering, Virtual engineering (CAE and CFD) simulations in Power-train, Body In white, Seating/Interiors, Chassis/Structures, Cold Storage Equipment, various mechanical engineering domains. The company also conducts structured training on products and tools and has set up dedicated Engineering Excellence Centers (EECs) for customers.

Commenting on the same, Harish Mehta, Chairman and Managing Director, OTL said, “We are expanding our reach in Automotive, Aerospace, Consumer Products, Construction & Heavy Machinery verticals for which we require to build on our talented pool of resources. We have already grown to 1500+ employees globally servicing Fortune 1000 companies and the new hiring will help us to be in line with our plans to grow at the rate of 20% CAGR p.a for next couple of years.”

Onward Technologies provides services to customers from tractor and agriculture equipment, construction equipment, automotive, aerospace, medical equipment, consumer products, Industrial equipment segments.

Onward has been consistently on its expansion drive over the past few months. Previously, it had successfully built its own thermal chamber in Hadapsar Facility for performance testing and product optimization. Now the increase in resources tends to witness the company’s aggressive growth plans to expand in the near future.

MathWorks to Host second annual MathWorks India User Conference

One-day conference to bring together MATLAB and Simulink users across industries.

MathWorks, the world’s leading developer of software for technical computing and Model-Based Design, will host the second annual MathWorks India User Conference.

Continuing on the lines of the successful inaugural User Conference hosted by MathWorks India in 2010, the second annual MathWorks India User Conference will offer a full day of insightful presentations and demonstrations relevant to engineers, scientists and managers at any level of proficiency from across the industrial spectrum. Sessions will be presented by MathWorks technical experts as well as customers of MathWorks India.

Richard Rovner, vice president of marketing, MathWorks, will deliver the keynote address entitled, “Driving Innovation and Efficiency with Model-Based Design.” This talk will highlight recent applications of Model-Based Design, expose the critical underlying technologies based on MATLAB and Simulink, overview new product enhancements from MathWorks, and touch on the extension of Model-Based Design into academia, ensuring the growth of the next generation of engineers and scientists.

In addition, a MathWorks India customer will deliver a keynote address at the conference.

For the detailed agenda, visit http://www.mathworks.in/company/events/conferences/user-conference-india/index.html.

WHEN: Thursday, 20 October, 2011

WHERE: ITC Gardenia
No. 1, Residency Road
(Next to Mallya Hospital)
Bengaluru – 560 025

CSC releases major Tedds updates for wind loading and RC design

During the last three months, leading structural software developer, CSC, has released a number of significant updates for its structural calculation software, Tedds. Engineers in Australia can now perform wind loading calculations to AS:1170.2-2011 and RC combined footing design to AS:3600-2009, as well as other RC elements such as beams, slabs, columns and walls to the latest code.

“CSC’s goal is to help engineers become more efficient in producing their everyday structural calculations through innovative software, timely updates, training and service”, comments Mark Roberts, CEO at CSC. “These latest updates to Tedds reinforce our commitment to the Australian market.”

The new functionality for designing to AS:1170.2-2011 enables structural engineers to easily calculate site and design wind speeds, as well as pressures around buildings. Calculating external and internal pressure coefficients has become significantly quicker and, using the Australian data tables within Tedds, engineers can now assess local wind conditions with ease.

The program’s versatility allows engineers to calculate aerodynamic shape factors for structures, such as hoardings, walls, roofs, canopies and car ports. The Tedds interface has also been improved so that it is easy to update calculations to reflect changes.

“Following client feedback, we’ve developed new functionality for producing integrated RC base design calculations to AS:3600-2009”, explains Roberts. “Engineers can now design bases with multiple columns on a single pad footing, and perform many load combinations with axial, wind and biaxial moments.”

The update for RC combined footing design also means engineers can instantly perform stability checks for uplift, sliding and overturning, and optimise base sizes with detailed bearing pressure checks easily.

“We will release a new Tedds version 14 in early November and all supported users will automatically receive this as part of their maintenance contract”, continues Roberts. “We’re committed to helping our Tedds users to get the best results and have recently launched new web-based training for engineers in Australia.”

3D Printer-Maker Stratasys Expands Production Capacity

Doubling of manufacturing space is a vote of confidence in an uncertain economy.

With a ceremonial ribbon-cutting event at its newest building today, 3D printer maker, Stratasys (NASDAQ: SSYS), expressed a vote of confidence in an uncertain economy.

Stratasys says the 90,000 square-foot building doubles its capacity for machine production. The company purchased the building late last year and finished outfitting it this July.

“We’ve said we’re optimistic about the economy and our prospects,” says Stratasys CEO, Scott Crump. “By opening this building, we’re putting our money where our mouth is. It’s evidence of our product’s market acceptance.”

The additional manufacturing space allows for machine production growth with a capacity of 10,000 units per year for professional- and production-grade 3D printers.

“Although we don’t need the entire capacity immediately, we are planning for it now,” says Larry Doerr, Stratasys Senior VP of R&D and Operations. “You don’t wait until your capabilities are overwhelmed and the demand is upon you. That’s how you miss opportunity.”

The new facility will be used to expand production capacity for machines and consumables, as well as streamline and consolidate warehousing and shipping operations. The added space allowed a reorganization of operations among four buildings in the company’s Eden Prairie campus, and it enabled expansion of machine assembly in the company’s existing manufacturing building.

Stratasys says it cost approximately $6.5 million to improve and build out the facility and another $3 million for new production equipment. The building was occupied in July, and production is expected to begin later this year.

An example of a leading edge application, the 3D printing of an entire car body for the Urbee — a 200 mpg hybrid — was discussed on BBC online and Fast Company magazine last week. The Urbee was the first car to have its entire body 3D printed.

