
Jul 21, 2009

AREVA Names ANSYS Certified Supplier

International Nuclear Energy Leader Recognizes ANSYS as an Organization Essential to its Growth.

SOUTHPOINTE, Pa - ANSYS, Inc. (NASDAQ: ANSS), a global innovator of simulation software and technologies designed to optimize product development processes, has been awarded an AREVA Certified Supplier seal of approval, strengthening the relationship between the two organizations.

As a world leader in the nuclear power industry, AREVA works with key suppliers in its efforts to expand operations and develop new markets. It named ANSYS among 170 U.S. and Canadian companies that received this mark of distinction, citing how essential AREVA’s partners are in deploying activities that support the company’s growth.

Becoming an AREVA Certified Supplier entailed meeting 25 criteria, such as quality, sustainable development values and competitiveness. Other decisive areas included investment in innovation and R&D, capacity to tackle new markets, and attention to nuclear/occupational safety and the environment.

“With this distinction, AREVA announces that it intends more than ever to strengthen its relationship with the companies that work closely with them,” said Jim Cashman, president and CEO of ANSYS, Inc. “AREVA has had a long-standing relationship with ANSYS and has used our products throughout the world in its nuclear energy applications.

In fact, ANSYS® is AREVA’s standard solution for mechanical analysis across the enterprise. One application example is design optimization for the European Pressurized Reactor (EPR), one of the first GenIII+ reactors under construction. The completed projects deliver a steady stream of energy with increased reactor safeguards.”