
Jul 27, 2009

Think3 part of the crew at the “International School of Yacht Engineering”

The intensive naval design course will be held at the Ravenna campus of the University of Bologna Engineering Faculty.

Think3 will play a teaching role at the International School of Yacht Engineering (ISYE) for the international naval design course organised by the University of Bologna Engineering Faculty (Ravenna campus), in association with the Flaminia Foundation and with the support of the Ravenna Port Authority.

The course, comprising three weeks in September 2009 (Summer School) and two in January 2010 (Winter School), aims to provide a high level of specialisation in the sector to students and those already employed in naval design wishing to improve their knowledge. Subjects taught at the Summer School include naval architecture, problems relating to structures, legislative aspects, manufacturing techniques and the latest techniques used for experimental testing and simulation of hulls and interiors using a water tank and Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD). Lessons at the Winter School will concentrate on propeller and sail propulsion to give students a complete outline of the knowledge required to manage a detailed naval design project.

Lessons will be taught by a wide range of internationally renowned teachers and naval design experts from Italy and abroad. Think3 will be responsible for two sessions to be held on the 16th and 24th of September. The sessions are entitled ‘Modelling of hulls’ (taught by Davide Ciarloni) and ‘Designing a naval layout’ (taught by Marco Brandoni) and aim to demonstrate the potential of 3D and the think3 ThinkDesign CAD solution in naval design. Specifically, Ciarloni and Brandoni will explain how think3 Global Shape Modelling (GSM) technology allows for rapid yet accurate modifications to forms whilst maintaining the original ideas of the designer, thus encouraging total freedom in the design and modification of complex surfaces. GSM enables the designer to modify a form quickly and obtain immediate visual feedback to assess the impact on the design, thus enabling interaction with product rendering and intuitive working processes.

Think3 is able to provide numerous references from the naval design sector. CRN, Zuccon International Project, Hydro Tec, GP Service and Meccano Engineering are just some of the illustrious companies that have seen involvement with think3, without of course forgetting the preferential relationship with the naval engineering faculties at various Italian universities. Think3 participation at the School of Yacht Engineering continues to cement the close links, begun in 2004, with the University of Bologna.

Prof. Alfredo Liverani, head of the School of Yacht Engineering, adds: “The think3 CAD platform is able to combine the creativity of modelling quality surfaces and management of complex geometries in all their detail, two vital features for a successful naval design project”.

Teaching will include not only theory but also practical experiments and visits to companies operating in the sector to ensure direct contact with boatyards and suppliers of seafaring technology. The courses will be held at the Ravenna campus of the University of Bologna Engineering Faculty.