Sep 27, 2011

SolidWorks 2012 Provides More than 200 New Functions to Community

20th Release of Leading CAD Software Delivers Design Solutions to Drive Business.

Pune – Dassault Systèmes SolidWorks Corp. (DS SolidWorks) today unveiled SolidWorks® 2012, a comprehensive 3D design solution that enables users to work more efficiently and have the data they need to make better design decisions throughout the product development process.

The latest version of the software offers a variety of improvements in areas such as assembly and drawing capabilities, built-in simulation, design costing, routing, image , animation creation and product data management that will positively impact design teams each and every day.

Empowering innovation and design team productivity are at the center of over 200 enhancements in SolidWorks 2012, most of which will help designers:

* Automate the design functions they use most often;
* Improve performance and quality for a more streamlined workflow;
* Fundamentally change product development processes for faster designs;
* Extend support for collaboration and team connectivity for creativity and efficiency

Automated Design Functions for Productivity

SolidWorks software helps engineering and design teams streamline their design processes simply by removing one or two steps, profoundly impacting usability and productivity. SolidWorks 2012 offers improvements in the areas of:

- Drawings – New tools help create better-looking and more-accurate drawings in order to cut down on the revision process and help users detail designs faster. For example, changed dimensions are automatically highlighted and show previous values to help with revisions. Sequential balloon ordering and magnetic lines automatically help order and position balloons, allowing users to spend less time detailing and aligning drawings.

- Sustainability – SolidWorks Sustainability’s new, advanced user interface means users can more accurately model products with “what if” scenarios and better support unique and custom materials. Users can also closely model processes with parameters such as recycled content and duration of use. Also, access to the latest SolidWorks Sustainability supplemental materials will be instant and continuous as they become available.

Continuous Workflow Through Improved Performance and Quality

SolidWorks 2012 makes the design experience flow more naturally, and without disruptions — meaning faster designs with fewer errors based on features such as:

- Large design review – Allows instant opening and review of massive assemblies or any individual component with walkthroughs, sectioning and measuring without the need for a high-powered computer or any special file preparation.

- Feature freeze – Eliminates unwanted feature rebuilds by locking all features above the “freeze” bar, speeding up the design of complex models where rebuilding of specific features isn’t needed. Features can also be unfrozen at any point.

- Equation editor – New equation capabilities allow users to create equations faster and understand order more easily, providing new levels of flexibility and productivity.

Significant Improvements to Overall Product Development Processes

SolidWorks 2012 increases productivity and streamlines the overall customer product development processes with:

- Design costing – A flexible tool that automates manufacturing cost calculations for sheet metal and machined parts. Designers can make more informed decisions based on cost throughout the design process and continually model new scenarios for instant up-to-the-minute manufacturing estimates.

- Sheet metal – Design from scratch or convert customer 3D parts to sheet metal with new tools that provide control over the unique challenges of working with sheet metal — such as precise control of edge flanges, including up-to-vertex end conditions. Designs can be automatically flattened and documented for manufacturing, with export to CNC and manufacturing equipment.

- Simulation – SolidWorks Simulation includes enhanced motion optimization that automatically uses motion study results to create sensors and refine complex and time-intensive machine aspects such as motor size, bearing loads and range of travel. Users can optimize designs in a fraction of the time as they refine inputs and immediately see changes to restraints or goals.

Extends Support for Collaboration and Team Connectivity

As manufacturing becomes more global, design collaboration between disparate teams is now more important than ever. SolidWorks 2012 brings teams of all sizes together through:

- Integrated search, customization, and wider support with SolidWorks Enterprise PDM – Now integrated into the Windows® Explorer, designers have easy access to favorite searches and a full search tool. Users can also customize the Windows Explorer UI to get faster access to the information they need. In addition, SolidWorks Enterprise PDM has new support for Office 2010 and an x64 web client.

- Lifelike experience with 3DVIA ComposerTM – Designers can take more control over their renderings for a more realistic appearance. Enhancements include the easy addition of part-to-part shadows, ambient occlusion and shadows to 2D panels with precise control. A glow effect can also be added to highlight specific areas of interest.

Availability and Pricing

SolidWorks 2012 is available worldwide through SolidWorks authorized resellers. Contact a SolidWorks authorized reseller for pricing. To locate one in your region, visit: http://www.solidworks.com/locateVAR/

CD-adapco Releases New Version of its Electric Machine Software, SPEED

In June 2011, CD-adapco acquired the electric machine software, SPEED. The version 2011 release is available with over 350 enhancements.

SPEED software allows users to design electric machines such as induction motors (polyphase/1-phase); brushless permanent-magnet motors (square wave/sine wave); d.c. brush motors; switched reluctance motors; and synchronous reluctance motors. Many of the new features in SPEED are intended for generators as well. With over 1500 customers using SPEED for over 20 years, they are among the leading manufacturers, designers, developers and users of electric machines.

Dr. Tim Miller, originator of SPEED and now a consultant to CD-adapco commented, “While this is a great development for SPEED and all our customers, we’re wasting no time in making a complete new release of all the SPEED software and its documentation. One compelling reason why we’ve joined forces with CD-adapco is to make SPEED even better.” Miller continued, “An early sign of SPEED’s progress is the intense collaboration now underway, to share geometry and other design parameters with STAR-CCM+. Another is the development of a 3D electromagnetic solver in STAR-CCM+. And a third is the intense training activity that SPEED is running — two or three times the previous level.”

The industry highlights of SPEED version 2011’s new features are:

Automotive (Hybrid & Electric Vehicles and Commercial, Industrial, Agricultural & Mining Special Vehicles)
SPEED’s finite-element GoFER and embedded solver combine with comprehensive analytical models covering all aspects of the design of all these machines, including thermal as well as electromagnetic and drive control. Enhancements have been made in all aspects of these design calculations, to improve accuracy and cover an even wider range of machine geometry. Of particular importance is the efficient utilization of magnets, and even the elimination of magnets.

The SPEED suite of programs is now structured to give seamless design capability over the entire range of permanent-magnet machines and the alternatives including hybrid combinations. SPEED covers the entire range of power, voltage, and speed used in vehicle systems. SPEED plays a key role not only in drivetrain engineering but also in auxiliaries such as starter-generators, many kinds of pumps, blowers, and actuators, and even the KERS systems used in F1.

Refrigeration, Domestic Appliances & Water
Efficiency requirements are driving these industries towards continual technological evolution, in a context of extreme cost pressure and material supply issues. SPEED is used as the main design tool in several leading companies manufacturing compressors, washing-machine drive motors, pumps and fans worldwide. The technology covers induction motors (both 1-phase and 3-phase), permanent-magnet brushless motors, and line-start PM motors. Switched reluctance motors are also used in a few key applications. SPEED’s ability to characterize products and not just concepts is one its main assets in serving this sector. Improvements have been made in all programs in relation to machine geometry, loss calculations, drive control, and finite-element analysis.

High power-density, high speed and fault tolerance are key requirements in aerospace applications. SPEED has been used for many applications including actuators, pumps, and starter-generators, and we are “on” some of the most advanced electrically-equipped aircraft.
Brushless PM machines and switched reluctance machines are the main technologies. In both of these areas SPEED has new features improving the range of machine geometry, and the calculation of electromagnetic and thermal performance.

SPEED is behind the design of some of the world’s most efficient AC variable-speed drives, using brushless SPM and IPM motor configurations. Not only in high-efficiency industrial drives, but also in precision servomotor systems. We’ve made special efforts to extend SPEED into generators, with a new embedded finite-element solver to cope with a wide variety of load specifications, and automatic calculation of generator characteristics for wound-field synchronous generators. We’ve added the doubly-fed induction machine to the range. Improvements in machine geometry, finite-element analysis, drive control, and thermal modeling have been achieved. SPEED’s technology covers all kinds of brushless PM machines, synchronous and switched reluctance machines, induction machines and DC machines. Axial-flux machines can also be calculated using a new addition to the SPEED system.

Autodesk Cloud Enables Access to Design Capability from Anywhere, at Anytime

Autodesk, Inc introduced Autodesk Cloud, a collection of more than a dozen web-based capabilities, products and services that enable customers to extend their desktops with greater mobility, new viewing and sharing capabilities, and more computing power, helping them better design, visualize and simulate their ideas. In addition, Autodesk Subscription customers will now have exclusive access to cloud-based, high-performance rendering and design optimization, and enhanced collaboration capabilities. Autodesk Subscription now provides 3 GB of online storage for each seat of software on Subscription for greater access to design and engineering documents, anywhere, anytime.

“For more than a decade, Autodesk has embraced the power of the cloud to extend the functionality of our design solutions and help our customers work more effectively,” said Amar Hanspal, senior vice president, Platform Solutions and Emerging Business at Autodesk. “With Autodesk Cloud, we are demonstrating an even greater commitment to helping our customers solve the world’s toughest design and engineering challenges.”

Autodesk has been a pioneer in cloud-based applications for the design industry — starting more than a decade ago with Autodesk Buzzsaw — and more than a dozen cloud-based offerings currently available to customers are now encompassed as part of Autodesk Cloud. Autodesk Cloud provides a powerful foundation to enable all Autodesk customers to begin using the cloud to access and store their work from anywhere; to view their work through web browsers or mobile devices; and to share their work with other users, even users without Autodesk software. Cloud applications such Autodesk Cloud documents, AutoCAD WS and the Autodesk Design Review mobile app provide users with the freedom to work where they can be most effective, and to view, edit and share designs anywhere and with almost anyone. AutoCAD WS and the Autodesk Design Review mobile app are available today on the iOS App Store.

Additional cloud services exclusive to Autodesk Subscription customers give designers, engineers and digital artists sophisticated new capabilities, such as high-performance 3D visual communication, simulation and collaboration that were once limited to organizations with privileged access to expensive, high-end supercomputing centers.

These exclusive services include:

Autodesk Cloud rendering ― Customers with an Autodesk Subscription to the Premium or Ultimate editions of Autodesk Design Suite or Autodesk Building Design Suite will have access to powerful rendering capabilities, helping them better visualize designs, increase the number of renderings they can create and reduce hardware investments.
Autodesk Inventor optimization ― Customers with Subscription to the Premium or Ultimate editions of Autodesk Product Design Suites will gain an intuitive cloud-based simulation tool, enabling them to test multiple design options in the cloud, and to create more sustainable designs and higher-quality products while reducing material, transportation and energy costs.
Autodesk Revit Conceptual Energy Analysis ― Customers with Subscription to Autodesk Revit Architecture or Autodesk Revit MEP software, or select suites containing these products, can extend design beyond the desktop with powerful cloud-based energy analysis capabilities, helping them to quickly gain insight into the energy consumption and building energy costs of early design concepts from within the design application.
Autodesk Green Building Studio web-based energy analysis software ― Customers with Subscription to Autodesk Building Design Suite and other select products have access to this cloud-based service that can help designers, architects, engineers and building energy analysts perform faster, more accurate energy analysis of multiple building design iterations, optimize energy efficiency and work toward carbon neutrality earlier in the design process.
Autodesk Buzzsaw software as a service (SaaS) ― Customers with Subscription to Autodesk Vault Collaboration AEC software now have access to cloud-based document, data and design management solutions for architecture, engineering and construction firms and owner-operators, helping them centralize and securely exchange project information and enhance team collaboration.

Autodesk works with multiple partners, including Amazon and Citrix, to provide a scalable cloud computing infrastructure to meet customer needs. Autodesk has been working with Amazon Web Services for more than three years in order to securely host high-demand, scalable applications such as Autodesk Homestyler software and Autodesk Seek web service. Amazon Web Services provides Autodesk with the flexibility to scale computing around the world with Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) and resilient storage capacity with Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) and Elastic Block Store (EBS), as well as the ability to more efficiently deliver applications and content to customers. Autodesk also teams with Citrix to provide customers with greater efficiency in their use of Autodesk applications. Delivering solutions to end users with Citrix XenApp can help customers reduce workstation costs while still providing the software performance they need.

“Our relationship with Autodesk demonstrates how innovative and forward-thinking software companies can leverage the power of AWS to provide greater value to their customers,” said Terry Wise, Director of Business Development at Amazon Web Services. “We are pleased to work with Autodesk to provide secure, on-demand, pay as you go cloud services, pushing the boundaries of what is possible in the design and engineering market.”

In addition to the new Autodesk Cloud services, Autodesk Subscription continues to provide the most up-to-date software, online technical support and flexible licensing privileges for customers looking to maximize their competitive advantage.


Autodesk Cloud services are available worldwide starting today in English, and will be available soon in other languages including Czech, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Simplified Chinese, Spanish and Traditional Chinese. Some Autodesk Cloud services are available to all customers, such as Autodesk Cloud documents and the Autodesk Design Review mobile app, while other services are exclusive to Autodesk Subscription customers. All customers should contact their local reseller or visit www.autodesk.com/cloud to learn more.

Perkins Selects solidThinking Inspired for Industrial Engine Structural Optimisation

Altair Engineering, Inc announced today that Global engine manufacturer Perkins has deployed solidThinking Inspired to optimise the design of industrial engine components.

“Perkins has a reputation for delivering durable, long lasting industrial engines,” said Martin Dirker, Engineering Team Leader at Perkins Engines. “We were looking for an affordable tool that could help us optimise the design of our engine brackets to meet stiffness targets and reduce overall design iteration time.”

In 2011, Perkins invested in solidThinking Inspired 3D conceptual design software to help visualise, explore and evaluate designs in less time.

“solidThinking Inspired has helped us optimise bracket designs to meet stiffness targets and therefore improve the overall system stiffness by more than 10 times,” said Martin Dirker. “We have also significantly reduced the design iteration time. Whereas we were previously taking up to two weeks to optimise a single component, we are now able to do this in just an afternoon. This means that we have been able to reduce the overall design time from six weeks to just over four weeks.”

The ability to use Pro Engineer geometry directly, together with the ease of learning the software, were key drivers for Perkins’s selection of solidThinking Inspired.

“We know about Altair and are very enthusiastic about solidThinking,” added Martin Dirker. “It’s easy to use, delivers results quickly and has given us the confidence to meet our targets. solidThinking Inspired has impressed us and is the most effective structural optimisation tool I’ve worked with.”

“We are very pleased to see Perkins Engines use our tools to enhance their development processes,” said David Mason, Managing Director, Altair Engineering, U.K. “solidThinking is the industrial design software of choice that is redefining the way CAD models are visualised and optimised. It accelerates the overall design time and offers customers a cost-effective solution. I expect to see more manufacturing companies in the U.K. turning to solidThinking Inspired thanks to the business benefits the product offers.”

Aras Announces Aras Community Event 2011 Japan

Aras®, the leading enterprise open source Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) software solution provider, today anounced the latest Aras Community Event, ACE 2011 Japan. Presented by Aras Partner Progress Partners and hosted by Hitachi Information Systems, ACE 2011 Japan takes place October 14, 2011 in Tokyo, Japan. Attendees will be introduced to the Aras advanced open source PLM suite, discover the value of integrating Aras with ERP and other enterprise business systems, and see live demonstrations of Aras solutions.

ACE 2011 Japan - October 14, 2011
Details and Registration: http://www.hitachijoho.com/seminar/2011/10/1014.html
Free to Attend - No Fee. Space is Limited - Registration Required.

Presentations, demonstrations and discussions include Realizing Aras Innovator in Enterprise PLM, and Deploying Aras for Integration with ERP, SCM, CAD and PDM systems. ACE 2011 Japan is ideal for companies that want to reduce product lifecycles, improve quality and centralize information across sales, purchasing, engineering, design, manufacturing and maintenance.

Whether you're a business executive at a large enterprise, a manager at a midsized company or the IT pro at a start-up, you'll get valuable information and insight necessary to achieve success with Aras PLM. For more information, please visit http://www.hitachijoho.com/seminar/2011/10/1014.html

ITI TranscenData at PLM Europe 2011

ITI TranscenData announced today their sponsorship of PLM Europe – the Siemens PLM Connection 2011 event in Linz Austria, 17 – 19 October. The PLM Europe event is an ideal forum for ITI TranscenData to view the latest technology available from Siemens, and offers the perfect venue for exchanging ideas with Siemens PLM users from over 25 European countries on important issues facing their industries today..

ITI TranscenData is pleased to be a Gold Sponsor of this year’s event. ITI has been a Siemens PLM partner for over 15 years, providing complimentary solutions and services for Siemens PLM customers. The PLM Europe event assists ITI TranscenData in maintaining a strong alignment between their interoperability solutions and the needs of the Siemens PLM community.

“Being a supplier of Siemens’ product components, particularly the Teamcenter integration products, we see PLM Europe as a fantastic opportunity for us to meet a wide selection of end users and discuss their interoperability requirements and experiences.” says Don Hemmelgarn, President of ITI TranscenData. “We have found in previous years at PLM Europe that users of our Pro/Engineer and Solidworks Integrations take advantage of this opportunity to meet one-on-one with our key PDM experts. This year we look forward to once again networking with our clients, as well as demonstrating how we can help make their Teamcenter activities more effective.”

ITI TranscenData has also engaged with Siemens PLM customers by deploying interoperability solutions such as CADIQ®, Proficiency® and CADfix® to streamline processes, ensuring they get optimum value from their PLM investments. Experienced ITI TranscenData consultants will be available for questions and assisting in various sessions of the event. Customers visiting ITI at Stand No. 32 will be able to learn more about these solutions:

PDM Integrations

Solidworks (SWIM) and Pro/Engineer (IPEM) integrations to Teamcenter (SWIM & IPEM are Siemens PLM Products)
Migration Services – PDM and PLM to Teamcenter with a business focus
Implementation Services – Install, configure, and develop the right use cases for SWIM & IPEM
Network with other clients in the ITI/Siemens community using SWIM & IPEM


Validation of CAD model translation into NX within a multi-CAD supply chain
Validation of corporate CAD system migrations to NX
Validation of JT, STEP or Parasolid exports and collaborative processes
Ensuring the stability of CAD model geometry and PMI data within a 3D MDB environment


Feature based CAD migration into NX, especially from CATIA V5
Enabling OEM compliance within a multi-CAD supply chain


Effective BREP translation between CAD, CAM and CAE applications
Supporting JT collaboration and translation with JT import and export interfaces

Sigmetrix, LLC Launches Virtual Training Program for Tolerance Analysis Extension in PTC's Pro/ENGINEER® and Creo®

Sigmetrix, a global leader in providing precise, easy-to-use assembly design and tolerance analysis software, today announced that it will now provide webinar-based training for Tolerance Analysis Extension in PTC's Pro/ENGINEER and Creo products, based on CETOL 6 Sigma Technology. CETOL 6 Sigma is the market leader for robust assembly design leveraging Sigmetrix' unique, advanced assembly design tools along with variation and tolerance analysis and optimization.

The instructor-led, 4-hour webinar training course provides students with a basic understanding of how to use Pro/ENGINEER Tolerance Analysis Extension (TAE). Students will learn how to solve one-dimensional problems using TAE, how to build a model in TAE, and how to manipulate that model in the Measurement Table and the Dimension Loop Diagram. In addition, students will learn to use the Analysis Results including sensitivity plots and contributors.

"We are very excited to offer this virtual training option for Pro/ENGINEER and Creo," stated Sigmetrix VP of Sales Chris Wilkes. "With the cost of travel always on the rise, we are pleased to offer TAE training that combines the best of an instructor led course while offering a more cost-effective option. Customer feedback has been very positive as we keep the class size small to maximize instructor interaction."

About Creo Elements/Pro Tolerance Analysis Extension powered by CETOL Technology

With the Creo Elements/Pro Tolerance Analysis Extension powered by CETOL Technology, design engineers gain powerful tolerance analysis capabilities within their design environment. The Tolerance Analysis Extension maintains associativity with the Creo Elements/Pro model, which delivers a host of valuable benefits: any change in the model is automatically reflected in the analysis parameters; the software automatically validates dimensions and dimension loops; it uses easily understandable graphs to help design engineers compare design variations; and it supports Six Sigma design methodologies, so design engineers can build models optimized for manufacturing.

Z Corporation 3D Printed Model of Historic Homestead to Be Featured on New Season of 'This Old House'

This Old House, the beloved public TV series for home renovation enthusiasts, will use a highly detailed 3D printed architectural model from Z Corporation to communicate planned improvements to a historic Bedford, Mass., homestead once owned by a prominent Revolutionary War figure, Nathaniel Page. The model will be featured in the Oct. 6 and Oct. 13 episodes, and make other appearances during the 16-episode season (check local listings or www.thisoldhouse.com/tvschedule for dates and times in your area).

The 14-piece multicolor physical 3D model – 28 inches x 21 inches x 9 inches – can be assembled in two ways, depicting the Nathaniel Page Homestead before and after two additions and a thorough renovation. The model includes removable rooftops and second floor, and a fully detailed interior.

"The 3D model powerfully communicates the architect's vision for the finished home before we pry off the first clapboard," said Dan Quaile, the architect for the This Old House Bedford Project. "The designers, contractors, viewers and homeowners get a much clearer image of the project than they could through 2D plans and conversation alone."

This Old House plans to use more of Z Corporation's models down the road, most immediately for their next project in Barrington, R.I.

The story of 3D printed models communicating design intent for building professionals, their clients, and other stakeholders is a familiar one as architects have begun discovering the ability to quickly create physical 3D models that are more highly detailed, accurate and affordable than handcrafted models. ZPrinted models can be printed in traditional architectural white or in full color.

Z Corporation 3D printers create physical objects from 3D design files much as document printers create business letters from word-processing files. ZPrinters are the only 3D printers capable of simultaneously printing in multiple colors.

The Nathaniel Page Homestead belongs to Rebecca and Joe Titlow. Joe is Z Corporation's vice president of product management and in one of the episodes explains to host Kevin O'Connor how 3D printing works. "It was a lot of fun to bring my work home with me this time," he said. "I was thrilled that the crew was able to use the model."

Slideshow: http://www.thisoldhouse.com/toh/photos/0,,20496787,00.html

Project details: http://www.thisoldhouse.com/toh/tv/house-project/overview/0,,20496798,00.html

Tag Games Uses Autodesk 3ds Max Software for "Funpark Friends" 3D Mobile Game

Autodesk, Inc announced that Tag Games used Autodesk 3ds Max modeling, animation and rendering software to create striking 3D environments for “Funpark Friends”, a new build-your-own theme park simulator game for iPhone and iPod Touch mobile digital devices. “Funpark Friends” incorporates eye-catching 3D elements that help the game stand out from other games on the market.

Developing games with a 3D workflow helps smaller studios like Tag Games attract attention in a competitive market. “Many people still download or buy a game based on a screenshot. They are judging your game on one static screenshot, and 3D makes a much bigger impact than 2D,” said Paul Farley, managing director, Tag Games.

“Our primary concern is standing out in our field, while maintaining tight budgets and a small, but highly efficient team. The answer was to move towards 3D gaming,” added Stewart Graham, head of game art, Tag Games. “3ds Max was the obvious tool for us. It’s a reliable application that offers everything we need in a single package. 3ds Max has never failed to deliver for us.”

Tag Games designers used 3ds Max to shape and create the distinct visual design of “Funpark Friends”. “We were going for a recognizable, plastic toy look that players could experience in a 3D environment,” said Martin McGregor, game artist, Tag Games. “3ds Max offered the flexible toolset we needed to accomplish this. Features like TurboSmooth made it easier to get the exact look we wanted for the game.”

“We are seeing a growing trend of mobile, social and casual game developers adopting 3D workflows,” said Marc Stevens, vice president, Autodesk Games. “Games like ‘Funpark Friends’ are a great example of the high quality you can achieve with 3D software. It’s these more impactful, 3D visuals that grab the consumer’s eye and help games stand out in the crowded mobile game market.”

Watch the Tag Games video profile on the Autodesk YouTube channel to learn more about how the company is using 3ds Max software to develop fun and eye-catching mobile and social games.

Delcam to show complete dental system at BDTA Dental Showcase

Delcam will demonstrate its range of software and equipment for the design and manufacture of dental implant restorations at the BDTA Dental Showcase to be held at the NEC, Birmingham, from 20th to 22nd October. Delcam is the only company able to offer a complete implantology solution to dental manufacturers, from accurately capturing the implant position and orientation, through to the high-precision, multi-axis milling of customised abutments, implant bridges and dental bars, with a management system to track every stage of the process.

The key to the Delcam process is a range of scan adaptors that are compatible with the leading brands of dental implant. Once the scan adaptors have been fitted to the model of the jaw, the scanner can accurately capture the positions and orientations of the implants, together with the shape of the remaining teeth. The precise fit of the scan adaptors, coupled with the latest generation of white-light 3D scanning technology used in the Delcam scanners, ensures the highest possible accuracy in the data collected.

Starting with high-quality data makes it possible for users of Delcam’s DentCAD design software to produce the restorations to the highest levels of accuracy. This is important for all types of restoration but is essential for inlays and onlays to give a good fit with the remaining portion of the natural tooth, and for dental bars, which may need to match as many as six implants.

Furthermore, the same manufacturing data that is used to produce the scan adaptors is incorporated into the templates within the DentMILL CAM system that generate the milling instructions to manufacture the implant interfaces on the restorations. Again, the resulting high accuracy is absolutely essential for bridges and dental bars that need to align with a number of implants.

As well as providing the individual components needed for a dental design and manufacturing system, Delcam offers the Delcam Dental Manager to manage the entire process. This enables laboratories to track and access all files and transactions from the initial dental scan, through CAD modelling and manufacturing to delivery to the customer.

The laboratory’s customers don’t need to install any software as the complete system is Internet based. A secure log-in system allows orders to be placed through an order screen that allows customers to identify the required restorations and, based on the prescription, select the material, colour and any extra details.

The Delcam Dental Manager then allows laboratory staff to monitor the progress of the order, highlighting any outstanding steps so that the overall workload can be monitored. Customers can be allowed to view the status of their order, and can be notified by email when orders are received and dispatched.

In a similar way, the system can be used in milling centres to manage the manufacturing process, from the receipt of the design data, through manufacturing and dispatch.

Dassault Systèmes' 3DVIA Mixes It up with Animated 3D Characters from Mixamo

Dassault Systèmes today announced a partnership between its 3DVIA brand and Mixamo, the online, 3D animation service. As a result of the partnership, some 270,000 3DVIA account holders can purchase Mixamo animated characters through the 3dvia.com online store for easy use in 3D development projects.

“Mixamo’s animated characters will open doors for 3DVIA’s community of 3D application developers,” said Lynne Wilson, CEO of 3DVIA, Dassault Systèmes. “These animations will not only help developers shorten dev cycles, but provide them with compelling, pre-made content.”

Eighty Mixamo animations with characters are currently available on the 3dvia.com Store, with plans to add more from the thousands available on the Mixamo website. Characters range from humans to animals and are searchable via a “Mixamo” and “Animations” link from the top-level “Store” tab on 3DVIA’s home page. All Mixamo animations, which are bundled with their corresponding characters and textures at the time of download, have been optimized for easy use in 3DVIA Studio, 3DVIA’s powerful, yet easy-to-use, development tool for creating online, 3D applications.

“Like 3DVIA, Mixamo prides itself on providing accessible 3D solutions that aid in the development process,” said Stefano Corazza, PhD, CEO of Mixamo. “We’re excited to extend our offerings to the 3DVIA community and look forward to further integration.”

3DVIA is Dassault Systèmes’ brand for online 3D lifelike experiences. It establishes 3D as a universal media for consumer and professional communities, and allows anyone to imagine, play and experience products and services used in our daily lives.

Spacesaver® Corp live on IFS Applications in first of four divisions

Fort Atkinson, Wis. based storage solutions provider Spacesaver® Corp., a division on KI, Green Bay, WI., has gone live on IFS Applications in the first of four divisions to implement the enterprise resource planning (ERP) suite.

Spacesaver’s High Bay archival storage division is now live on IFS Applications components for Financials, Distribution, Maintenance, Project Management, Document Management and Human Resources. High Bay archival storage was chosen as the first go-live as the up to 45-foothigh shelving product line was acquired relatively recently in 2007 and could be implemented quickly as management prepares the rest of the organization for the move from a green screen legacy system to a modern application suite with the usability-enhanced IFS Enterprise Explorer user interface.

Spacesaver operates in multiple manufacturing modes, including mixed-mode, engineer-to-order (ETO) and configure-to-order (CTO). This ability to work in multiple manufacturing modes allows Spacesaver to have a broad array of product solutions such as high density storage, evidence lockers, document storage systems, locking storage cabinets, and library shelving units. Spacesaver’s storage solutions are used by customers across a variety of settings from the Chicago Field Museum of Natural History and Sotheby’s Auction House to Lockheed Martin Missiles and Fire Control and Toyota Automotive Manufacturing.

“Spacesaver is on a growth trajectory, but we knew we could not handle the type of growth we are seeing with our legacy system,” Spacesaver Director of Information Technology Eric Schmidt said. “IFS Applications will allow us to serve our customers even better than we historically have by reducing customer order lead times and optimizing inventory levels, forecasting, planning and shop floor routing.”

“As we go live on IFS Applications, we are finding that our selection of IFS was a good one,” Spacesaver ERP Project Manager Anil Rodrigues said. “IFS Applications is a great fit for mid-sized companies that need a tier 1 ERP solution because it offers a balance between robust functionality and simplicity.”

“As a company that runs in a true multi-mode manufacturing environment, Spacesaver really does need the agility and flexibility that IFS Applications delivers,” IFS Vice President of Sales Mike Lorbiecki said. “No other package delivers the broad spectrum of ETO, CTO and make-to-order functionality as effectively as IFS Applications.”

Industrial manufacturing is one of IFS’ seven targeted market segments. IFS has a broad customer base in the industry, focusing on medium to large-sized manufacturers that need support for complex order-driven and mixed-mode manufacturing across the extended enterprise. With strong support for project management, engineering, constraint-based scheduling, product configuration, and after-sales support, IFS’ component-based business solutions are designed to help companies improve quality, contain costs, and improve their competitive position in manufacturing industry segments such as machinery, defense, fabricated metal products, and plastics. Industrial manufacturing companies also benefit from IFS’ lifecycle management solution, which goes beyond product lifecycle management (PLM) to provide better integration and management of three critical business areas—products, customers, and resources—throughout their lifecycles.

IFS Industrial Manufacturing customers include Chief Industries, Colfax Corporation, Kongskilde, Nolato Group, Bombardier, GEA Pharma Systems, PartnerTech, Stolle Machinery, Völkl, and Johnson Pump.

Trimble Announces Trimble Point Creator for CAD and Autodesk Revit

Latest Point Creation Software Provides the Ability for Contractors, MEP Tradesmen, and Engineers to Create 2D and 3D Field Points for Construction Layout within their Native CAD and AutoDesk Revit Applications.

Trimble (NASDAQ: TRMB) today announced updates to its Trimble® Point Creator software platform by introducing plug-ins for CAD and Autodesk® Revit® users. Existing users of Autodesk Revit 2012 (Architecture, MEP, and Structures versions) and popular CAD platforms, such as AutoCAD®, AutoCAD® MEP®, Bricscad, and ZWcad can operate natively within the Trimble Point Creator application to create 2D and 3D points. The points are then easily transferred to the Trimble LM80, Trimble MEP, and Trimble Field Link solutions for construction layout in the field.

Trimble Point Creator for CAD and Autodesk Revit was designed for the engineer, contractor, and sub-contractor looking to bridge the gap between the design process and work executed in the field. Incorporating data from many applications across the building lifecycle, project participants can minimize data re-entry and maximize efficiency and accuracy required for the construction layout process.

Featuring user defined point placement on CAD block objects, as well as Revit object families in either 2D or 3D views, Trimble Point Creator allows replication of points through easy to use wizards and automation routines. Once field points are created in the model, Trimble Point Creator generates a job file properly scaled and aligned, providing the user with the ability to immediately open and use the data in the field. This simplified process omits the need for further adjustments which can be time consuming and prone to error.

"Integrating Autodesk's Revit into Trimble Point Creator fits strategically into our vision of providing solutions that span the entire spectrum of our customer base," said Pat Bohle, general manager of Trimble's Building Construction Division. "Making it easier for general contractors, MEP contractors, and engineers to add field points into their existing design applications helps to facilitate the transfer of virtual design data to the field. In the end, our customers are more productive and efficient."

Trimble Point Creator for CAD and Autodesk Revit can be purchased through Trimble's QuickPen Division or Trimble's worldwide Building Construction Distribution Network and is expected to be available electronically in English, French, German and Dutch versions this Fall/Winter 2011.

To be notified when the new version of Trimble Point Creator will be available, visit: http://partners.bimtofield.com/get-TPC to register.

Schott Systeme GmbH Completes a Successful EMO Exhibition

German CAD/CAM software developer Schott Systeme GmbH has recorded one of their most successfully EMO exhibitions to date. Increased interest in the company’s CAD, CAM and IT software was helped by Schott Systeme’s continuation of their ‘Transparent Pricing’ policy of not charging for yearly software maintenance, while at the same time maintaining a product price freeze for the 14th consecutive year. Visitors to their stand were presented with live demonstrations covering the latest developments in integrated hybrid CAD design, 2.5D through to 5 axis milling, professional engraving, as well as turning and wire cutting. In addition, a number of brand new machining strategies for 2011 were also displayed live on CNC machinery located on the Schott Systeme stand. This machinery included one of the smallest 5 axis simultaneous dental milling machines (DWX-50) from Roland DG Germany GmbH, and to help promote CNC machining within education, the iModela, the smallest 3 axis milling machine at the EMO, with a milling area of only 75x50x20mm.

To see the 5 axis dental machining in action visit - http://www.schott-systeme.com/index.php/en/cad-cam-videos/86-cam-software-video-dental-machining.html

SCHOTT SYSTEME GmbH is a German software company that has for over 25 years, successfully developed and marketed a wide range of product families for graphic and design, CAD and construction, product presentation and documentation, computer aided manufacture and numerous specialist applications.

ESI sponsors in-house engineer David Prono for a transatlantic boat race

ESI Group announces the participation of employee David Prono in the Charente-Maritime/Bahia Transat 6,50 (former Mini Transat), a single-handed race across the Atlantic Ocean on a 6.50 meter sail boat without assistance, departing from La Rochelle on September 25.

Originally from Brittany, 31 years old David has enjoyed sailing with his family since the age of 10. In 2000, he joined his first regatta in La Trinité-sur-mer, Brittany. He joined ESI in 2007 and was based for two years in San Diego, where he had the opportunity to join a local sailing crew and experienced the unique atmosphere, and the numerous challenges, of team sailing. Back in France, David decided to go solo and set himself a new personal challenge by registering for the 2011 ‘Mini’ transatlantic race.

All the best single-handed skippers have taken part in the Charente-Maritime/Bahia Transat 6,50 at least once and it is thus recognized as the one race to begin a career in offshore sailing races. The list of predecessors is impressive: Isabelle Autissier, Ellen MacArthur, Loïck Peyron and Laurent Bourgnon, to name only a few.

This year’s edition of the Charente-Maritime/Bahia Transat 6,50 will depart from the French port of La Rochelle on September 25. After a stopover in the Portuguese Island of Madeira, skippers are expected to spend an average of 4 weeks at sea with little sleep and no communications with the outside world. Boats should reach the finishing line in Bahia, Brazil next month. Of course David’s colleagues from ESI South America eagerly await his arrival.

“We’re very proud of David. Qualifying for this race after only one year of preparation is already an achievement and the commitment of being on the starting line next Sunday. Skippers will have no margin for error; only excellence will do and he will have to get it right. It shows great courage and dedication. All values that ESI shares and promotes. We truly wish him the best for this competition and look forward to celebrating his arrival in Bahia,” declared Alain de Rouvray, Chairman and CEO of ESI Group.

ESI’s interest in off-shore yacht racing extends beyond celebrating the personal involvement of its staff. For example the company is currently working with naval architect Romaric Neyhousser on the composite material properties of skipper Lalou Roucayrol’s new trimaran. This work is being led by David Prono, Composites Marine Domain Expert at ESI. David has worked towards several global virtual prototyping projects in the marine industry, including the Safran Open 60 race yacht project, which was highlighted at the JEC Composites show in Paris last April.

ESI Group will be present at the start of the race in La Rochelle on 25 September, 5pm. David Prono is registered as number 728. His boat is sponsored by ESI with the company’s tagline ‘Get it Right’ as its name. Lalou Roucayrol is David’s godfather for the race.

T-Rex in the Real World Chosen Short Course for Pointwise User Group Meeting

T-Rex in the Real World: Troubleshooting Difficult Grids will be the topic of the training short course on 8 November during the Pointwise User Group Meeting in Fort Worth, TX. The topic was chosen by Pointwise users during a poll.

T-Rex, or anisotropic tetrahedral extrusion, is Pointwise's viscous unstructured meshing technique. Dr. Chris Sideroff and Travis Carrigan will discuss how to use this tool for dealing with complex mesh generation problems.

The course will cover meshing of narrow gaps, high curvature regions, transitioning from viscous to non-viscous boundaries and growing layers from quadrilateral surface meshes. Each of these will include how to determine the source of the problem, will give an overview of the appropriate strategy to resolve it and show specific examples that demonstrate the solution.

Dr. Sideroff joined Pointwise in September 2007 after working as a petroleum engineer for the NATCO Group, a CAD engineer for ARV Development, and a computer technician for Harddata Ltd. Dr. Sideroff earned both a B.S. and M.S. in mechanical engineering from the University of Alberta in 2000 and 2003. He earned a Ph.D. in mechanical engineering from Syracuse University in 2009, where his dissertation subject was "Detailed Examinations of the Human Micro-Environment by CFD".

Travis Carrigan joined Pointwise as a technical sales engineer after completing his M.S. in aerospace engineering at the University of Texas at Arlington in May 2011. He interned at Pointwise beginning May 2008, producing demonstration and application videos and working in technical support, doing grid projects and quality assurance testing. During a prior internship at Vought Aircraft Industries, Mr. Carrigan worked as a quality engineer on the Boeing 787 Dreamliner Program. His thesis subject was "Aerodynamic Shape Optimization of a Vertical Axis Wind Turbine." He received his B.S. in aerospace engineering in 2009 from UTA.

For more information about the user group meeting, see www.pointwise.com/ugm. Early registration discounts end 30 September.

Pointwise, Inc. is solving the top problem facing engineering analysts today - mesh generation for computational fluid dynamics (CFD). The company's Gridgen and Pointwise software generates structured, unstructured and hybrid meshes; interfaces with CFD solvers, such as ANSYS FLUENT, STAR-CD, ANSYS CFX and OpenFOAM as well as many neutral formats, such as CGNS; runs on Windows (Intel and AMD), Linux (Intel and AMD), Mac and Unix, and has scripting languages that can automate CFD meshing. Large manufacturing firms and research organizations worldwide rely on Pointwise as their complete CFD preprocessing solution.

More information about Gridgen and Pointwise is available at pointwise.com.